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Last active December 19, 2015 02:19
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  • Save Radnen/5882431 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Radnen/5882431 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
analogue.js - a lightweight persist-like library that is compatible with persist for Sphere's map engine. It redefines the way you interact with map entities - by having a direct code analogue for their on-screen counterparts: what goes in the code, goes in the game.
* Script: analogue.js
* Written by: Radnen
* Updated: 6/28/2013
A lightweight alternative, and fully-compatible version
of tung's persist code.
Main Change:
All objects are represented as native JS objects.
And setting the world will merge the saved world
with the existing world without breaking some things.
var analogue = (function() {
var mapEvents = [{fn:'enter', event:SCRIPT_ON_ENTER_MAP},
{fn:'leave', event:SCRIPT_ON_LEAVE_MAP},
{fn:'leaveNorth', event:SCRIPT_ON_LEAVE_MAP_NORTH},
{fn:'leaveSouth', event:SCRIPT_ON_LEAVE_MAP_SOUTH},
{fn:'leaveEast', event:SCRIPT_ON_LEAVE_MAP_EAST},
{fn:'leaveWest', event:SCRIPT_ON_LEAVE_MAP_WEST}];
var personEvents = [{fn:'create', event:SCRIPT_ON_CREATE},
{fn:'destroy', event:SCRIPT_ON_DESTROY},
{fn:'touch', event:SCRIPT_ON_ACTIVATE_TOUCH},
{fn:'talk', event:SCRIPT_ON_ACTIVATE_TALK},
{fn:'generator', event:SCRIPT_COMMAND_GENERATOR}];
function CreateWorld() {
return {
map: function(mapname) {
if (!mapname) mapname = GetCurrentMap();
if (mapname in this) return this[mapname];
else return ({});
person: function(name, mapname) {
if (!mapname) mapname = GetCurrentMap();
if (mapname in this && name in this[mapname]) return this[mapname][name];
else return ({});
var scriptPath = "../scripts/maps/";
var worlds = [CreateWorld()];
var cur_world = 0;
var world = worlds[cur_world];
/* Script Layer */
function GetScriptName(mapfile) {
return scriptPath + mapfile.substr(0, mapfile.length-4) + ".js";
function PathExists(file) {
var parts = file.replace(/\\/g, "/").replace(/\.\./, "~").split("/");
var filename = parts.pop();
var dir = parts.join("/");
var files = GetFileList(dir);
for (var f = 0; f < files.length; ++f) {
if (filename == files[f]) return true;
return false;
function GetMapScript(mapfile) {
var scriptfile = GetScriptName(mapfile);
if (!PathExists(scriptfile)) return "({})";
var file = OpenRawFile(scriptfile);
var bytearray;
try {
bytearray =;
finally {
return CreateStringFromByteArray(bytearray);
/* Map Layer */
function GetMap(mapfile) {
if (mapfile in world) return world[mapfile];
world[mapfile] = eval(GetMapScript(mapfile));
return world[mapfile];
function RunMapEvent(map, event) {
var map = GetMap(map);
if (event in map) map[event](map, world);
function InitMap() {
RunMapEvent(GetCurrentMap(), 'enter');
function BindMapEvents() {
for (var i = 0; i < mapEvents.length; ++i) {
SetDefaultMapScript(mapEvents[i].event, "analogue.runMapEvent(GetCurrentMap(), '" + mapEvents[i].fn + "');");
SetDefaultMapScript(SCRIPT_ON_ENTER_MAP, "analogue.initMap();");
/* Person Layer */
function RunPersonEvent(map, name, event) {
var map = GetMap(map);
if (name in map) {
if (event in map[name]) {
map[name][event](map[name], map, world);
function BindPersonEvents() {
var map = GetMap(GetCurrentMap());
for (var i = 0, list = GetPersonList(); i < list.length; ++i) {
if (list[i] == "" || (IsInputAttached() && list[i] == GetInputPerson())) continue;
for (var j = 0; j < personEvents.length; ++j) {
SetPersonScript(list[i], personEvents[j].event, "analogue.runPersonEvent(GetCurrentMap(), '" + list[i] + "', '" + personEvents[j].fn + "');");
function RecreatePersons() {
for (var i = 0, list = GetPersonList(); i < list.length; ++i) {
if (list[i] == "" || (IsInputAttached() && list[i] == GetInputPerson())) continue;
CallPersonScript(list[i], SCRIPT_ON_CREATE);
/* Interface Layer */
function Init() {
function Absorb(A, B) {
if (A === null) return null;
if (A === undefined) return undefined;
for (var i in B) {
if (B[i] instanceof Array) A[i] = Absorb([], B[i]);
else if (typeof B[i] == "object") {
if (B[i] === null) { A[i] = null; return; };
if (typeof A[i] == "object") Absorb(A[i], B[i]);
else A[i] = Absorb({}, B[i]);
else A[i] = B[i];
return A;
function MergeWorld(data, number) {
if (number === undefined) number = cur_world;
worlds[number] = CreateWorld();
world = worlds[number];
// since we don't have maps in maps, we can reload those that were
// touched by the old saved data:
for (var i in data) {
if (i.indexOf(".rmp") >= 0) GetMap(i);
Absorb(world, data);
function GetNamedMap(mapname) {
if (!mapname) mapname = GetCurrentMap();
return GetMap(mapname);
function GetNamedPerson(name, mapname) {
if (!mapname) mapname = GetCurrentMap();
if (mapname in world && name in world[mapname])
return world[mapname][name];
return ({});
// 0...inf
function ChangeWorld(number) {
if (worlds[number] == undefined) worlds[number] = {};
cur_world = number;
world = worlds[number];
function GetWorld(number) {
if (number === undefined) number = cur_world;
if (worlds[number]) return worlds[number];
else return CreateWorld();
function SetWorld(data, number) {
if (number === undefined) number = cur_world;
var w = CreateWorld();
Absorb(w, data);
world = worlds[number] = w;
function Clear() { worlds[cur_world] = CreateWorld(); world = worlds[cur_world]; }
return ({
get world() { return world; }, // gets the current world.
mergeWorld: MergeWorld, // merges a world into the numbered world; current if not specified.
setWorld: SetWorld, // sets a numbered world.
getWorld: GetWorld, // gets a numbered world.
changeWorld: ChangeWorld, // changes the current world to the numbered world.
runMapEvent: RunMapEvent, // internal use only.
runPersonEvent: RunPersonEvent, // internal use only.
init: Init, // sets up script handlers; you need to do this on first startup.
initMap: InitMap, // internal use only.
map: GetNamedMap, // gets a map in the current world.
person: GetNamedPerson, // gets a person in the current world or from a specified map.
clear: Clear // resets the current world.
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