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Created January 17, 2022 13:39
Yara file that contains useful rules to detect malicious files
import "pe"
import "math"
private rule IsPE
uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and // MZ
uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550 // PE
rule elte_MaliciousStrings {
author = "Rachid AZGAOU - ELTE 2019"
desc = "some malicious commands used by malware"
// apply regex on the strings below
$str1 = /schtasks \/Create.{0,80}/ nocase // creating scheduled tasks
$str2 = /powershell(\.exe){0,1} [-command|encodedCommand].{0,80}/ nocase // run powershell scripts
$str4 = /WScript.{0,30}(\.js|\.vbs|\.wsf)/ nocase // run malicious .js .vbs scripts
$str5 = /rundll32(\.exe){0,1}.{0,50}(\.dll)/ nocase // used to run an external [malicious] dll
$str6 = /shutdown.{0,10} \/f/ nocase // used to shutdown/restart the computer ex SHUTDOWN.exe /s /f /t 1
any of them
rule elte_Ransomware
author = "Rachid AZGAOU - ELTE 2019"
desc = "rules for .exe files - ransomware strings "
$ransomware1 = "Bitcoin" nocase // detecting ransomwares
$ransomware2 = "Pay" nocase // detecting ransomwares
$ransomware3 = "Recover" nocase // detecting ransomwares
$ransomware4 = "Encrypted" nocase // detecting ransomwares
$ransomware5 = "follow the instructions" nocase // detecting ransomwares
IsPE and
( 4 of ($ransomware*) )
rule elte_Injected
author = "Rachid AZGAOU - ELTE 2019"
desc = "rules for .exe files - Injected PE file"
$MZ = "This program cannot be run in DOS mode" fullword // detecting exe injected
IsPE and
( #MZ > 1) // and check jmp in the entry point
rule elte_Packed
author = "Rachid AZGAOU - ELTE 2019"
desc = "rules for packed files detection"
//$packer = "UPX*" // detecting UPX section generated by PEiD packer
math.entropy(0, filesize) >= 7 or // check if whole PE file has high entropy
for any i in (0..(pe.number_of_sections)-1) : // loop the PE sections
pe.sections[i].name == "UPX*" or // check if one of the section with the name "UPX"
( pe.sections[i].raw_data_size==0 and pe.sections[i].characteristics & pe.SECTION_MEM_EXECUTE ) or // check if the a section has 0 size and its executable
math.entropy(pe.sections[i].raw_data_offset, pe.sections[i].raw_data_size) >= 7 // -check if any section has entropy >= 7
rule elte_ImportTablePacker {
author = "Rachid AZGAOU - ELTE 2019"
desc = "Checking function used for unpacking PE files"
// function used for unpacking
pe.imports("kernel32.dll", "LoadLibraryA") and pe.imports("kernel32.dll", "GetProcAddress") and ( pe.imports("kernel32.dll", "VirtualProtect")
or pe.imports("kernel32.dll", "VirtualProtectEx") )
rule elte_ImportTableMaliciousFunction {
author = "Rachid AZGAOU - ELTE 2019"
desc = "Checking [malicious] functions : registry , process injection , remote connection, keyboard hook.."
// function used for checking if the debugger exists (anti VM malwares)
pe.imports("Kernel32.dll", "IsDebuggerPresent")
or pe.imports("kernel32.dll", "CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent")
or pe.imports("NtDll.dll", "DbgBreakPoint")
or pe.imports("Advapi32.dll", "AdjustTokenPrivileges")
or pe.imports("User32.dll", "AttachThreadInput")
or pe.imports("Kernel32.dll", "CreateRemoteThread") or pe.imports("Kernel32.dll", "ReadProcessMemory")
or pe.imports("ntdll.dll", "NtWriteVirtualMemory") or pe.imports("Kernel32.dll", "WriteProcessMemory")
or pe.imports("Kernel32.dll", "LoadLibraryExA") or pe.imports("Kernel32.dll", "LoadLibraryExW")
or pe.imports("ntdll.dll", "LdrLoadDll") // Low-level function to load a DLL into a process
or pe.imports("Advapi32.dll", "CreateService")
or pe.imports("Kernel32.dll", "DeviceIoControl")
// checks if the user has administrator privileges
or pe.imports("advpack.dll", "IsNTAdmin") or pe.imports("advpack.dll", "CheckTokenMembership") or
pe.imports("Shell32.dll", "IsUserAnAdmin ")
// networking
or pe.imports("Netapi32.dll", "NetShareEnum") // Retrieves information about each shared resource on a server
or pe.imports("User32.dll", "RegisterHotKey") // spyware detecting
or pe.imports("NtosKrnl.exe", "RtlCreateRegistryKey") // create registry key from the kernel mode
or pe.imports("Urlmon.dll", "URLDownloadToFile")
or pe.imports("Ws2_32.dll", "accept")
or pe.imports("User32.dll", "bind")
or pe.imports("Kernel32.dll", "SetFileTime") // modify the creation and access time of files
or pe.imports("User32.dll", "SetWindowsHookEx") // hook functions
or pe.imports("Shell32.dll", "ShellExecute")
or pe.imports("Shell32.dll", "ShellExecuteExA")
or pe.imports("Kernel32.dll", "VirtualAllocEx")
or pe.imports("kernel32.dll", "VirtualProtectEx")
or pe.imports("Kernel32.dll", "WinExec")
or pe.imports("Advapi32.dll", "CryptEncrypt")
// Rootkit , drivers (kernel mode) functions
or pe.imports("NtosKrnl.exe", "NtOpenProcess ")
or pe.imports("ntdll.dll", "NtLoadDriver")
or pe.imports("sfc_os.exe", "SetSfcFileException ") // it makes Windows to allow modification of any protected file
or pe.imports("ntdll.dll", "NtRaiseHardError ") // causes a bluescreen of death
rule elte_MaliciousScript
author = "Rachid AZGAOU - ELTE 2019"
desc = "rules for other files : js , vbs .."
$obf1 = "\\x" // Obfuscation
$obf2 = "ActiveXObject" nocase // run external program
$obf3 = "eval" nocase // evaluate a script
// $obf4 = "(btoa(|atob()" nocase // encoding / decoding using base-64.
not IsPE and
(#obf1 > 5 or $obf2 or $obf3)
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