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Created March 22, 2024 06:44
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linting open api spec with vacuum 0.9.10
Linting api/a/openapi.yml with vacuum...
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version: 0.9.10 | compiled: Thu, 29 Feb 2024 16:12:25 UTC
🔗 |
INFO Linting file 'api/a/openapi.yml' against 44 rules:
Location | Severity | Message | Rule | Category | Path
api/a/openapi.yml:2:1 | warning | no servers defined for the specification | oas3-api-servers | Validation | $.servers
api/a/openapi.yml:12:5 | warning | `schemas` component `CreateViewRequest` is missing a description | component-description | Descriptions | $.components.schemas['CreateViewRequest']
api/a/openapi.yml:12:5 | warning | schema is missing `examples` or `example` | oas3-missing-example | Examples | $.components.schemas['CreateViewRequest']
api/a/openapi.yml:18:9 | warning | schema is missing `examples` or `example` | oas3-missing-example | Examples | $.components.schemas['CreateViewRequest'].properties['stateI...
api/a/openapi.yml:20:11 | warning | schema is missing `examples` or `example` | oas3-missing-example | Examples | $.paths['/api/v1/plugins/@hyperledger/cactus-plugin-bungee/c...
api/a/openapi.yml:22:9 | warning | schema is missing `examples` or `example` | oas3-missing-example | Examples | $.components.schemas['CreateViewRequest'].properties['tI']
api/a/openapi.yml:24:9 | warning | schema is missing `examples` or `example` | oas3-missing-example | Examples | $.paths['/api/v1/plugins/@hyperledger/cactus-plugin-bungee/c...
api/a/openapi.yml:26:9 | warning | schema is missing `examples` or `example` | oas3-missing-example | Examples | $.paths['/api/v1/plugins/@hyperledger/cactus-plugin-bungee/c...
api/a/openapi.yml:28:9 | warning | schema is missing `examples` or `example` | oas3-missing-example | Examples | $.paths['/api/v1/plugins/@hyperledger/cactus-plugin-bungee/c...
api/a/openapi.yml:31:9 | warning | schema is missing `examples` or `example` | oas3-missing-example | Examples | $.paths['/api/v1/plugins/@hyperledger/cactus-plugin-bungee/c...
api/a/openapi.yml:38:13 | warning | schema is missing `examples` or `example` | oas3-missing-example | Examples | $.paths['/api/v1/plugins/@hyperledger/cactus-plugin-bungee/c...
api/a/openapi.yml:41:13 | warning | schema is missing `examples` or `example` | oas3-missing-example | Examples | $.paths['/api/v1/plugins/@hyperledger/cactus-plugin-bungee/c...
api/a/openapi.yml:44:5 | warning | `schemas` component `CreateViewResponse` is missing a description | component-description | Descriptions | $.components.schemas['CreateViewResponse']
api/a/openapi.yml:44:5 | warning | schema is missing `examples` or `example` | oas3-missing-example | Examples | $.components.schemas['CreateViewResponse']
api/a/openapi.yml:47:9 | warning | schema is missing `examples` or `example` | oas3-missing-example | Examples | $.components.schemas['CreateViewResponse'].properties['view'...
api/a/openapi.yml:49:9 | warning | schema is missing `examples` or `example` | oas3-missing-example | Examples | $.paths['/api/v1/plugins/@hyperledger/cactus-plugin-bungee/c...
api/a/openapi.yml:53:5 | warning | tags for `post` operation at path `/api/v1/plugins/@hyperledger/cactus-plugin-bu... | operation-tags | Tags | $.paths['/api/v1/plugins/@hyperledger/cactus-plugin-bungee/c...
api/a/openapi.yml:53:5 | warning | path segments `@hyperledger` do not use kebab-case | paths-kebab-case | Operations | $.paths['/api/v1/plugins/@hyperledger/cactus-plugin-bungee/c...
api/a/openapi.yml:62:7 | warning | field `requestBody` for operation `post` at path `/api/v1/plugins/@hyperledger/c... | operation-description | Descriptions | $.paths['/api/v1/plugins/@hyperledger/cactus-plugin-bungee/c...
api/a/openapi.yml:66:13 | warning | media type is missing `examples` or `example` | oas3-missing-example | Examples | $.paths['/api/v1/plugins/@hyperledger/cactus-plugin-bungee/c...
api/a/openapi.yml:73:15 | warning | media type is missing `examples` or `example` | oas3-missing-example | Examples | $.paths['/api/v1/plugins/@hyperledger/cactus-plugin-bungee/c...
api/a/openapi.yml:76:24 | info | Description at line `76` is a duplicate of line `60` | description-duplication | Descriptions | $.paths['/api/v1/plugins/@hyperledger/cactus-plugin-bungee/c...
Category | Errors | Warnings | Info
Operations | 0 | 1 | 0
Tags | 0 | 1 | 0
Validation | 0 | 1 | 0
Descriptions | 0 | 3 | 1
Examples | 0 | 15 | 0
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