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Created April 21, 2015 00:57
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StreetCode Karel Library
* Welcome to Karel in ProcessingJS!
* Karel is a great way to learn control structures while solving puzzles. Karel is
* a robot living in a grid world. It only knows a few things about the world around it,
* and can only follow a few basic commands: move(), turnLeft(), putBeeper(), and pickBeeper().
* With these simple commands, you'll be able to do so many cool things!
* Tell Karel what to do by editting its run function. Scroll down to the bottom to get started!
* Check out the Karel documentation at:
* ~~~~~ < Challenge Name > [Difficulty: < Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced >] ~~~~~~
* < Challenge Description >
* Facts
* - Example: Karel always starts at (1, 3) facing East
* - Example: The world is always 10x10
* < Challenge Notes/Tips >
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* Karel is best for when you're trying to solve a specific challenge. Once you complete this one,
* go to to find more!
* Helper Objects and declarations.
* No need to edit anything here
var customDrawBackground = null;
var customDrawBeeper = null;
var customDrawWall = null;
var customDrawBoardDot = null;
var customDrawKarel = null;
var board;
var world;
var commandQueue;
var Point = function(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
var Size = function(w, h) {
this.width = w;
this.height = h;
var Direction = Object.freeze({
EAST: 1,
var Util = {
pointToString: function(point) {
return point.x + ',' + point.y;
stringToPoint: function(pointString) {
var pointArray = pointString.split(',');
return new Point(parseInt(pointArray[0], 10), parseInt(pointArray[1], 10));
pointsToString: function(point1, point2) {
return this.pointToString(point1) + 'to' + this.pointToString(point2);
stringToPoints: function(pointsString) {
var pointStrings = pointsString.split('to');
var firstPoint = this.stringToPoint(pointStrings[0]);
var secondPoint = this.stringToPoint(pointStrings[1]);
return [firstPoint, secondPoint];
stringToSize: function(sizeString) {
var sizeArray = sizeString.split(',');
return new Size(parseInt(sizeArray[0], 10), parseInt(sizeArray[1], 10));
copyObject: function(object) {
var copy = {};
for (var key in object) {
copy[key] = object[key];
return copy;
rotationForDirection: function(direction) {
switch (direction) {
case Direction.NORTH:
return 0;
case Direction.EAST:
return 90;
case Direction.SOUTH:
return 180;
case Direction.WEST:
return 270;
return 0;
* CommandQueue keeps track of what Karel is going to do. All of the commands are added
* to the queue when Karel's run function is called. Make Karel do the next command by calling
* runNextCommand();
* No need to edit anything here
var CommandQueue = function() {
this.maxQueueSize = 10000;
this._queue = [function() {
debug("Starting Karel");
this._bugHasOccured = false;
CommandQueue.prototype.addBug = function(text) {
this.add(function() {
this._bugHasOccured = true;
CommandQueue.prototype.add = function(command) {
if (!this._bugHasOccured) {
CommandQueue.prototype.isAvailable = function() {
return (this._queue.length < this.maxQueueSize && !this._bugHasOccured);
CommandQueue.prototype._performCommand = function(command) {
debug('running command - ' + this._queue.length + ' actions left in queue');
CommandQueue.prototype.runNextCommand = function(commandQueue) {
if (this._queue.length > 0) {
this._performCommand(this._queue.splice(0, 1)[0]);
* World keeps track of the world as Karel goes through its run() function to build the
* command queue. It tells Karel whether or not it can do certain things.
