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Created November 16, 2021 20:18
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Vowel Families
* Given two words, we can determine if they have the same vowels,
* ignoring order and repetition.
* For instance, “Hello” and “Vowel” both have \e and \o, so they have the same vowels.
* Write a function that groups words into “families” that all have the same vowels.
* “Tree” and “tent” also belong to the same family because we ignore the repetition of \e.
* Examples
* (vowel-families ["hello" "vowel" "fox" "cot" "hat" "cat"]) ;=> [["hello" "vowel"]
; ["fox" "cot"]
; ["hat" "cat"]]
(vowel-families []) ;=> []
(vowel-families ["tree" "tent" "blanket"] ;=> [["tree" "tent"]
; ["blanket"]]
* Notes
* For this exercise, the vowels are \a, \e, \i, \o, and \u.
* If you wish, you may include vowels from other languages and scripts.
* Your algorithm should not be case-sensitive.
* Please maintain capitalization and non-alphabetic characters.
import $scalac.`-Ypartial-unification`
import $dep.`org.typelevel::cats-core:2.3.0`
import cats.implicits._
import scala.collection.immutable._
def isVowel(c: Char): Boolean =
"AEIOUaeiou".indexOf(c) =!= -1
def vowels(str: String): Set[Char] =
type Acc = Map[Set[Char], List[String]]
def f(str: String): State[Acc, Unit] = {
State { acc =>
val vwls = vowels(str)
val family = acc.get(vwls) match {
case Some(fam) => str :: fam
case None => List(str)
val newAcc = acc + (vwls -> family)
(newAcc, ())
def vowelFamilies(words: List[String]) =
val initialState: Acc = Map.empty[Set[Char], List[String]]
vowelFamilies(List("hello", "vowel"))
vowelFamilies(List("tree", "tent", "blanket"))
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