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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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<rx14> | i
<rx14> | am
<rx14> | pissed
<VicNightfall> | rx14: The Microsoft deal eh?
<rx14> | yup
<rx14> | i'm probably more pissed with CPW
<VicNightfall> | I'm okay with it as long as they don't interfere and others that decided to quit just for their morals. As far as i can see MS haven't done anything worse than any other company. Hell VS2013 and C# are awesome.
<Ecu> | Well.
<Ecu> | Now.. we get to see what MS will do with MC.
<rx14> | reading twitter while walking home from school
<rx14> | people were wondering why I was swearing
<VicNightfall> | rx14: Yeah. Microsoft hasn't done anything stupid yet. No need to rage quit
<rx14> | yup
<VicNightfall> | *yet*
<rx14> | i wonder if CPW will reappear in 6 months
<rx14> | but at the end of the day, it's his decision
<VicNightfall> | yeah
<VicNightfall> | My opinion:
<rx14> | exactly
<rx14> | i don't hate MS
<rx14> | i will hate what they DO
<rx14> | if they ruin it
<rx14> | WTF have MS done to CPW?
<VicNightfall> | Don't know
<rx14> | linux is better, but MS haven't done anything WRONG
<VicNightfall> | but if Apple had bought Mojang I would quit. Maybe he is something like that with MS
<rx14> | maybe
<rx14> | maybe
<rx14> | but apple would never buy a gaming company
<rx14> | I can never imagine notch approaching MS though
<VicNightfall> | And I don't like what they do too. I hate it if something like this happens. But I won't quit Mojang as they have done nothing wrong. It's money, the only true power on this planet.
<rx14> | ^
<rx14> | anyone else leaving apart from CPW?
<VicNightfall> | I don't know. But quite a few I think
<VicNightfall> | I mean, the reason why this community exists is BECAUSE no big company created this game and made it closed like a seashell
<copygirl> | Hello
<VicNightfall> | and a lot of the charme that it has by being an outsider's game disappeared now.
<rx14> | yup
<oitsjostjuse> | Yeah. But since Minecraft is going to inevitably be ruined by Microsoft anyways, I hope to see them at least rewrite it in c++ with a damn modding API.
<VicNightfall> | hey copygirl. What's your opinion on all of the MS shit?
<oitsjostjuse> | *insert drama here*
<oitsjostjuse> | drama drama
<copygirl> | Or should I say .... good morning? :)
<oitsjostjuse> | drama drama
<oitsjostjuse> | drama drama drama drama
<VicNightfall> | BAD morning
| * oitsjostjuse is now known as oitsjustjose
<rx14> | o/ copy
<Ecu> | Welcome to chaos, copygirl. ^-^
<oitsjustjose> | Not sure why mIRC had chosen my alt. username.... strange things
<oitsjustjose> | I BLAME MICROSOFT
<VicNightfall> | yes!
<oitsjustjose> | #BlameMicrosoft2014
<copygirl> | Modding API = can't sell extra content / DLC
<oitsjustjose> | oh god
<oitsjustjose> | DLC mods T.T
<copygirl> | What's going on here?
<copygirl> | Is the deal official now?
<VicNightfall> | I hope that they don't change the eula...
<oitsjustjose> | "I want BetterStorage" that'll be $3.99
<oitsjustjose> | yes
<oitsjustjose> |
<copygirl> | Ooohh.
<VicNightfall> | (...)
<Ecu> | cpw quit, copygirl.
<Ecu> | Completely this time.
<rx14> | "this time"
<rx14> | oh
<copygirl> | So.
<copygirl> | I read this.
<copygirl> | And it looks like:
<VicNightfall> | We are all doomed...
<copygirl> | 1) Mojang is tired of working on Minecraft?
| * VicNightfall runs far far away
<copygirl> | 2) Microsoft is going to get new people to work on Minecraft?
<copygirl> | Is that true?
<VicNightfall> | It's the power of money
<copygirl> | Well, when you don't want to continue working on something, why not give it away for a bunch of money?
<VicNightfall> | I think Mojang will still work on it. Jeb is still the lead programmer
<copygirl> | I don't blame them.
<oitsjustjose> | I mean, honestly
<oitsjustjose> | I'm not upset at them
<copygirl> | Where did you see that, Vic?
<oitsjustjose> | I'm upset by who bought it
<VicNightfall> |
<copygirl> | Microsoft is not that bad.
<oitsjustjose> | and their awful track record
<copygirl> | Actually.
<oitsjustjose> | at making games I feel they're awful
<copygirl> | You're probably right.
<VicNightfall> | It could all go well with MS only supporting them
<copygirl> | But not all of Mojang is bad.
<oitsjustjose> | true
<rx14> |
<copygirl> | If we're lucky, they'll give it to people who actually know what they're doing.
<rx14> | notch left.
<oitsjustjose> | This is what I hope: mojang stays the same, really. Just financially backed by MC
<VicNightfall> | I really hope
<oitsjustjose> | *MS
<copygirl> | I am a bit annoyed by them just giving something so big away though..
<VicNightfall> | Something like twitch & amazon
<VicNightfall> | copygirl: Maybe it's too big
<Ecu> | Notch basically "broke". He never really meant for things to escalate like this.
<oitsjustjose> | a few new devs here and there to help with the other platforms, but for the most part the basis of Mojang remains untouched
<oitsjustjose> | Ecu: exactly. Minecraft is at a size where Mojang could no longer really support it like it "deserved".
<Ecu> | Well I don't think that's it.. honestly.
