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Last active January 3, 2016 12:39
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package com.myapp
class Post {
String content
static belongsTo = [user: User]
static constraints = {
package com.myapp
class User {
String username
static hasMany = [posts: Post]
static constraints = {
package com.myapp
import org.junit.Test
class UserIntegrationTests {
public void testDeleteFK() {
def alice = new User(username: 'Alice') true)
def post
post = new Post(user: alice, content: 'ketchup & mayo, please') true)
assert Post.count(), 'Post should have been saved'
// Since this is a test we add flush before continuing to the delete part true, flush: true)
def users = User.list()
users.each {
// Flush before continuing to the verification part
it.delete(flush: true) //DataIntegrityViolationException
assert !User.count(), 'All users should have been deleted'
assert !Post.count(), 'All post should have been cascade deleted'
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When the it.delete(flush: true) is executed, I get a foreign key restriction error:

| Failure:  testDeleteFK(com.myapp.UserIntegrationTests)
|  org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: could not delete: [com.myapp.User#1]; SQL [delete from user where id=? and version=?]; constraint ["FK3498A01D042DE0: PUBLIC.POST FOREIGN KEY(USER_ID) REFERENCES PUBLIC.USER(ID)";
SQL statement:
delete from user where id=? and version=? [23503-164]]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not delete: [com.myapp.User#1]
        at com.myapp.UserIntegrationTests$_testDeleteFK_closure1.doCall(UserIntegrationTests.groovy:97)
        at com.myapp.UserIntegrationTests.testDeleteFK(UserIntegrationTests.groovy:95)
Referential integrity constraint violation: "FK3498A01D042DE0: PUBLIC.POST FOREIGN KEY(USER_ID) REFERENCES PUBLIC.USER(ID)"; SQL statement:delete from user where id=? and version=? [23503-164]

If I replace:

post = new Post(user: alice, content: 'ketchup & mayo, please') true)


post = new Post(content: 'ketchup & mayo, please')

the test passes.

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