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Last active June 28, 2021 11:47
import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { isFeatureEnabled } from './reducers'
export default function createFeatureFlaggedContainer({ featureName, enabledComponent, disabledComponent }) {
function FeatureFlaggedContainer({ isEnabled, ...props }) {
const Component = isEnabled ? enabledComponent : disabledComponent;
if (Component) {
return <Component ..props />;
// `disabledComponent` is optional property
return null;
// Having `displayName` is very usefull for debuging.
FeatureFlaggedContainer.displayName = `FeatureFlaggedContainer(${ featureName })`;
return connect((store) => { isEnabled: isFeatureEnabled(store, featureName) })(FeatureFlaggedContainer);
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { isFeatureEnabled } from './reducers'
function EnabledFeature({ isEnabled, children }) {
if (isEnabled) {
return children;
return null;
export default connect((store, { name }) => { isEnabled: isFeatureEnabled(store, name) })(EnabledFeature);
import createFeatureFlaggedContainer from './createFeatureFlaggedContainer'
// Decorator for "Page" components.
// usage: enabledFeature('unicorns')(UnicornsPage);
export defualt function enabledFeature(featureName) {
return (Component) => {
return createFeatureFlaggedContainer({
enabledComponent: Component,
disabledComponent: PageNotFound, // 404 page or something similar
// This is quite simple reducer, containing only an array of features.
// You can attach this data to a `currentUser` or similar reducer.
// `BOOTSTAP` is global action, which contains the initial data for a page
// Features access usually don't change during user usage of a page
const BOOTSTAP = 'features/receive';
export default featuresReducer(state, { type, payload }) {
if (type === BOOTSTAP) {
return payload.features || [];
return state || [];
export function isFeatureEnabled(features, featureName) {
return features.indexOf(featureName) !== -1;
// This is your main reducer.js file
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
export features, { isFeatureEnabled as isFeatureEnabledSelector } from './features';
// ...other reducers
export default combineReducers({
// ...other reducers
// This is the important part, access to `features` reducer should only happens via this selector.
// Then you can always change where/how the features are stored.
export isFeatureEnabled({ features }, featureName) {
return isFeatureEnabledSelector(features, featureName);
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