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Last active July 28, 2017 17:24
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Jekyll/Amazon S3/Dropbox cron script
export PATH="$PATH"
############ CHANGE VARS BELOW ##############
############# CHANGE VARS ABOVE #############
# Jekyll/Amazon S3/Dropbox cron script:
# This script does the following:
# 1) stops dropbox sync
# 2) incrementally builds a jekyll site from the user's Dropbox
# 3) 'cleans' blank lines from output HTM(L) and XML files with sed
# 4) uploads built files to s3 via the s3_website gem
# 5) restarts dropbox sync
# 6) logs the output
# Assumptions:
# Dropbox client is running as a daemon
# 'jekyll --build' works for this user
# 's3_website push' works for this user
# Warnings:
# Error handling is rudimentary at best. Jekyll's failure
# methods have varying degrees of unpredictable output. If
# a '_config.yml' exists in your source folder and an 'index'
# exists in the destination after the build, this script will
# push its output to your s3 bucket even if the build is broken!
# If you run this on a BSD (including OSX) with a POSIX sed, the
# sed command will likely need to be modified!
# Don't forget to add the output log to logrotate.
# Optimally, run this script in a user's cron, no elevated privileges
# are required if the associated files are all accessible to the user.
# If additional paths are required, modify the PATH statement above
# by adding a : followed by more paths. Ex:
# export PATH="$PATH:/some/where/bin:/some/where/else/bin"
sourcecheck="$(ls "$sourcedir" | grep _config.yml)"
status="$($dropbox status)"
index="$(ls "$destdir" | grep index)"
s3config="$(ls "$s3_website_confdir" | grep s3_website.yml)"
if [[ -z "$sourcecheck" ]] || [[ -z "$s3config" ]] || [ "$status" != "Up to date" ]; then
prefail="$(echo -e 'Either dropbox is not idle, or a required component was not found.\nCheck config variables and try again.' && $dropbox start && echo 'Failed on' `date` && echo '---')"
echo "${prefail}" >> "$log"
exit 1;
build="$(echo 'Began on' `date` && $dropbox stop && $jekyll build --source "$sourcedir" --destination "$destdir" --incremental)"
echo "${build}" >> "$log"
find $destdir -type f \( -name "*.htm*" -o -name "*.xml" \) -exec sed -i '/^\s*$/d' {} \;
if [[ -z "$index" ]]; then
buildfail="$(echo 'No index file found in destination, the jekyll build may have failed. No s3 upload was performed' && $dropbox start && echo 'Failed on' `date` && echo '---')"
echo "${buildfail}" >> "$log"
exit 1;
s3push="$(cd "$destdir" && cd "../" && $s3_website push --config-dir "$s3_website_confdir" && $dropbox start && echo 'Success on' `date` && echo '---')"
echo "${s3push}" >> "$log"
$dropbox start
exit 0;
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