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Created March 26, 2009 11:36
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  • Save RSpace/86027 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RSpace/86027 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<% content_for :head do %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'jquery.uploadify' %>
<% javascript_tag do %>
$(document).ready(function() {
'uploader': '/flash/uploader.swf',
'script': '<%= url %>',
'scriptData': { 'format': 'json', 'authenticity_token': encodeURIComponent('<%= form_authenticity_token if protect_against_forgery? %>'), '<%= Rails.configuration.action_controller.session[:session_key]%>': '<%= u session.session_id %>' },
'fileDataName': $('#file_uploader input:file')[0].name, // Extract correct name of upload field from form field
//'scriptAccess': 'always', // Incomment this, if for some reason it doesn't work
'multi': <%= allow_multiple_files %>,
'auto': true,
'fileDesc': '<%= dialog_file_description %> (<%= allowed_extensions.collect { |ext| "*.#{ext}" }.join(';') %>)',
'fileExt': '<%= allowed_extensions.collect { |ext| "*.#{ext}" }.join(';') %>',
'sizeLimit': <%= max_size %>,
'simUploadLimit': 1,
'buttonImg': '/images/button-fixed.png',
'width': 120,
'height': 24,
'cancelImg': '/images/cancel.png',
'onComplete': function(event, data) { $.getScript(location.href) }, // We assume that we can refresh the list by doing a js get on the current page
'displayData': 'speed'
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div id="file_uploader">
<p><%= f.file_field :uploaded_data %></p>
<div class="submitbutton"><%= submit_tag "Upload" %></div>
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