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Created March 29, 2018 13:09
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public with sharing class WeekFiveHomework {
public static void soqlPractice() {
//1. Below is a SOQL query that should be returning the top 5 Accounts in our org based on Annual Revenue.
//Something's not quite right, can you fix the query?
List<Account> topFiveAccounts = [SELECT Id, Name, AnnualRevenue FROM Account WHERE AnnualRevenue != 0];
System.debug('This should be 5: ' + topFiveAccounts.size());
//2. Here is a query that is missing something. It compiles, but if you try and run this method in Anonymous
//you'll get an error when the method tries to use the query results. Fix it! :)
List<Contact> contacts = [SELECT FirstName, MailingState FROM Contact LIMIT 10];
for (Contact c : contacts) {
String name = c.FirstName + ' ' + c.LastName;
//3. Can you write a SOQL query from scratch that will return the top 10 Accounts in the org, ordered by annual
//revenue in decending order? Print your results in the debug log.
//4. Can you write a SOQL query that will return all opportunities for all accounts in the topFiveAccounts list that we used
//in Number 1? (topFiveAccounts) Hint: If you're stuck, look back a the code in WeekFiveClassExercises, getOpenOppsForHotAccounts method
// Print your results in the debug log.
public static void forTheLoveOfForLoops() {
//1. Take a look at the list and loop below. It's commented out since it can't run as is.
// Can you replace the ?? with the number that makes sense based on the comments?
// Remove the slashes and compile.
// Can you add an extra counter variable so that you can print out how many times the loop ran in total?
//This loop should run 5 times
//for (Integer i=0; i<??; i++) {
// System.debug('i is now: '+i);
//2. Below is a loop that iterates through a list. Can you change it to use the new For Loop syntax? It should print out
//each account name in the debug log when you're done.
//Use the list size to tell you how many loops, and use indexing to fetch values. If you need help, check the
//loopingThroughLists method in WeekFiveClassExercises for hints
List<Account> accountList = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account LIMIT 5];
for (Account a : accountList) {
System.debug('Account Name: ' +;
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