<Ecu> | I honestly think it was notch..
<Ecu> |
<VicNightfall> | It's all about the money... shalalala
<Ecu> | Read this.
<copygirl> | I don't think Microsoft can do any better than Mojang.
<VicNightfall> | Not for notch but for MS
<VicNightfall> | never!
<copygirl> | Now I really feel like Notch should've gone to Valve.
<copygirl> | Imagine Valve-powered Minecraft
<VicNightfall> | valve <3
<copygirl> | They're really fond of Modding too.
<rx14> | according to sev: mojang brought MS, withing a year it will buy google
<VicNightfall> | No please
<VicNightfall> | Google becomes more creepy every day
<rx14> | notch will fix
<VicNightfall> | (aperture science inc.)
<rx14> | sell off everythign except search and fibre
<rx14> | then done
<rx14> | ohh
<rx14> |
<rx14> | fuck
<rx14> |
<rx14> | this
<rx14> | fuck sev is such a troll
<VicNightfall> | ~
<Ecu> | Hrm.. I am interested to see what MS has planned though..
<copygirl> | I'm not sure if I want to be working for MS for free.
| * Ecu snickers.
<Ecu> | Yeah.. I think that's going to be a lot of modder's opinions.
<VicNightfall> | You have been *working* for Mojang before. For free.
<Ecu> | But Mojang, I generally liked.
<VicNightfall> | I wouldn't call that work. PR maybe
<copygirl> | We made content for the game in form of mods.
<rx14> | i like MS, i have a C# t-shirt
<rx14> | and they have the best IDE
<rx14> | so...
<rx14> | it's not ALL bad
<copygirl> | Disussing whether or not that is working for free is stupid.
<copygirl> | It's not bad, but ... I don't like this situation.
<copygirl> | Many people will quit.
<rx14> | meh
<copygirl> | Microsoft *is* going to milk the Minecraft franchise(?) for money.
<copygirl> | Because they're that kind of company.
<rx14> | really?
<copygirl> | They don't do it willingly..
<VicNightfall> | Well we'll see
<VicNightfall> | If it happens, one can still quite. I will if they do a store for mods and all that...
<VicNightfall> | let's just hope that they don't ruin it
<Ecu> | It is possible that they do actually want to just advance the game and do things like the modding API and such.
<VicNightfall> | and I think they know that they have to be really careful. Especially after today
<copygirl> |
<rx14> | the WORST thing they can do is port to .NET
<rx14> | mainly because they wouln't make it mono compatible
<rx14> | if it was mono compatible, men, i'm fine
<rx14> | meh*
<copygirl> | Porting is stupid.
<copygirl> | It's going to break everyhing anyway.
<copygirl> | Just rewrite it.
<rx14> | yup
<VicNightfall> | I'm not resentful. MS has the power to advance the game. If they do, I'll love them for it.
| * SoundLogic ( has joined
<copygirl> | Either way, I can see the Modding community breaking up.
<copygirl> | I'm not sure I want to be part of this going forwar..
<copygirl> | forward*
<copygirl> | And I have been playing with the idea of working on my own game.
<copygirl> | Maybe it's time.
<VicNightfall> | Nah, you judge too quickly
<VicNightfall> | and that's what makes them to leave. Just wait.
<VicNightfall> | MS has created AoE, one of the best games ever.
<VicNightfall> |
<VicNightfall> | Doesn't sound too bad to me
<rx14> | look, every company makes bad decisions
<rx14> | the big ones make it more often, maybe because of money, or just that everyone gets less connected
<rx14> | microsoft has made bad decisions
<rx14> | but i know that can make good things too
<rx14> | don't hate MS
<VicNightfall> | Windows 7
<rx14> | hate their bad decisions _IF_ thay make any
<rx14> | W7 was good Xp was good Vista = shit Win8 was shit 8.1 with the new start menu is kinda cool
<rx14> | oh wait
<rx14> | was that leaked start menu W9 ?
<rx14> |
<VicNightfall> | well I don't see anything wrong with MS in the last couple of years. I haven't seen much that enraged me about them
<rx14> | ^
<VicNightfall> | W8 goes in the right direction. There is nothing wrong with trying to be innovatibe
<VicNightfall> | *ve
<rx14> | and innovation usually needs some refining to get right
<VicNightfall> | It was just a stupid idea to have it on non touch monitors
<rx14> | and windows 9 will probably strike that balance, with the trend of Xp/Vista/7/8/9 amazing/shit/amazing/shit/amazing
<VicNightfall> | And this prooves that they actually listen to their costumers
<rx14> | ^
<rx14> | they didn't just go FUCK YOU DEAL WITH IT, they listened and patched it in 8.1
<rx14> | i don't like touchscreens
<rx14> | my hands are sweatty even when i'm cold so touchscreens don't work out for me
<VicNightfall> | I bet there are a lot of good guys working at MS that have ideals and want to create content to amaze people
<rx14> | it gets BAD...
<copygirl> | I'm not saying that's not true.
<copygirl> | I'm not against any of it.
<copygirl> | I'm just not sure if I want to be part of this going forward.
<VicNightfall> | what's your problem with it then? I don't like the *aquire* bit
<rx14> | maybe MS did win8 shit on purpose, to make people HAVE to ujse it and start to like it before they introduced an option to turn it off
<VicNightfall> | But if they don't touch the workflow what should be wrong about it?
<VicNightfall> | rx14: I don't know. But I bet they have some sort of masterplan. Nobody can be that stupid to do something like this
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