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Created November 16, 2021 20:17
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Balanced Paren Clusters
import $scalac.`-Ypartial-unification`
import $dep.`org.typelevel::cats-core:2.3.0`
import scala.collection.immutable._
import cats.Foldable
import cats.implicits._
* Balanced Paren Clusters
* Given a string of balanced parentheses, split it up into top-level “clusters”.
* Examples
* (clusters "") ;=> []
* (clusters "()") ;=> ["()"]
* (clusters "(())") ;=> ["(())"]
* (clusters "()()()") ;=> ["()" "()" "()"]
* (clusters "(()())()(())") ;=> ["(()())" "()" "(())"]
* You can assume the strings will only contain \( and \) and will be fully balanced.
* Bonuses
* 1. Handle unbalanced parens with a nice error message showing the relevant positions.
* 2. Handle other braces, such as {} and [].
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Source:
object Clusters {
final case class Context(
helpStack: List[Char],
output: List[String]
object Context {
def empty = {
Context(List.empty, List.empty)
type Result[C] = Either[String, C]
def errorMessage(char: Char, index: Int): String =
s"String is not balanced. Found faulty '$char' @ $index"
def folder(context: Context, pair: (Char, Int)): Result[Context] = {
val Context(helpStack, output) = context
val (char, index) = pair
def newOutput = output match {
case Nil => s"$char" :: Nil
case head :: tl => s"$head$char" :: tl
helpStack match {
case Nil if char === ')' => errorMessage(char, index).asLeft[Context]
case Nil =>
val newTest = output match {
case Nil => s"$char" :: Nil
case ls => s"$char" :: ls
Context(List(char), newTest).asRight
case head :: tail if char === ')' => Context(tail, newOutput).asRight
case stack => Context(char :: stack, newOutput).asRight
def apply(chars: List[Char]): Either[String, Context] = {
chars match {
case _ :: Nil => "Invalid input. Input must have size >= 2.".asLeft
case _ => Foldable[List].foldM[Result, (Char, Int), Context](chars.zipWithIndex.toList, Context.empty)(folder)
def proveSuccess(input: List[Char], expectedClusters: Int) =
val result = Clusters(input)
result.isRight && {
val context = result.right.get
context.helpStack.isEmpty &&
context.output.size === expectedClusters
def proveFailure(input: List[Char], faultyChar: Char, faultyCharIndex: Int) =
val result = Clusters(input)
result.isLeft && {
val err = result.left.get
err === s"String is not balanced. Found faulty '$faultyChar' @ $faultyCharIndex"
proveSuccess(List.empty[Char], 0)
proveSuccess(List('(', ')'), 1)
proveSuccess(List('(', ')', '(', ')', '(', ')'), 3)
proveSuccess(List('(', '(', ')', '(', ')', ')', '(', ')', '(', '(', ')', ')'), 3)
proveSuccess(List('(', '(', ')', ')'), 1)
proveFailure(List('(', ')', ')'), ')', 2)
val result = Clusters(List('('))
result.isLeft && {
val err = result.left.get
err === "Invalid input. Input must have size >= 2."
val result = Clusters(List(')'))
result.isLeft && {
val err = result.left.get
err === "Invalid input. Input must have size >= 2."
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