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Last active February 21, 2020 12:22
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// Create a Worker we want to share memory with:
let w = new Worker(`data:text/javascript,
onmessage = ({data: memory}) => {
// Got WebAssembly.Memory once, log same instance forever with no further postMessages:
setInterval(() => console.log('Current buffer in worker:', memory.buffer), 5_000);
// Create a shared growable memory:
let m = new WebAssembly.Memory({ initial:1, maximum: 65536, shared: true });
// Send memory to the worker:
// ... within 5 seconds you should see SharedArrayBuffer(65536) in the console, coming from the Worker
// Now, let's grow memory by one page from the main thread:
// ... within 5 seconds you should see SharedArrayBuffer(131072) in the console
// This demonstrates that the previously shared memory object auto-updates on growth.
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