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Created September 21, 2017 08:30
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How to set up a new laptop
  1. install x-code (from app store)

  2. Install Command Line Tools

    • Run from the command line: xcode-select --install
    • Choose install tools from the prompt and agree to the terms
    • If you receive a message saying "Can't install the software because it is not currently available from the Software Update server"... it's probably because the command line tools are already installed...
    • Agree to the license by typing sudo xcodebuild -license
    • Press enter, then q
    • Then on the next prompt, type agree
  3. Install Package Manager

    • The package manager allows us to install and update software (like Ruby, Git, MongoDB, etc) from the command line:
    • Open, scroll down to Install Homebrew and copy+paste the command into the terminal.
    • Ensure that Homebrew is raring to brew and fix any issues: /usr/local/bin/brew doctor
    • Update Homebrew: /usr/local/bin/brew update
  • (nb. the absolute paths will not be used after the next step, but might not be needed if they already have/usr/local/bin in their $PATH)

Step 4 is optional: 4. Install Zsh

- Type /usr/local/bin/brew install zsh Type 0 if the prompt ask you about .zshrc
- Type /usr/local/bin/zsh . You should have a different prompt
- Type exit to return to bash
- Type which zsh to determine where your new shell has installed
- Type subl /etc/shells and add /YOUR/PATH/TO/zsh.
- In a new tab, type chsh -s /YOUR/PATH/TO/zsh, then close and reopen your terminal application to This will enable zsh by default.
- Type echo $SHELL. this should return /YOUR/PATH/TO/zsh
  1. Install Git (with homebrew)

brew install git

  • Ensure you're not using "Apple Git" from the path /usr/bin/git by checking which git and git --version
  • Configure your name and email address for commits (be sure to use the email address you have registered with Github): git config --global "Your Name" git config --global ""

Globally ignore 'DS_Store' files

Since we never want to track .DS_Store files, we can make a global .gitignore file, and tell git to use it for all repositories:

echo .DS_Store >> ~/.gitignore_global git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global

  1. Configure SSH access to Github (Gabi, we did that the other day..)

  2. Setup your vimrc (copy file contents from your other laptop)

  3. Install Java and IntelliJ like you've done before.

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