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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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  • Save RX14/009b5f4e062a483797dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RX14/009b5f4e062a483797dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
rx14@RX14-XUB:/data/programming/mcp909$ ./
== MCP 9.04 (data: 9.09, client: 1.8, server: 1.8) ==
"scalac" is not found on the PATH. Scala files will not be recompiled
# found wine, ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, astyle config, rg, ss
Looking in /home/rx14/.minecraft/versions for mc installs... OK
Copying assets... OK
Parsing JSON file... OK
Looking for minecraft main jar... Not found
Copying minecraft main jar... OK
> Checking libraries...
Copying library jinput... OK
Copying library lwjgl-platform... OK
Copying library icu4j-core-mojang... OK
Copying library trove4j... OK
Copying library httpcore... OK
Copying library log4j-api... OK
Copying library commons-lang3... OK
Copying library libraryjavasound... OK
Copying library jopt-simple... OK
Copying library guava... OK
Copying library commons-logging... OK
Copying library commons-compress... OK
Copying library twitch... OK
Copying library codecjorbis... OK
Copying library soundsystem... OK
Copying library librarylwjglopenal... OK
Copying library lwjgl_util... OK
Copying library commons-codec... OK
Copying library httpclient... OK
Copying library lwjgl... OK
Copying library commons-io... OK
Copying library realms... OK
Copying library authlib... OK
Copying library gson... OK
Copying library vecmath... OK
Copying library netty-all... OK
Copying library codecwav... OK
Copying library jinput-platform... OK
Copying library log4j-core... OK
Copying library jutils... OK
> Checking Natives...
Extracting native OK
Extracting native OK
Extracting native OK
Extracting native OK
Extracting native OK
Extracting native OK
== Decompiling client using fernflower ==
> Creating SRGs
> Applying SpecialSource
> Applying MCInjector
> Creating renamed srg
> Filtering classes
> Decompiling
> Unpacking jar
> Copying sources
> Applying fernflower fixes
> Applying patches
> Cleaning comments
- Done in 162.36 seconds
== Reformating client ==
> Cleaning sources
> Replacing OpenGL constants
!! reformating disabled due to no astyle or config !!
- Done in 4.17 seconds
== Updating client ==
> Adding javadoc
> Renaming sources
- Done in 4.53 seconds
!! Missing server jar file. Aborting !!
== Recompiling client ==
> Cleaning bin
> Recompiling
- Done in 46.86 seconds
> Generating client md5s
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