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Created April 24, 2018 07:48
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  • Save Rafi993/aff598b4c06a4a70a4893f4ee62c25f4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Rafi993/aff598b4c06a4a70a4893f4ee62c25f4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
trained model
"modelTopology": {
"backend": "tensorflow",
"training_config": {
"loss_weights": null,
"loss": "categorical_crossentropy",
"metrics": ["accuracy"],
"optimizer_config": {
"config": {
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"epsilon": 1e-08,
"lr": 0.0010000000474974513,
"decay": 0.0
"class_name": "RMSprop"
"sample_weight_mode": null
"keras_version": "2.0.3",
"model_config": {
"config": {
"output_layers": [
["activation_6", 0, 0]
"input_layers": [
["input_5", 0, 0],
["input_6", 0, 0]
"layers": [{
"config": {
"sparse": false,
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"name": "input_5"
"inbound_nodes": [],
"class_name": "InputLayer",
"name": "input_5"
}, {
"config": {
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"batch_input_shape": [null, 6],
"dtype": "float32",
"name": "input_6"
"inbound_nodes": [],
"class_name": "InputLayer",
"name": "input_6"
}, {
"config": [{
"config": {
"activity_regularizer": null,
"input_dim": 38,
"mask_zero": false,
"input_length": null,
"embeddings_constraint": null,
"embeddings_regularizer": null,
"output_dim": 64,
"batch_input_shape": [null, null],
"dtype": "int32",
"name": "embedding_7",
"trainable": true,
"embeddings_initializer": {
"config": {
"minval": -0.05,
"maxval": 0.05,
"seed": null
"class_name": "RandomUniform"
"class_name": "Embedding"
}, {
"config": {
"name": "dropout_9",
"trainable": true,
"rate": 0.3
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"inbound_nodes": [
["input_5", 0, 0, {}]
"class_name": "Sequential",
"name": "sequential_7"
}, {
"config": [{
"config": {
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"mask_zero": false,
"input_length": 6,
"embeddings_constraint": null,
"embeddings_regularizer": null,
"output_dim": 64,
"batch_input_shape": [null, 6],
"dtype": "int32",
"name": "embedding_9",
"trainable": true,
"embeddings_initializer": {
"config": {
"minval": -0.05,
"maxval": 0.05,
"seed": null
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"class_name": "Embedding"
}, {
"config": {
"name": "dropout_11",
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"rate": 0.3
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"inbound_nodes": [
["input_6", 0, 0, {}]
"class_name": "Sequential",
"name": "sequential_9"
}, {
"config": {
"name": "dot_3",
"trainable": true,
"normalize": false,
"axes": [2, 2]
"inbound_nodes": [
["sequential_7", 1, 0, {}],
["sequential_9", 1, 0, {}]
"class_name": "Dot",
"name": "dot_3"
}, {
"config": {
"activation": "softmax",
"name": "activation_5",
"trainable": true
"inbound_nodes": [
["dot_3", 0, 0, {}]
"class_name": "Activation",
"name": "activation_5"
}, {
"config": [{
"config": {
"activity_regularizer": null,
"input_dim": 38,
"mask_zero": false,
"input_length": null,
"embeddings_constraint": null,
"embeddings_regularizer": null,
"output_dim": 6,
"batch_input_shape": [null, null],
"dtype": "int32",
"name": "embedding_8",
"trainable": true,
"embeddings_initializer": {
"config": {
"minval": -0.05,
"maxval": 0.05,
"seed": null
"class_name": "RandomUniform"
"class_name": "Embedding"
}, {
"config": {
"name": "dropout_10",
