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require 'rubygems'
require 'rake'
require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
require 'yaml'
require 'json'
require 'chef/run_list'
json_files = Dir::glob("./nodes/*.json")
Chef::Config[:cookbook_path] = './cookbook/'
Chef::Config[:role_path] = './roles/'
var Nothing = {Nothing: true}
function MaybeGenerator() {
var g = arguments[arguments.length - 1]
// list of functions that test for any "Nothing" values
var maybes = [],0,arguments.length - 1)
return function(value) {
var generator = g.apply(null,[],1))
var result

Debugging & Profiling Node.js

This is a maintained listing of all the different ways to debug and profile Node.js applications. If there is something missing or an improvement, post a comment! :)

Interactive Stack Traces with traceGL - Shareware

  1. Guide here
Rafe / robot.js
Created December 5, 2012 19:19
var Robot = function(robot){
robot.turnLeft(robot.angle % 90);
Robot.prototype.onIdle = function(ev) {
var robot = ev.robot;
if (robot.parentId) {
else {
// Bootstrap Mid-Small - col-ms-* - the missing grid set for Bootstrap3.
// This is a hack to fill the gap between 480 and 767 pixels - a missing range
// in the bootstrap responsive grid structure. Use these classes to style pages
// on cellphones when they transition from portrait to landscape.
// Contains:
// Columns, Offsets, Pushes, Pulls for the Mid-Small layout
// Visibility classes for the Mid-Small layout
// Redefined visibility classes for the Extra Small layout

Real iOS Apps in AppStore, with source on GitHub:

thanks 4 putting source for a noob to learn a little

I've used these: