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Created May 30, 2020 18:55
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Pure Responsive CSS Snorlax πŸ˜…
mixin claw(index)

Pure Responsive CSS Snorlax πŸ˜…

Seem to love doing this to myself! πŸ˜…

This one was a little harder than I anticipated but it's pure CSS Snorlax 😎

Not perfect, there are definitely some rough edges ha.


A Pen by Jhey on CodePen.


box-sizing border-box
// We know our img is 300x237
--size 60
--unit calc((var(--size) / 300) * 1vmin)
// colors
--belly hsl(39, 66%, 84%)
--dark-belly hsl(35, 29%, 59%)
--body hsl(164, 26%, 28%)
--dark-body hsl(199, 43%, 15%)
--foot hsl(21, 43%, 41%)
--claws hsl(0, 0%, 98%)
min-height 100vh
display flex
align-items center
background hsl(190, 70%, 30%)
justify-content center
position absolute
height calc(237 * var(--unit))
width calc(300 * var(--unit))
position relative
content ''
position absolute
bottom 0
width 100%
height 20%
border-radius 50%
filter blur(10px)
opacity 0.5
background #111
transform translate(-50%, 25%)
left 50%
border-radius 50% 45% 50% 50% / 68% 50% 28% 30%
height 74%
width 79%
border calc(2 * var(--unit)) solid black
background var(--body)
overflow hidden
top 60%
left 47%
transform translate(-50%, -50%)
background var(--dark-body)
height 30%
width 80%
bottom 0
border-radius 50%
left 50%
transform translate(-50%, 50%)
content ''
position absolute
width 25%
height 150%
border-radius 50%
background var(--dark-body)
left 9%
bottom 24%
transform rotate(-22deg)
background var(--belly)
width 50%
height 100%
left 5%
top 11%
border-radius 65% 47% 0 50%/70% 39% 0 44%
width 54%
height 100%
right 4%
top 10%
overflow hidden
border-radius 45% 80% 0 50%/72% 77% 0 44%
content ''
right 0
height 100%
width 32%
bottom 0
background var(--dark-belly)
z-index 2
content ''
right 16%
height 100%
width 32%
bottom 36%
background var(--belly)
z-index 3
border-radius 0 0 75% 0 / 0 0 36% 0
height calc(2 * var(--unit))
width 15%
background black
top 33%
z-index 5
left 21%
right 25%
height calc(2 * var(--unit))
width 30%
background black
top 52%
left 48%
transform translate(-50%, 0)
background black
height 235%
width 20%
bottom 100%
$clip = polygon(0 100%, 50% 0, 100% 100%)
-webkit-clip-path $clip
clip-path $clip
content ''
background var(--claws)
height 100%
width 100%
$clip = polygon(0 100%, 50% 0, 100% 100%)
-webkit-clip-path $clip
clip-path $clip
transform-origin bottom center
transform scale(0.65)
left 0
right 0
height 30%
width 45%
left 50%
top 5%
transform translate(-50%, 0)
background var(--body)
height 100%
width 100%
border calc(2 * var(--unit)) solid black
border-radius 75% 75% 25% 25% / 110% 110% 0% 0%
overflow hidden
content ''
right -5%
height 110%
width 15%
border-radius 50% / 50%
top -5%
background var(--dark-body)
height 64%
border calc(2 * var(--unit)) solid black
background var(--body)
top -14%
width 35%
position absolute
overflow hidden
border-radius 15% 85% 0 10% / 20% 100% 0 80%
$clip = polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 100% 18%, 0 90%)
-webkit-clip-path $clip
clip-path $clip
content ''
top 0
left 0
background var(--body)
position absolute
z-index 2
height 100%
width 15%
border-radius 28%
transform-origin top center
transform rotate(-67deg) translate(11%, 23%)
left 4%
right 4%
top -15%
transform rotateY(180deg)
content ''
left -10%
width 25%
background var(--dark-body)
height 100%
top -10%
border-radius 50% / 50%
position absolute
height 50%
width 82%
left 50%
top 0
transform translate(-49%, 0%)
content ''
position absolute
width 58%
height 50%
border-top calc(10 * var(--unit)) solid var(--belly)
top 90%
left 50%
clip-path polygon(5% 0, 79% 0, 90% 100%, 5% 100%)
transform translate(-50%, -26%)
z-index 3
border-radius 50% 50% 0 0/50% 50% 50% 50%
height 83%
width 100%
bottom 0%
left 0%
// border calc(2 * var(--unit)) solid black
background var(--belly)
transform-origin 0 100%
transform translate(6.5%, 13%) rotate(-20deg)
border-radius 40% 55% 0 17% / 60% 100% 0% 40%
$clip = polygon(0 0, 75% 0, 75% 100%, 0 100%)
-webkit-clip-path $clip
clip-path $clip
z-index 2
content ''
position absolute
top 100%
background var(--belly)
left 50%
height 80%
width 80%
border-radius 10%
transform translate(-50%, -81%) rotate(10deg)
height 90%
width 100%
bottom 0%
right 0%
transform-origin 100% 100%
background var(--dark-belly)
transform translate(-7%, 14%) rotate(20deg)
border-radius 0% 34% 34% 0 / 0% 60% 40% 0%
$clip = polygon(30% 0, 100% 0, 100% 150%, 30% 150%)
-webkit-clip-path $clip
clip-path $clip
content ''
position absolute
right 10%
top -4%
width 100%
height 102%
transform-origin right bottom
transform rotate(-2deg)
background var(--belly)
z-index 3