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"rate": 0.3
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"inbound_nodes": [
["input_5", 0, 0, {}]
"class_name": "Sequential",
"name": "sequential_8"
}, {
"config": {
"name": "add_3",
"trainable": true
"inbound_nodes": [
["activation_5", 0, 0, {}],
["sequential_8", 1, 0, {}]
"class_name": "Add",
"name": "add_3"
}, {
"config": {
"name": "permute_3",
"trainable": true,
"dims": [2, 1]
"inbound_nodes": [
["add_3", 0, 0, {}]
"class_name": "Permute",
"name": "permute_3"
}, {
"config": {
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"name": "concatenate_3"
"inbound_nodes": [
["permute_3", 0, 0, {}],
["sequential_9", 1, 0, {}]
"class_name": "Concatenate",
"name": "concatenate_3"
}, {
"config": {
"activation": "tanh",
"recurrent_initializer": {
"config": {
"gain": 1.0,
"seed": null
"class_name": "Orthogonal"
"recurrent_dropout": 0.0,
"dropout": 0.0,
"kernel_initializer": {
"config": {
"distribution": "uniform",
"scale": 1.0,
"seed": null,
"mode": "fan_avg"
"class_name": "VarianceScaling"
"bias_initializer": {
"config": {},
"class_name": "Zeros"
"implementation": 0,
"activity_regularizer": null,
"trainable": true,
"bias_constraint": null,
"stateful": false,
"recurrent_constraint": null,
"recurrent_activation": "hard_sigmoid",
"unroll": false,
"recurrent_regularizer": null,
"go_backwards": false,
"kernel_constraint": null,
"name": "lstm_3",
"bias_regularizer": null,
"return_sequences": false,
"units": 32,
"unit_forget_bias": true,
"use_bias": true,
"kernel_regularizer": null
"inbound_nodes": [
["concatenate_3", 0, 0, {}]
"class_name": "LSTM",
"name": "lstm_3"
}, {
"config": {
"name": "dropout_12",
"trainable": true,
"rate": 0.3
"inbound_nodes": [
["lstm_3", 0, 0, {}]
"class_name": "Dropout",
"name": "dropout_12"
}, {
"config": {
"activation": "linear",
"kernel_constraint": null,
"name": "dense_3",
"kernel_regularizer": null,
"activity_regularizer": null,
"bias_regularizer": null,
"units": 38,
"bias_initializer": {
"config": {},
"class_name": "Zeros"
"kernel_initializer": {
"config": {
"distribution": "uniform",
"scale": 1.0,
"seed": null,
"mode": "fan_avg"
"class_name": "VarianceScaling"
"trainable": true,
"bias_constraint": null,
"use_bias": true
"inbound_nodes": [
["dropout_12", 0, 0, {}]
"class_name": "Dense",
"name": "dense_3"
}, {
"config": {
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"name": "activation_6",
"trainable": true
"inbound_nodes": [
["dense_3", 0, 0, {}]
"class_name": "Activation",
"name": "activation_6"
"name": "model_3"
"class_name": "Model"
"weightsManifest": [{
"weights": [{
"name": "dense_3/kernel",
"shape": [32, 38],
"dtype": "float32"
}, {
"name": "dense_3/bias",
"shape": [38],
"dtype": "float32"
"paths": ["group1-shard1of1"]
}, {
"weights": [{
"name": "lstm_3/kernel",
"shape": [220, 128],
"dtype": "float32"
}, {
"name": "lstm_3/recurrent_kernel",
"shape": [32, 128],
"dtype": "float32"
}, {
"name": "lstm_3/bias",
"shape": [128],
"dtype": "float32"
"paths": ["group2-shard1of1"]
}, {
"weights": [{
"name": "embedding_7/embeddings",
"shape": [38, 64],
"dtype": "float32"
"paths": ["group3-shard1of1"]
}, {
"weights": [{
"name": "embedding_8/embeddings",
"shape": [38, 6],
"dtype": "float32"
"paths": ["group4-shard1of1"]
}, {
"weights": [{
"name": "embedding_9/embeddings",
"shape": [38, 64],
"dtype": "float32"
"paths": ["group5-shard1of1"]
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