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Last active January 19, 2016 19:30
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Implement a console script that solves the standard Queens puzzle:
* Take an argument – size of the board (N).
* Place N chess queens on an N×N chessboard so that no two queens threaten each other.
* Print the number of possible solutions.
* Print the time that was required to solve the problem.
Bonus 1
* Take an optional argument that displays an example of a solution or all solutions.
Bonus 2
* Take an optional argument that will mutate all queens to
“maharajas” – pieces that can attack as a queen and as a knight
Known values: (1, None, None, 2, 10, 4, 40, 92, 352, 724, 2680, 14200)
import argparse
import itertools
import operator
import random
import sys
import time
def solution_sequence(n):
"""This generates all states for given dimension value, searches for
problem's solutions and return them."""
fwd = tuple(range(n))
rev = tuple(reversed(fwd))
solutions = {}
# this is a bit faster but not so informative
# return [state for state in itertools.permutations(range(n), n)
# if len(set(map(operator.add, fwd, state))) == len(set(map(operator.add, rev, state))) == n]
for state in itertools.permutations(range(n), n):
res1 = set(map(operator.add, fwd, state))
res2 = set(map(operator.add, rev, state))
if len(res1) == len(res2) == n:
solutions[state] = 1
return solutions.keys()
def show_board(state):
"""Prints a board with given solution on."""
max_col = len(state)
for row, value in enumerate(state):
line = ['Q' if col == value else '+' for col in xrange(max_col)]
print('\t' + ' '.join(line))
def show_solution(index, state):
"""Prints textual representation of given solution."""
print('Solution[{}] is {}'.format(index + 1, state))
def arg_parser():
"""Defines the parser's rules."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='N queens problem.')
parser.add_argument('dimension', type=int, help='dimension of a board')
parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='enabledebug output ')
parser.add_argument('--board', action='store_true', help='show solution on board ')
parser.add_argument('--show', choices=['first', 'random', 'all'], help='how to show solutions')
return parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = arg_parser()
dimension = args.dimension
if 0 >= dimension or 1 < dimension < 4:
print('Error: Invalid input data')
print('Valid dimensions are 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and so on')
start = time.time()
solutions = solution_sequence(dimension)
spent = time.time() - start
print('{:>10}: {:>8d}'.format('Solutions', len(solutions)))
print('{:>10}: {:>8.02f} sec'.format('Time', spent))
if 'all' ==
for index, state in enumerate(solutions):
show_solution(index, state)
if args.board:
print('Board will show with show=first/random.')
elif in ('random', 'first'):
state = random.choice(solutions) if 'random' == else solutions[0]
show_solution(solutions.index(state), state)
if args.board and all !=
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