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Last active September 6, 2023 16:14
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  • Save Rafael-Ramblas/187e56b902ecf3a81b5feb79ea09f055 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Rafael-Ramblas/187e56b902ecf3a81b5feb79ea09f055 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This gist maps all the file extensions to supported monaco editor languages. This is based on monaco docs and github's language to extension map.
"_coffee": "coffeescript",
"_js": "javascript",
"adp": "tcl",
"al": "perl",
"ant": "xml",
"aw": "php",
"axml": "xml",
"bash": "shell",
"bats": "shell",
"bones": "javascript",
"boot": "clojure",
"builder": "ruby",
"bzl": "python",
"c": "c",
"c++": "cpp",
"cake": "coffeescript",
"cats": "c",
"cc": "cpp",
"ccxml": "xml",
"cfg": "ini",
"cgi": "shell",
"cjsx": "coffeescript",
"cl2": "clojure",
"clixml": "xml",
"clj": "clojure",
"cljc": "clojure",
"cljs.hl": "clojure",
"cljs": "clojure",
"cljscm": "clojure",
"cljx": "clojure",
"coffee": "coffeescript",
"command": "shell",
"cp": "cpp",
"cpp": "cpp",
"cproject": "xml",
"cql": "sql",
"csl": "xml",
"cson": "coffeescript",
"csproj": "xml",
"ct": "xml",
"ctp": "php",
"cxx": "cpp",
"ddl": "sql",
"dfm": "pascal",
"dita": "xml",
"ditamap": "xml",
"ditaval": "xml",
"dll.config": "xml",
"dotsettings": "xml",
"dpr": "pascal",
"ecl": "ecl",
"eclxml": "ecl",
"es": "javascript",
"es6": "javascript",
"ex": "elixir",
"exs": "elixir",
"fcgi": "shell",
"filters": "xml",
"frag": "javascript",
"fsproj": "xml",
"fxml": "xml",
"gemspec": "ruby",
"geojson": "json",
"glade": "xml",
"gml": "xml",
"god": "ruby",
"grxml": "xml",
"gs": "javascript",
"gyp": "python",
"h": "cpp",
"h++": "cpp",
"handlebars": "handlebars",
"hbs": "handlebars",
"hcl": "hcl",
"hh": "cpp",
"hic": "clojure",
"hpp": "cpp",
"htm": "html",
"html.hl": "html",
"html": "html",
"hxx": "cpp",
"iced": "coffeescript",
"idc": "c",
"iml": "xml",
"inc": "sql",
"ini": "ini",
"inl": "cpp",
"ipp": "cpp",
"irbrc": "ruby",
"ivy": "xml",
"j2": "python",
"jake": "javascript",
"jbuilder": "ruby",
"jelly": "xml",
"jinja": "python",
"jinja2": "python",
"js": "javascript",
"jsb": "javascript",
"jscad": "javascript",
"jsfl": "javascript",
"jsm": "javascript",
"json": "json",
"jsproj": "xml",
"jss": "javascript",
"kml": "xml",
"ksh": "shell",
"kt": "kotlin",
"ktm": "kotlin",
"kts": "kotlin",
"launch": "xml",
"lmi": "python",
"lock": "json",
"lpr": "pascal",
"lua": "lua",
"markdown": "markdown",
"md": "markdown",
"mdpolicy": "xml",
"mkd": "markdown",
"mkdn": "markdown",
"mkdown": "markdown",
"mm": "xml",
"mod": "xml",
"mspec": "ruby",
"mustache": "python",
"mxml": "xml",
"njs": "javascript",
"nproj": "xml",
"nse": "lua",
"nuspec": "xml",
"odd": "xml",
"osm": "xml",
"pac": "javascript",
"pas": "pascal",
"pd_lua": "lua",
"perl": "perl",
"ph": "perl",
"php": "php",
"php3": "php",
"php4": "php",
"php5": "php",
"phps": "php",
