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Forked from iamnewton/
Last active October 9, 2024 09:57
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The entire table of ANSI color codes working in C!
* This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
* For more information, please refer to <>
//Regular text
#define BLK "\e[0;30m"
#define RED "\e[0;31m"
#define GRN "\e[0;32m"
#define YEL "\e[0;33m"
#define BLU "\e[0;34m"
#define MAG "\e[0;35m"
#define CYN "\e[0;36m"
#define WHT "\e[0;37m"
//Regular bold text
#define BBLK "\e[1;30m"
#define BRED "\e[1;31m"
#define BGRN "\e[1;32m"
#define BYEL "\e[1;33m"
#define BBLU "\e[1;34m"
#define BMAG "\e[1;35m"
#define BCYN "\e[1;36m"
#define BWHT "\e[1;37m"
//Regular underline text
#define UBLK "\e[4;30m"
#define URED "\e[4;31m"
#define UGRN "\e[4;32m"
#define UYEL "\e[4;33m"
#define UBLU "\e[4;34m"
#define UMAG "\e[4;35m"
#define UCYN "\e[4;36m"
#define UWHT "\e[4;37m"
//Regular background
#define BLKB "\e[40m"
#define REDB "\e[41m"
#define GRNB "\e[42m"
#define YELB "\e[43m"
#define BLUB "\e[44m"
#define MAGB "\e[45m"
#define CYNB "\e[46m"
#define WHTB "\e[47m"
//High intensty background
#define BLKHB "\e[0;100m"
#define REDHB "\e[0;101m"
#define GRNHB "\e[0;102m"
#define YELHB "\e[0;103m"
#define BLUHB "\e[0;104m"
#define MAGHB "\e[0;105m"
#define CYNHB "\e[0;106m"
#define WHTHB "\e[0;107m"
//High intensty text
#define HBLK "\e[0;90m"
#define HRED "\e[0;91m"
#define HGRN "\e[0;92m"
#define HYEL "\e[0;93m"
#define HBLU "\e[0;94m"
#define HMAG "\e[0;95m"
#define HCYN "\e[0;96m"
#define HWHT "\e[0;97m"
//Bold high intensity text
#define BHBLK "\e[1;90m"
#define BHRED "\e[1;91m"
#define BHGRN "\e[1;92m"
#define BHYEL "\e[1;93m"
#define BHBLU "\e[1;94m"
#define BHMAG "\e[1;95m"
#define BHCYN "\e[1;96m"
#define BHWHT "\e[1;97m"
#define reset "\e[0m"
#define CRESET "\e[0m"
#define COLOR_RESET "\e[0m"

Regular Colors

Value Color
\e[0;30m Black
\e[0;31m Red
\e[0;32m Green
\e[0;33m Yellow
\e[0;34m Blue
\e[0;35m Purple
\e[0;36m Cyan
\e[0;37m White


Value Color
\e[1;30m Black
\e[1;31m Red
\e[1;32m Green
\e[1;33m Yellow
\e[1;34m Blue
\e[1;35m Purple
\e[1;36m Cyan
\e[1;37m White


Value Color
\e[4;30m Black
\e[4;31m Red
\e[4;32m Green
\e[4;33m Yellow
\e[4;34m Blue
\e[4;35m Purple
\e[4;36m Cyan
\e[4;37m White


Value Color
\e[40m Black
\e[41m Red
\e[42m Green
\e[43m Yellow
\e[44m Blue
\e[45m Purple
\e[46m Cyan
\e[47m White

High Intensty

Value Color
\e[0;90m Black
\e[0;91m Red
\e[0;92m Green
\e[0;93m Yellow
\e[0;94m Blue
\e[0;95m Purple
\e[0;96m Cyan
\e[0;97m White

Bold High Intensty

Value Color
\e[1;90m Black
\e[1;91m Red
\e[1;92m Green
\e[1;93m Yellow
\e[1;94m Blue
\e[1;95m Purple
\e[1;96m Cyan
\e[1;97m White

High Intensty backgrounds

Value Color
\e[0;100m Black
\e[0;101m Red
\e[0;102m Green
\e[0;103m Yellow
\e[0;104m Blue
\e[0;105m Purple
\e[0;106m Cyan
\e[0;107m White


Value Color
\e[0m Reset
\e[0m CRESET
#include "ANSI-color-codes.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
printf(BRED "Hey this is the color red, and it's bold! \n" reset);
printf(RED "If" BLU "you" YEL "are" GRN "bored" CYN "do" MAG "this! \n" reset);
printf(BRED "If" BBLU "you" BYEL "are" BGRN "bored" BCYN "do" BMAG "this! \n" reset);
printf(URED "If" UBLU "you" UYEL "are" UGRN "bored" UCYN "do" UMAG "this! \n" reset);
return 0;};
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ur terminal might just not support it

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Thanks a lot! It is working.😐

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SaxbyMod commented Sep 28, 2024

Here's a better setup may update this more if I find some more modes for example on HighIntensityBackgroundColor. This goes in the same order as the above list just instead of separate var's its a list for each type.

