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Created February 23, 2020 00:07
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  • Save RafaelM1994/3698c721c5a7962cc8657249bb195ff4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RafaelM1994/3698c721c5a7962cc8657249bb195ff4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function Get-DropboxFolder {
$body = '{"path":"/'+$DropboxFolder+'"}'
$AuthToken = 'lsUMntF6jMAAARTYUGDWmFJQybaT5G-XzUY_9sQ9AqXDRyZoFT0jhBeTMvXzQ'
$token = "Bearer $AuthToken"
#The file will be downloaded as ZIP to the Temp folder of the user
$Tempfolder = "$env:temp\"
if (!(Test-Path $FolderPath)){
Write-Verbose "Downloading the folder..."
Invoke-RestMethod `
-Method POST `
-Uri "" `
-Headers @{ "Authorization" = $token; "Dropbox-API-Arg" = $body} `
-OutFile $Tempfolder -ContentType ""
#The file will be extracted and then removed from the temp
write-verbose "Extracting the folder..."
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $Tempfolder -DestinationPath $OutputFolder -Force
Remove-Item $Tempfolder -Force
Write-Verbose "The folder has been downloaded."
Write-Verbose "Folder Exists."
$DropboxFolder = "Finance/software/Software01"
$OutputFolder = "$env:HOMEDRIVE\Softwares"
$FolderPath = "$OutputFolder\Software01"
Get-DropboxFolder -DropboxFolder $DropboxFolder -OutputFolder $OutputFolder -FolderPath $FolderPath -verbose
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