border-radius 0 14% 19% 0/0 50% 50% 0
content ''
background var(--belly)
position absolute
z-index 2
height 50%
width 50%
bottom 0
left 50%
transform translate(-50%, 31%) rotate(-20deg)
height 85%
width 24%
left 12%
top 14%
transform rotate(-21deg)
background black
top -4%
width 60%
height 10%
left 48%
$clip = polygon(7% 100%, 7% 39%, 25% 73%, 22% 11%, 39% 42%, 49% 0, 61% 46%, 74% 11%, 79% 58%, 95% 44%, 90% 100%)
-webkit-clip-path $clip
clip-path $clip
transform translate(-50%, 0)
content ''
width 100%
height 100%
$clip = polygon(7% 100%, 7% 39%, 25% 73%, 22% 11%, 39% 42%, 49% 0, 61% 46%, 74% 11%, 79% 58%, 95% 44%, 90% 100%)
-webkit-clip-path $clip
clip-path $clip
transform-origin bottom center
background white
transform scaleY(0.8) scaleX(0.95)
background var(--body)
height 68%
width 100%
top 0
left 0
border-radius 44% 54% 50% 50%/50% 60% 40% 50%
transform-origin 50% 60%
transform rotate(0deg)
overflow hidden
border calc(2 * var(--unit)) solid black
// animation wave 5s infinite ease
content ''
right 0
width 50%
background var(--dark-body)
height 120%
top 50%
transform translate(56%, -50%) rotate(-15deg)
border-radius 50%
$clip = inset(0 50% 0 0)
-webkit-clip-path $clip
clip-path $clip
animation fade 6s infinite linear
@keyframes fade
0%, 100%
opacity 1
opacity 0
animation wave 6s infinite ease
height 100%
width 100%
transform-origin 56% 41%
@keyframes wave
0, 100%
transform rotate(0deg)
transform rotate(-100deg)
height 50%
width 17%
right 7%
top 28%
transform rotate(-39deg)
bottom 0
width 15%
height 9%
background black
transform translate(109%, 19%) rotate(45deg)
$clip = polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 50% 100%)
-webkit-clip-path $clip
clip-path $clip
content ''
$clip = polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 50% 100%)
-webkit-clip-path $clip
clip-path $clip
height 100%
width 100%
background white
transform scale(0.5)
height 100%
width 100%
border-radius 25% 75% 65% 35%/56% 60% 40% 30%
background var(--dark-body)
overflow hidden
border calc(2 * var(--unit)) solid #000
content ''
height 100%
width 130%
border-radius 50%
background var(--body)
bottom 8%
left -9%
bottom -6%
left 25%
height 22%
width 57%
background black
$clip = polygon(20% 0, 16% 100%, 35% 78%, 55% 97%, 63% 69%, 85% 78%, 85% 56%, 100% 66%, 100% 0)
-webkit-clip-path $clip
clip-path $clip
height 100%
width 100%
content ''
background white
$clip = polygon(20% 0, 16% 100%, 35% 78%, 55% 97%, 63% 69%, 85% 78%, 85% 56%, 100% 66%, 100% 0)
-webkit-clip-path $clip
clip-path $clip
transform-origin top center
transform scaleY(0.85) scaleX(0.85)
height 34%
width 29%
bottom 0
left 2.5%
height 100%
width 100%
top 0
left 0
background var(--belly)
border-radius 60% 40% 55% 40%/60% 45% 55% 40%
border calc(2 * (var(--unit))) solid black
overflow hidden
content ''
border calc(2 * var(--unit)) solid black
height 38%
width 49%
border-radius 50%
background var(--foot)
left 38%
bottom 11%
transform rotate(-36deg)
background var(--dark-belly)
height 73%
width 100%
left 32%
bottom 0
transform-origin left center
border-radius 61% 20% 20% 37%/73% 50% 50% 50%
transform rotate(10deg)
top 50%
left 50%
width 20%
height 30%
content ''
background var(--claws)
bottom 12%
height 35%
width 67%
left 15%
border-radius 50%
content ''
bottom 2%
left 0
width 100%
height 56%
border-radius 50%
background var(--claws)
border calc(3 * var(--unit)) solid black
& > div
width 100%
height 66%
top 0
left 0
background black
$clip = 'polygon(0 100%, %s 0, 100% 100%)' % calc(var(--clip-point) * 1%)
-webkit-clip-path $clip
clip-path $clip
content ''
height 100%
width 100%
background var(--claws)
bottom 0
left 0
transform-origin bottom center
transform scale(0.7)
$clip = 'polygon(0 100%, %s 0, 100% 100%)' % calc(var(--clip-point) * 1%)
-webkit-clip-path $clip
clip-path $clip
--clip-point 65
left -5%
top 52%
transform rotate(-90deg)
width 15%
height 23%
--clip-point 50
top 9%
left 3%
height 26%
transform rotate(-45deg)
--clip-point 20
top -10%
left 34%
width 21%
height 25%
--clip-point 20
top -18%
left 49%
width 21%
height 34%
transform rotate(45deg)
--clip-point 50
top 0%
left 78%
width 21%
height 31%
transform rotate(40deg)
--clip-point 50
top 37%
left 95%
width 19%
height 27%
transform rotate(90deg)
bottom 0
right 6.5%
width 28%
height 35%
height 100%
width 100%
border calc(2 * var(--unit)) solid black
background var(--belly)
overflow hidden
border-radius 50% 50% 50% 50% / 50% 45% 55% 50%
content ''
bottom 0
left 5%
border-radius 50%
height 62%
width 77%
background var(--dark-belly)
left 10%
border-radius 50%
border calc(2 * var(--unit)) solid #000
bottom 14%
height 42%
background var(--foot)
width 55%
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