* No need to edit anything here
var World = function(initPos, initDir, initSize, initBeeperCount) {
this.walls = {};
this.beepers = {};
this.paintedPoints = {};
this.startingPosition = initPos;
this.startingDirection = initDir;
this.startingBeeperCount = initBeeperCount;
this.size = initSize;
World.prototype.addHorizontalWall = function(x, y) {
var pointsKey = Util.pointsToString(new Point(x, y), new Point(x, y + 1));
this.walls[pointsKey] = true;
World.prototype.addVerticalWall = function(x, y) {
var pointsKey = Util.pointsToString(new Point(x, y), new Point(x + 1, y));
this.walls[pointsKey] = true;
World.prototype.addBeeper = function (x, y, numBeepers) {
numBeepers = numBeepers || 1;
this.beepers[Util.pointToString(new Point(x, y))] = numBeepers;
World.prototype.putBeeperAt = function(point) {
var pointKey = Util.pointToString(point);
var beeperCount = this.beepers[pointKey] || 0;
this.beepers[pointKey] = beeperCount + 1;
World.prototype.canPickBeeperAt = function(point) {
var pointKey = Util.pointToString(point);
var beeperCount = this.beepers[pointKey] || 0;
return beeperCount > 0;
World.prototype.pickBeeperAt = function(point) {
var pointKey = Util.pointToString(point);
var beeperCount = this.beepers[pointKey] || 0;
this.beepers[pointKey] = beeperCount - 1;
World.prototype.canMove = function(from, to) {
if (this.walls[Util.pointsToString(from, to)] || this.walls[Util.pointsToString(to, from)] || this._pointIsOutOfBounds(from) || this._pointIsOutOfBounds(to)) {
return false;
return true;
World.prototype.paintPointAt = function(point, color) {
var pointKey = Util.pointToString(point);
this.paintedPoints[pointKey] = color;
World.prototype.getPaintColorAt = function(point) {
var pointKey = Util.pointToString(point);
return this.paintedPoints[pointKey];
World.prototype._pointIsOutOfBounds = function(point) {
if (point.x < 0 || point.x > this.size.width - 1 ||
point.y < 0 || point.y > this.size.height - 1) {
return true;
return false;
* Board is the visual part of the Karel board. It draws the dots, walls,
* and beepers. It also converts board position to pixel position for the Karel
* sprite. Gets the initial state of the world from an initialized World object.
* No need to edit anything here
var Board = function(world) {
this._world = world;
this._beepers = Util.copyObject(world.beepers);
this._paintedPoints = {};
this.squareSize = min(height / world.size.height, width / world.size.width);
this.pixelSize = new Size(world.size.width * this.squareSize, world.size.height * this.squareSize);
Board.prototype.updateDisplay = function() {
Board.prototype._drawDots = function() {
var worldSize = this._world.size;
for (var x = 0; x < worldSize.width; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < worldSize.height; y++) {
var pos = this.pixelPositionForBoardPosition(new Point(x, y));
if (customDrawBoardDot) {
customDrawBoardDot(pos.x, pos.y);
} else {
stroke(0, 0, 0);
fill(255, 255, 255);
ellipse(pos.x, pos.y, 4, 4);
Board.prototype._drawBackground = function() {
if (customDrawBackground) {
customDrawBackground(this.pixelSize.width, this.pixelSize.height);
} else {
stroke(0, 0, 0);
fill(255, 255, 255);
rect(0, 0, this.pixelSize.width, this.pixelSize.height);
Board.prototype._drawWalls = function() {
var walls = this._world.walls;
for (var key in walls) {
if (!walls[key]) {
var points = Util.stringToPoints(key);
this._drawWall(points[0], points[1]);
Board.prototype._drawWall = function(fromPos, toPos) {
var fromPixelPos;
var toPixelPos;
if (toPos.y > fromPos.y) { // horizontal wall
var yPos = (fromPos.y + 1) * this.squareSize;
fromPixelPos = new Point(fromPos.x * this.squareSize, yPos);
toPixelPos = new Point((fromPos.x + 1) * this.squareSize, yPos);
} else { // vertical wall
var xPos = (fromPos.x + 1) * this.squareSize;
fromPixelPos = new Point(xPos, fromPos.y * this.squareSize);
toPixelPos = new Point(xPos, (fromPos.y + 1) * this.squareSize);
if (customDrawWall) {
customDrawWall(fromPixelPos.x, fromPixelPos.y, toPixelPos.x, toPixelPos.y);
} else {
stroke(0, 0, 0);
