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Last active November 12, 2022 06:19
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Save RaWolFoX/7b506c4be158c56afbc999960c4cc2f9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is My crazy bashrc. If you have any improvements or corrections , let me know. This is for termux android, but it could work on any system with some tweaking. πŸ™‚
shopt -s histappend
shopt -s histverify
shopt -s expand_aliases
shopt -s cdable_vars
#history is set to unlimited. Change accsavedcmdsg to your need. Also
#change history format if you dont it
export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth:erasedups
export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%F %r ❘ "
export HISTSIZE=
#setting nano as default editor
export VISUAL="nano"
export EDITOR="nano"
#prompt command to better history
PROMPT_COMMAND="history -n; history -w; history -c; history -r; $PROMPT_COMMAND"
#simple prompt
\[\033[0;32m\]└─\[\033[0;32m\]➀\[\033[0m\] "
if [ -x /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/libexec/termux/command-not-found ]; then
command_not_found_handle() {
/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/libexec/termux/command-not-found "$1"
#function before setting aliases for accessing original commands
#opens gdu ui mode (install pkg gdu)
function gduui () {
gdu -a ;
#updated wget (install pkg wget2)
function wget () {
wget2 "$@" ;
#going n times back in directory
up ()
local d=""
for ((i=1 ; i <= limit ; i++))
d=$(echo $d | sed 's/^\///')
if [ -z "$d" ]; then
cd $d
#aliases (install pkgs bat, gdu, exa, adb, ack)
alias du="du -h -a -d 1 --apparent-size | sort -h"
alias nano="nano -l -Z -B --backupdir=/sdcard/Termux/nanoBackup"
alias showmyip="curl && echo && curl && curl && curl && curl && curl"
alias chmod="chmod -c"
alias rmall="rm -Irv"
alias rmv="rm -iv"
alias ps="ps -A --forest"
alias bathelp='bat --plain --language=help'
alias batv="bat --wrap=never --pager=never"
alias cat="batv"
alias batcat="bat --wrap=never"
alias catp="batv -p"
alias pkgse="pkg search"
alias gdu="gdu -np -a"
alias diff="colordiff"
alias ls="exa -a --icons --sort name"
alias lst="exa -T -a --icons --sort name -L 2"
alias lst1="exa -T -a --icons --sort name -L 1"
alias lst3="exa -T -a --icons --sort name -L 3"
alias lst4="exa -T -a --icons --sort name -L 4"
alias lst5="exa -T -a --icons --sort name -L 5"
alias lst6="exa -T -a --icons --sort name -L 6"
alias adbk="adb disconnect && sleep 2s && adb kill-server && echo 'adb server stopped'"
alias adbd="adb devices"
alias adbe="adb disconnect && sleep 2s && adb kill-server && sleep 1s && exit"
alias dozee="adb shell dumpsys deviceidle enabled"
alias dozeed="adb shell dumpsys deviceidle disable"
alias bashrccopy="cp '$PREFIX/etc/bash.bashrc' '/sdcard/Termux/bashrc/' && echo 'done'"
alias bashrcreplace="cp '/sdcard/Termux/bashrc/' '$PREFIX/etc/bash.bashrc' && echo bashrc replaced"
alias editbashrc="nano $PREFIX/etc/bash.bashrc"
alias viewbashrc="bat --wrap=never --language=sh $PREFIX/etc/bash.bashrc"
alias dexoptjob="adb shell pm bg-dexopt-job"
alias batsh="bat --language=sh"
alias cp="cp -irv"
alias grep="grep --color=always"
alias mv="mv -iv"
alias edit="nano"
alias cd..="cd .."
alias bd='cd "$OLDPWD"'
alias dir="ls -D"
alias ln="ln -iv"
alias histt="history"
alias q="exit"
alias cls="clear"
alias clrlog="logcat -b all -c"
alias aptrm="apt autoremove"
alias pkgcl="pkg clean && pkg autoclean"
alias aptup="apt update && sleep 1s && apt list ->
alias pkgup="pkg upgrade"
alias pkgunin="pkg uninstall"
#show help in colour
function help() {
"$@" --help 2>&1 | bathelp
#save command output to your internal storage/termux/savedcmds
function savetofile() {
local cmdfull="$@" &&
local cmdnmes="$(printf "$cmdfull" | sed -e 's/\'/'/β€Ί/g;s/ /β €/g;s/\'-'/⚊/g;s/|/οΈ±/g;s/_/▁/g;s/\\/β§Ή/g' | tr -d '*' )" &&
local cmdnme &&
printf -v cmdnme "%.250s" "$cmdnmes" &&
date +%I:%M:%S-%p\ \ \ %d/%m/%Y >> /sdcard/Termux/savedcmds/"$cmdnme".txt && printf "\n$cmdfull\n\n\n\n" >> /sdcard/Termux/savedcmds/"$cmdnme".txt && $* >> /sdcard/Termux/savedcmds/"$cmdnme".txt ; printf "\n\n\n\n____________________________________________________________\n\n\n\n" >> /sdcard/Termux/savedcmds/"$cmdnme".txt ;
#search packages
function pkgs () {
pkg search "$@" && pkg show "$@" ;
#search history
function hist() {
history | grep -i "$@" ;
# Automatically do an ls after each cd
cd() {
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
builtin cd "$@" && ls --group-directories-first -A
builtin cd ~ && ls --group-directories-first -A
#function to extract archives
function extract () {
if [ -f $1 ] ; then
case $1 in
*.tar.bz2) tar xjf $1 ;;
*.tar.gz) tar xzf $1 ;;
*.bz2) bunzip2 $1 ;;
*.rar) unrar x $1 ;;
*.gz) gunzip $1 ;;
*.tar) tar xf $1 ;;
*.tbz2) tar xjf $1 ;;
*.tgz) tar xzf $1 ;;
*.zip) unzip $1 ;;
*.Z) uncompress $1 ;;
*) echo "'$1' cannot be extracted :-(" ;;
echo "'$1' unknown file type :-("
#function exports
#exporting functions, so you can use it in scripts
export -f savetofile
export -f wget
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