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Created October 22, 2021 19:28
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macros, bitops, tables, typetraits, strutils
proc exportifyIdent(node: NimNode, `export`: bool): NimNode =
if `export`:
nnkPostfix.newTree(ident"*", node)
macro makeBitStruct*(baseTyp: typedesc, name, body: untyped): untyped =
name.expectKind {nnkPrefix, nnkIdent}
if name.kind == nnkPrefix and $name[0] != "*":
error("for exporting prefix with a star(*)!", name)
`export` = name.kind == nnkPrefix
name = if `export`: name[1] else: name
nameDeclaration = exportifyIdent(name, `export`)
result = newStmtList(quote do:
type `nameDeclaration` = distinct `baseTyp`)
result.add((quote("@") do:
proc `==`*(a, b: @name): bool {.borrow.}))
result.add(quote("@") do:
proc `$`*(val: @name): string = toHex(@baseTyp(val)))
tagMasks: Table[string, uint64]
for field in body:
field.expectKind nnkCall
typ = field[1][0]
location = if field[0].kind == nnkPragmaExpr:
field[0][0] else:
location.expectKind nnkBracketExpr
if field[0].len > 2:
# assume it's parameterised
procName = exportifyIdent(location[0], `export`)
paramName = location[1]
isRange = location[2].kind == nnkInfix and $location[2][0] == ".."
a = if isRange: location[2][1] else: location[2]
b = if isRange: location[2][2] else: a
result.add(quote do:
proc `procName`(struct: `name`, `paramName`: int): `typ` {.inline, used.} =
a = `a`
b = `b`
mask = toMask[`baseTyp`](Slice[int](a: a, b: b))
`typ`(bitand(`baseTyp`(struct), mask) shr a)
proc `procName`(struct: var `name`, `paramName`: int, newVal: `typ`) {.inline, used.} =
a = `a`
b = `b`
mask = toMask[`baseTyp`](Slice[int](a: a, b: b))
struct = `name` bitor(bitand(`baseTyp`(struct), bitnot mask), bitand(`baseTyp`(newVal) shl a, mask)))
location[1].expectKind {nnkInfix, nnkIntLit}
if location[1].kind == nnkInfix and $location[1][0] != "..":
error("expected either a bit range or a single bit")
slice = if location[1].kind == nnkInfix:
Slice[int](a: int location[1][1].intVal, b: int location[1][2].intVal) else:
Slice[int](a: int location[1].intVal, b: int location[1].intVal)
mask = toMask[uint64](slice)
if field[0].kind == nnkPragmaExpr:
for tag in field[0][1]:
tagMasks.mgetOrPut($tag, 0'u64).setMask(uint64 mask)
if $location[0] != "_":
getterName = exportifyIdent(location[0], `export`)
setterName = exportifyIdent(ident($location[0] & "="), `export`)
shift = slice.a
invMask = newLit(not mask)
result.add(quote do:
proc `getterName`(struct: `name`): `typ` {.inline, used.} =
`typ`((`baseTyp`(struct) and cast[`baseTyp`](`mask`)) shr `shift`)
proc `setterName`(struct: var `name`, newVal: `typ`) {.inline, used.} =
struct = `name`((`baseTyp`(struct) and cast[`baseTyp`](`invMask`)) or ((`baseTyp`(newVal) shl `shift`) and cast[`baseTyp`](`mask`))))
for tagName, mask in tagMasks:
getterName = exportifyIdent(ident tagName, `export`)
setterName = exportifyIdent(ident(tagName & "="), `export`)
invMask = newLit(not mask)
result.add(quote do:
proc `getterName`(struct: `name`): `baseTyp` {.inline, used.} =
`baseTyp`(struct) and cast[`baseTyp`](`mask`)
proc `setterName`(struct: var `name`, newVal: `baseTyp`) {.inline, used.} =
struct = `name`((`baseTyp`(struct) and cast[`baseTyp`](`invMask`)) or (newVal and cast[`baseTyp`](`mask`))))
template getFieldMask*[T](field: untyped): untyped =
var x: T
x.field = true
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