line(fromPixelPos.x, fromPixelPos.y, toPixelPos.x, toPixelPos.y);
Board.prototype._drawBeepers = function() {
for (var key in this._beepers) {
var numBeepers = this._beepers[key];
if (numBeepers > 0) {
var beeperPos = Util.stringToPoint(key);
this._drawBeeper(beeperPos, numBeepers);
Board.prototype._drawBeeper = function(point, numBeepers) {
var pos = this.pixelPositionForBoardPosition(point);
if (customDrawBeeper) {
customDrawBeeper(pos.x, pos.y, numBeepers);
} else {
fill(196, 196, 196);
quad(pos.x-15, pos.y, pos.x, pos.y-15, pos.x+15, pos.y, pos.x, pos.y+15);
if (numBeepers > 1) {
fill(0, 115, 255);
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
text(numBeepers, pos.x, pos.y);
Board.prototype._drawPaintedPoints = function() {
for (var key in this._paintedPoints) {
var color = this._paintedPoints[key];
if (color) {
var pos = Util.stringToPoint(key);
this._drawPaintedPoint(pos, color);
Board.prototype._drawPaintedPoint = function(point, color) {
var pos = this.pixelPositionForBoardPosition(point);
rect(pos.x, pos.y, this.squareSize-1, this.squareSize-1);
fill(255, 255, 255);
stroke(0, 0, 0);
Board.prototype.pixelPositionForBoardPosition = function(boardPosition) {
var posX = boardPosition.x * this.squareSize + (this.squareSize / 2);
var posY = boardPosition.y * this.squareSize + (this.squareSize / 2);
return new Point(posX, posY);
Board.prototype.paintPointAt = function(point, color) {
var pointKey = Util.pointToString(point);
this._paintedPoints[pointKey] = color;
Board.prototype.putBeeperAt = function(point) {
var pointKey = Util.pointToString(point);
var beeperCount = this._beepers[pointKey] || 0;
this._beepers[pointKey] = beeperCount + 1;
Board.prototype.pickBeeperAt = function(point) {
var pointKey = Util.pointToString(point);
var beeperCount = this._beepers[pointKey] || 0;
this._beepers[pointKey] = beeperCount - 1;
/* Private Karel functions
* No need to edit anything here
var preKarel = {
position: null,
direction: null,
numBeepersInBag: null
}; // karel properties for building commandQueue
var karel = {
pixelPosition: null,
rotation: null,
speed: 4
}; // karel properties for drawing
var setupKarel = function() {
preKarel.position = world.startingPosition;
preKarel.direction = world.startingDirection;
preKarel.numBeepersInBag = world.startingBeeperCount; // initial beeper count
karel.pixelPosition = board.pixelPositionForBoardPosition(preKarel.position);
karel.rotation = Util.rotationForDirection(preKarel.direction);
var drawKarel = function(x, y, rotation) {
if (customDrawKarel) {
customDrawKarel(x, y, rotation);
} else {
fill(255, 255, 255);
stroke(0, 0, 0);
translate(x, y);
rect(0, 0, 25, 25);
triangle(-15, 15, 15, 15, 0, -15);
resetMatrix(); // Need this to reset the translate and rotate
var updateBoard = function() {
drawKarel(karel.pixelPosition.x, karel.pixelPosition.y, karel.rotation);
var currentPositionWithOffset = function(xDiff, yDiff) {
return new Point(preKarel.position.x + xDiff, preKarel.position.y + yDiff);
var positionInDirection = function(direction) {
switch (direction) {
case Direction.NORTH:
return currentPositionWithOffset(0, -1);
case Direction.EAST:
return currentPositionWithOffset(1, 0);
case Direction.SOUTH:
return currentPositionWithOffset(0, 1);
case Direction.WEST:
return currentPositionWithOffset(-1, 0);
return currentPositionWithOffset(0, 1);
var canMoveFromCurrentPositionTo = function(newPosition) {
return world.canMove(preKarel.position, newPosition) && commandQueue.isAvailable();
var rotateSpriteTo = function(newDirection) {
preKarel.direction = newDirection;
var rotation = Util.rotationForDirection(newDirection);
commandQueue.add(function() {
debug('rotate to ' + rotation);
karel.rotation = rotation;
debug('rotate to ' + rotation);
var moveSpriteTo = function(newBoardPosition) {
preKarel.position = newBoardPosition;
var pixelPosition = board.pixelPositionForBoardPosition(newBoardPosition);
commandQueue.add(function() {
debug('move to ' + pixelPosition.x + ' ' + pixelPosition.y);
karel.pixelPosition = pixelPosition;
debug('move to ' + pixelPosition.x + ' ' + pixelPosition.y);
