Built with blockbuilder.org
forked from romsson's block: simple line chart from dataset
forked from Rade-Mathis's block: TP3-p1
forked from Rade-Mathis's block: TP3-p3-1
license: wtfpl |
Built with blockbuilder.org
forked from romsson's block: simple line chart from dataset
forked from Rade-Mathis's block: TP3-p1
forked from Rade-Mathis's block: TP3-p3-1
[{"name": "A", "value": 10, "date": "2016-01"}, | |
{"name": "B", "value": 30, "date": "2016-02"}, | |
{"name": "C", "value": 20, "date": "2016-03"}, | |
{"name": "D", "value": 40, "date": "2016-04"}, | |
{"name": "E", "value": 50, "date": "2016-05"}, | |
{"name": "F", "value": 20, "date": "2016-06"}, | |
{"name": "G", "value": 10, "date": "2016-07"} | |
] |
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// See formats http://bl.ocks.org/zanarmstrong/raw/05c1e95bf7aa16c4768e/ | |
// Data sample {"name": "G", "value": 10, "date": "2016-07"} | |
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