"phpt": "php",
"pl": "perl",
"plist": "xml",
"pluginspec": "xml",
"plx": "perl",
"pm": "perl",
"pod": "perl",
"podspec": "ruby",
"pp": "pascal",
"prc": "sql",
"prefs": "ini",
"pro": "ini",
"properties": "ini",
"props": "xml",
"ps1": "powershell",
"ps1xml": "xml",
"psc1": "xml",
"psd1": "powershell",
"psgi": "perl",
"psm1": "powershell",
"pt": "xml",
"py": "python",
"pyde": "python",
"pyp": "python",
"pyt": "python",
"pyw": "python",
"r": "r",
"rabl": "ruby",
"rake": "ruby",
"rb": "ruby",
"rbuild": "ruby",
"rbw": "ruby",
"rbx": "ruby",
"rbxs": "lua",
"rd": "r",
"rdf": "xml",
"reek": "yaml",
"rest.txt": "restructuredtext",
"rest": "restructuredtext",
"ron": "markdown",
"rpy": "python",
"rq": "sparql",
"": "rust",
"rs": "rust",
"rss": "xml",
"rst.txt": "restructuredtext",
"rst": "restructuredtext",
"rsx": "r",
"ru": "ruby",
"ruby": "ruby",
"rviz": "yaml",
"sbt": "scala",
"sc": "scala",
"scala": "scala",
"scm": "scheme",
"scxml": "xml",
"": "shell",
"sh": "shell",
"sjs": "javascript",
"sld": "scheme",
"sls": "scheme",
"sparql": "sparql",
"sps": "scheme",
"sql": "sql",
"srdf": "xml",
"ss": "scheme",
"ssjs": "javascript",
"st": "html",
"storyboard": "xml",
"sttheme": "xml",
"sublime_metrics": "javascript",
"sublime_session": "javascript",
"sublime-build": "javascript",
"sublime-commands": "javascript",
"sublime-completions": "javascript",
"sublime-keymap": "javascript",
"sublime-macro": "javascript",
"sublime-menu": "javascript",
"sublime-mousemap": "javascript",
"sublime-project": "javascript",
"sublime-settings": "javascript",
"sublime-snippet": "xml",
"sublime-syntax": "yaml",
"sublime-theme": "javascript",
"sublime-workspace": "javascript",
"sv": "systemverilog",
"svh": "systemverilog",
"syntax": "yaml",
"t": "perl",
"tab": "sql",
"tac": "python",
"targets": "xml",
"tcc": "cpp",
"tcl": "tcl",
"tf": "hcl",
"thor": "ruby",
"tm": "tcl",
"tmcommand": "xml",
"tml": "xml",
"tmlanguage": "xml",
"tmpreferences": "xml",
"tmsnippet": "xml",
"tmtheme": "xml",
"tmux": "shell",
"tool": "shell",
"topojson": "json",
"tpp": "cpp",
"ts": "typescript",
"tsx": "typescript",
"udf": "sql",
"ui": "xml",
"urdf": "xml",
"ux": "xml",
"v": "verilog",
"vbproj": "xml",
"vcxproj": "xml",
"veo": "verilog",
"vh": "systemverilog",
"viw": "sql",
"vssettings": "xml",
"vxml": "xml",
"w": "c",
"watchr": "ruby",
"wlua": "lua",
"wsdl": "xml",
"wsf": "xml",
"wsgi": "python",
"wxi": "xml",
"wxl": "xml",
"wxs": "xml",
"x3d": "xml",
"xacro": "xml",
"xaml": "xml",
"xht": "html",
"xhtml": "html",
"xib": "xml",
"xlf": "xml",
"xliff": "xml",
"xmi": "xml",
"xml.dist": "xml",
"xml": "xml",
"xproj": "xml",
"xpy": "python",
"xsd": "xml",
"xsjs": "javascript",
"xsjslib": "javascript",
"xul": "xml",
"yaml-tmlanguage": "yaml",
"yaml": "yaml",
"yml": "yaml",
"zcml": "xml",
"zsh": "shell"
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tcodes0 commented Sep 6, 2023

11/10 overkill

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