* Karel's Commands and Conditionals
* Use these to solve Karel puzzles! No need to edit them
var superKarel = {
turnRight: function() {
preKarel.direction = (preKarel.direction + 1) % 4;
turnAround: function() {
preKarel.direction = (preKarel.direction + 2) % 4;
paintPoint: function(color) {
var pos = preKarel.position;
world.paintPointAt(pos, color);
commandQueue.add(function() {
board.paintPointAt(pos, color);
pointPaintColorIs: function(color) {
return world.getPaintColorAt(preKarel.position) === color;
pointIsPainted: function() {
return world.getPaintColorAt(preKarel.position);
var move = function() {
var newPosition = positionInDirection(preKarel.direction);
if (world.canMove(preKarel.position, newPosition)) {
} else {
commandQueue.addBug('BUG: can\'t move!');
var turnLeft = function() {
if (preKarel.direction < 0) {
preKarel.direction = 3;
var putBeeper = function() {
if (preKarel.numBeepersInBag > 0) {
var pos = preKarel.position;
debug("put beeper: " + pos.x + " " + pos.y);
commandQueue.add(function() {
debug("put beeper: " + pos.x + " " + pos.y);
} else {
commandQueue.addBug('BUG: Karel has no beepers in its bag!');
var pickBeeper = function() {
if (world.canPickBeeperAt(preKarel.position)) {
var pos = preKarel.position;
debug("pick beeper: " + pos.x + " " + pos.y);
commandQueue.add(function() {
debug("pick beeper: " + pos.x + " " + pos.y);
} else {
commandQueue.addBug('BUG: can\'t pick up a beeper that doesn\'t exist!');
var frontIsClear = function() {
return canMoveFromCurrentPositionTo(positionInDirection(preKarel.direction)) && commandQueue.isAvailable();
var frontIsNotClear = function() {
return !canMoveFromCurrentPositionTo(positionInDirection(preKarel.direction)) && commandQueue.isAvailable();
var leftIsClear = function() {
var directionToLeft = preKarel.direction - 1;
if (directionToLeft < 0) {
directionToLeft = 3;
return canMoveFromCurrentPositionTo(positionInDirection(directionToLeft)) && commandQueue.isAvailable();
var leftIsNotClear = function() {
var directionToLeft = preKarel.direction - 1;
if (directionToLeft < 0) {
directionToLeft = 3;
return !canMoveFromCurrentPositionTo(positionInDirection(directionToLeft)) && commandQueue.isAvailable();
var rightIsClear = function() {
var directionToRight = preKarel.direction + 1;
if (directionToRight > 3) {
directionToRight = 0;
return canMoveFromCurrentPositionTo(positionInDirection(directionToRight)) && commandQueue.isAvailable();
var rightIsNotClear = function() {
var directionToRight = preKarel.direction + 1;
if (directionToRight > 3) {
directionToRight = 0;
return !canMoveFromCurrentPositionTo(positionInDirection(directionToRight)) && commandQueue.isAvailable();
var beepersPresent = function() {
return world.canPickBeeperAt(preKarel.position) && commandQueue.isAvailable();
var noBeepersPresent = function() {
return !world.canPickBeeperAt(preKarel.position) && commandQueue.isAvailable();
var facingNorth = function() {
return preKarel.direction === Direction.NORTH && commandQueue.isAvailable();
var notFacingNorth = function() {
return preKarel.direction !== Direction.NORTH && commandQueue.isAvailable();
var facingEast = function() {
return preKarel.direction === Direction.EAST && commandQueue.isAvailable();
var notFacingEast = function() {
return preKarel.direction !== Direction.EAST && commandQueue.isAvailable();
var facingSouth = function() {
return preKarel.direction === Direction.SOUTH && commandQueue.isAvailable();
var notFacingSouth = function() {
return preKarel.direction !== Direction.SOUTH && commandQueue.isAvailable();
var facingWest = function() {
return preKarel.direction === Direction.WEST && commandQueue.isAvailable();
var notFacingWest = function() {
return preKarel.direction !== Direction.WEST && commandQueue.isAvailable();
var beepersInBag = function() {
return preKarel.numBeepersInBag > 0;
var noBeepersInBag = function() {
return preKarel.numBeepersInBag === 0;
var isTrue = function() {
return commandQueue.isAvailable();
}; // replacement for while(true) -> while(isTrue())
/* Custom Drawing!
