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Last active January 4, 2019 00:06
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React to user input as it is typed
fun! QueryInput() abort
" Set up the autocmd to react to the user typing
augroup textwatcher
autocmd CmdlineChanged * call s:on_text_changed()
augroup END
" Request input from the user
let search = input('Input: ')
" Tear down the autocmd which reacts to user typing
augroup textwatcher
augroup END
" Handle the user input
if search !=# ''
" User entered some text which is stored in the variable `search`
call setline(2, '" Got input from user: ' . search)
" User either did not enter any input or they cancelled
call setline(2, '" No input from user')
" This gets called when the text the user is typing has changed
fun! s:on_text_changed() abort
" get currently typed input with `getcmdline()`
" operate on that text
call setline(1, '" ' . getcmdline())
" Must redraw the screen since `input()` will only redraw the cmdline
" This is only needed if you make changes to the UI of Vim
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