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Created March 22, 2022 17:54
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neat little lsp rename function
function LspRename()
local curr_name = vim.fn.expand("<cword>")
local value = vim.fn.input("LSP Rename: ", curr_name)
local lsp_params = vim.lsp.util.make_position_params()
if not value or #value == 0 or curr_name == value then return end
-- request lsp rename
lsp_params.newName = value
vim.lsp.buf_request(0, "textDocument/rename", lsp_params, function(_, res, ctx, _)
if not res then return end
-- apply renames
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id)
vim.lsp.util.apply_workspace_edit(res, client.offset_encoding)
-- print renames
local changed_files_count = 0
local changed_instances_count = 0
if (res.documentChanges) then
for _, changed_file in pairs(res.documentChanges) do
changed_files_count = changed_files_count + 1
changed_instances_count = changed_instances_count + #changed_file.edits
elseif (res.changes) then
for _, changed_file in pairs(res.changes) do
changed_instances_count = changed_instances_count + #changed_file
changed_files_count = changed_files_count + 1
-- compose the right print message
print(string.format("renamed %s instance%s in %s file%s. %s",
changed_instances_count == 1 and '' or 's',
changed_files_count == 1 and '' or 's',
changed_files_count > 1 and "To save them run ':wa'" or ''
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