* Edit these functions to make Karel your own. Use the parameters given to make
* drawings for Beepers, Walls, Board Dots, and Karel itself.
var loadPlainTheme = function () {
customDrawBackground = function (boardWidth, boardHeight) {
stroke(0, 0, 0);
fill(255, 255, 255);
rect(0, 0, boardWidth, boardHeight);
customDrawBeeper = function(x, y, numBeepers) {
fill(196, 196, 196);
quad(x-15, y, x, y-15, x+15, y, x, y+15);
if (numBeepers > 1) {
fill(0, 115, 255);
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
text(numBeepers, x, y);
customDrawWall = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
stroke(0, 0, 0);
line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
customDrawBoardDot = function(x, y) {
stroke(0, 0, 0);
fill(255, 255, 255);
ellipse(x, y, 4, 4);
customDrawKarel = function(x, y, rotation) {
// This function uses translate in order to position Karel so that
// rotations are done about the middle of Karel, rather than at (0,0)
fill(255, 255, 255);
stroke(0, 0, 0);
translate(x, y);
rect(0, 0, 25, 25);
triangle(-15, 15, 15, 15, 0, -15);
resetMatrix(); // Need this to reset the translate and rotate
var loadSpaceTheme = function () {
customDrawBackground = function (boardWidth, boardHeight) {
image(getImage("space/background"), 0, 0, boardWidth, boardHeight);
customDrawBeeper = function (x, y, numBeepers) {
image(getImage("space/star"), x, y, 50, 50);
if (numBeepers > 1) {
fill(0, 115, 255);
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
text(numBeepers, x, y);
customDrawKarel = function(x, y, rotation) {
translate(x, y);
rotate(rotation - 90);
image(getImage("space/rocketship"), 0, 0, 50, 50);
customDrawBoardDot = function(x, y) {
image(getImage("space/plus"), x, y, 15, 15);
var loadAdventureTheme = function () {
customDrawBackground = function (boardWidth, boardHeight) {
var worldSize = world.size;
var boxWidth = width / worldSize.width;
var boxHeight = width / worldSize.height;
for (var x = 0; x < worldSize.width; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < worldSize.height; y++) {
var tile;
if (random() < 0.5) {
tile = getImage("cute/DirtBlock");
else if (random() < 0.3) {
tile = getImage("cute/StoneBlock");
else {
tile = getImage("cute/GrassBlock");
image(tile, x * boxWidth, (y-1.0/2.0) * boxHeight, boxWidth, boxHeight * 2);
customDrawBeeper = function (x, y, numBeepers) {
image(getImage("cute/GemOrange"), x, y-5, 35, 40);
if (numBeepers > 1) {
fill(1, 2, 3);
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
text(numBeepers, x, y);
customDrawKarel = function(x, y, rotation) {
translate(x, y);
rotate(rotation - 180);
image(getImage("cute/CharacterHornGirl"), 0, -3, 40, 50);
customDrawWall = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
stroke(117, 83, 11);
line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
customDrawBoardDot = function(x, y) {
var keys = [];
var useKeyControls = false;
var keyPressed = function() {
keys[keyCode] = true;
var keyReleased = function() {
keys[keyCode] = false;
var loadKeyControls = function() {
useKeyControls = true;
* Key Controls: change to assign different keys to different Karel * actions
var updateKarelKeyControls = function() {
if(!useKeyControls) {
if (keys[LEFT]) {
if (keys[RIGHT]) {
// Currently unused: add functions here!
if (keys[UP]) {
if (keys[DOWN]) {
if (keys[32]) { // Space Key
/* Create World
* Edit the world to create new challenges for yourself. Or check out other Karel
* projects at for more
* challenges.
* Do not edit this when working to solve this particular challenge!
var createWorld = function() {
world = new World();
world.size = new Size(10, 10);
world.startingPosition = new Point(1,3);
world.startingDirection = Direction.EAST;
world.startingBeeperCount = 421;
// Top wall
// Bottom wall
// Left wall
// Right wall
world.addBeeper(5, 4);
commandQueue = new CommandQueue();
board = new Board(world);
* Check out the Karel documentation at
* ~~~~~ < Challenge Name > [Difficulty: < Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced/Master >] ~~~~~~
* < Challenge Description >
* Facts
* - Example: Karel always starts at (1, 3) facing East
* - Example: The world is always 10x10
* < Challenge Notes/Tips >
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
karel.speed = 10; // Edit this to change Karel's speed. Higher = Faster
loadSpaceTheme(); // try loadPlainTheme() or loadAdventureTheme() instead
var run = function() {
/**>>>>>>>>>>>> YOUR SOLUTION HERE <<<<<<<<<<<**/
// move();
// turnLeft();
// putBeeper();
// pickBeeper();
// while(frontIsClear()) {
// move();
// }
// etc...
/* Draw
* No need to edit anything here!
draw = function() {
//This call allows one to use key controls with Karel; make sure to click in the
// Karel world first so that the world starts listening for key
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