        string[] ColorList = ["\u001b[0;30m", "\u001b[0;31m", "\u001b[0;32m", "\u001b[0;33m", "\u001b[0;34m", "\u001b[0;35m", "\u001b[0;36m", "\u001b[0;37m"];
        string[] BoldColorList = ["\u001b[1;30m", "\u001b[1;31m", "\u001b[1;32m", "\u001b[1;33m", "\u001b[1;34m", "\u001b[1;35m", "\u001b[1;36m", "\u001b[1;37m"];
        string[] DarkenedColorList = ["\u001b[2;30m", "\u001b[2;31m", "\u001b[2;32m", "\u001b[2;33m", "\u001b[2;34m", "\u001b[2;35m", "\u001b[2;36m", "\u001b[2;37m"];
        string[] ItalicColorList = ["\u001b[3;30m", "\u001b[3;31m", "\u001b[3;32m", "\u001b[3;33m", "\u001b[3;34m", "\u001b[3;35m", "\u001b[3;36m", "\u001b[3;37m"];
        string[] UnderlineColorList = ["\u001b[4;30m", "\u001b[4;31m", "\u001b[4;32m", "\u001b[4;33m", "\u001b[4;34m", "\u001b[4;35m", "\u001b[4;36m", "\u001b[4;37m"];
        string[] FlashyColorList = ["\u001b[5;30m", "\u001b[5;31m", "\u001b[5;32m", "\u001b[5;33m", "\u001b[5;34m", "\u001b[5;35m", "\u001b[5;36m", "\u001b[5;37m"];
        string[] HighlighterColorText = ["\u001b[7;30m", "\u001b[7;31m", "\u001b[7;32m", "\u001b[7;33m", "\u001b[7;34m", "\u001b[7;35m", "\u001b[7;36m", "\u001b[7;37m"];
        string[] InvisibleColorText = ["\u001b[8;30m", "\u001b[8;31m", "\u001b[8;32m", "\u001b[8;33m", "\u001b[8;34m", "\u001b[8;35m", "\u001b[8;36m", "\u001b[8;37m"];
        string[] StrikethroughColorText = ["\u001b[9;30m", "\u001b[9;31m", "\u001b[9;32m", "\u001b[9;33m", "\u001b[9;34m", "\u001b[9;35m", "\u001b[9;36m", "\u001b[9;37m"];
        string[] BackgroundColorList = ["\u001b[40m", "\u001b[41m", "\u001b[42m", "\u001b[43m", "\u001b[44m", "\u001b[45m", "\u001b[46m", "\u001b[47m"];
        string[] HighInstensityBsckgroundColorList = ["\u001b[0;100m", "\u001b[0;101m", "\u001b[0;102m", "\u001b[0;103m", "\u001b[0;104m", "\u001b[0;105m", "\u001b[0;106m", "\u001b[0;107m"];
        string[] HighIntensityColorList = ["\u001b[0;90m", "\u001b[0;91m", "\u001b[0;92m", "\u001b[0;93m", "\u001b[0;94m", "\u001b[0;95m", "\u001b[0;96m", "\u001b[0;97m"];
        string[] HighIntensityBoldColorList = ["\u001b[1;90m", "\u001b[1;91m", "\u001b[1;92m", "\u001b[1;93m", "\u001b[1;94m", "\u001b[1;95m", "\u001b[1;96m", "\u001b[1;97m"];
        string[] HighIntensityDarkenedColorList = ["\u001b[2;90m", "\u001b[2;91m", "\u001b[2;92m", "\u001b[2;93m", "\u001b[2;94m", "\u001b[2;95m", "\u001b[2;96m", "\u001b[2;97m"];
        string[] HighIntensityItalicColorList = ["\u001b[9;90m", "\u001b[9;91m", "\u001b[9;92m", "\u001b[9;93m", "\u001b[9;94m", "\u001b[9;95m", "\u001b[9;96m", "\u001b[9;97m"];
        string[] HighIntensityUnderlineColorList = ["\u001b[4;90m", "\u001b[4;91m", "\u001b[4;92m", "\u001b[4;93m", "\u001b[4;94m", "\u001b[4;95m", "\u001b[4;96m", "\u001b[4;97m"];
        string[] HighIntensityFlashyColorList = ["\u001b[5;90m", "\u001b[5;91m", "\u001b[5;92m", "\u001b[5;93m", "\u001b[5;94m", "\u001b[5;95m", "\u001b[5;96m", "\u001b[5;97m"];
        string[] HighIntensityHighlighterColorText = ["\u001b[7;90m", "\u001b[7;91m", "\u001b[7;92m", "\u001b[7;93m", "\u001b[7;94m", "\u001b[7;95m", "\u001b[7;96m", "\u001b[7;97m"];
        string[] HighIntensityInvisibleColorText = ["\u001b[8;90m", "\u001b[8;91m", "\u001b[8;92m", "\u001b[8;93m", "\u001b[8;94m", "\u001b[8;95m", "\u001b[8;96m", "\u001b[8;97m"];
        string[] HighIntensityStrikethroughColorText = ["\u001b[9;90m", "\u001b[9;91m", "\u001b[9;92m", "\u001b[9;93m", "\u001b[9;94m", "\u001b[9;95m", "\u001b[9;96m", "\u001b[9;97m"];
        string ResetColor = "\u001b[0m";

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