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Created August 4, 2021 07:07
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Update borders.m to plot only region within coordinates
function varargout = borders(place,varargin)
% borders plots National or US state boundaries without Matlab's Mapping Toolbox.
% Data are compiled from 2013 US Census Bureau 500k data and TM World Borders 0.3 dataset.
%% Syntax
% borders
% borders(place)
% borders(...,LineProperty,LineValue)
% borders(...,PatchProperty,PatchValue)
% h = borders(...)
% [lat,lon] = borders(place)
%% Description
% borders plots national borders.
% borders(place) plots the borders of a place, which can be any country or US state. place may also be
% 'countries' to plot all national borders, 'states' to plot all US state borders, or 'Continental US' to
% plot only the continental United States (sorry Guam). Note: to plot the nation of Georgia, use 'Georgia'.
% To plot the US state of Georgia, specify 'Georgia.' with a period.
% borders(...,LineProperty,LineValue) specifies linestyle or markerstyle.
% borders(...,PatchProperty,PatchValue) outlines states or nations as patch objects if any property begins
% with 'face', (e.g., 'facecolor','red'). Note that plotting all countries as patches can be a bit slow.
% h = borders(...) returns a handle h of plotted object(s).
% [lat,lon] = borders(place) does not plot any borders, but returns arrays of their geographic coordinates.
%% Examples
% For nice formatted examples, type this into your Command Window:
% showdemo borders_documentation
%% Author Info
% The borders and labelborders functions were written by <
% Chad A. Greene> of the University of Texas at Austin's Institute for Geophysics (UTIG).
% April 2015: borders function created and shared on File Exchange.
% April 2015: updated to allow patch objects without the Mapping Toolbox.
% Oct 2018: Split into two functions: borders for nomappingtoobox, and bordersm for mapping toolox.
% See also plot, plotm, and patchm.
%% Initial error checks
%% Set defaults
plotborder = false;
faceplot = false;
plotWhat = 'singleplace';
% Unless the user has the mapping toolbox and the current axes are already map axes:
if license('test','map_toolbox')
assert(ismap(gca)==0,'The current axes use Matlab''s Mapping Toolbox, so you will need to use the bordersm function instead of borders.')
%% Parse inputs:
if nargout<2
plotborder = true;
if any(strncmpi(varargin,'face',4))
faceplot = true;
if ~exist('place','var')
place = 'countries';
if strncmpi(place,'countries',5)
plotWhat = 'countries';
if strncmpi(place,'states',5)
plotWhat = 'states';
if strncmpi(place,'continental us',4)
plotWhat = 'continental us';
if strncmpi(place,'latin america',4)
plotWhat = 'latin america';
if ismatrix(place) && numel(place)==4
plotWhat = 'coord';
%% Load outline data and select which data to include:
bd = load('borderdata.mat');
switch plotWhat
case 'singleplace'
ind = strlookup(bd.places,place);
if isempty(ind)
lat ={ind};
lon = bd.lon{ind};
case 'coord'
extand = [cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) [min(x) max(x)],bd.lon,'UniformOutput',false)) cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) [min(x) max(x)],,'UniformOutput',false))];
for i=1:numel(bd.places)
in(i)=inpolygon(extand(i,1),extand(i,3),[place(1) place(1) place(2) place(2)],[place(3) place(4) place(4) place(3)]) ||...
inpolygon(extand(i,1),extand(i,4),[place(1) place(1) place(2) place(2)],[place(3) place(4) place(4) place(3)]) ||...
inpolygon(extand(i,2),extand(i,3),[place(1) place(1) place(2) place(2)],[place(3) place(4) place(4) place(3)]) ||...
inpolygon(extand(i,2),extand(i,4),[place(1) place(1) place(2) place(2)],[place(3) place(4) place(4) place(3)]);
lat =;
lon = bd.lon(in);
case 'countries'
lat =;
lon = bd.lon(1:246);
case 'states'
lat =;
lon = bd.lon(247:302);
case 'continental us'
lat =[247:273 276 277 279:282 284:285 287:299 302]);
lon = bd.lon([247:273 276 277 279:282 284:285 287:299 302]);
case 'latin america'
lat =[8 17 21 33 38 39 41 48 49 55 75 78 79 120 159 165 162 211 214]);
lon = bd.lon([8 17 21 33 38 39 41 48 49 55 75 78 79 120 159 165 162 211 214]);
if plotborder
if strcmpi(plotWhat,'singleplace')
if faceplot
nanz = find(isnan(lat));
nanz = [0,nanz];
hold on
for k = 1:length(nanz)-1
h(k) = patch(lon(nanz(k)+1:nanz(k+1)-1),lat(nanz(k)+1:nanz(k+1)-1),.5*[1 1 1],varargin{:});
% h = patch(lon,lat,.5*[1 1 1],varargin{:}); % does not work well
h = plot(lon,lat,varargin{:});
if faceplot
for k = 1:length(lat)
latk = lat{k};
lonk = lon{k};
nanz = find(isnan(latk));
nanz = [0,nanz];
hold on
for kk = 1:length(nanz)-1
h(kk) = patch(lonk(nanz(kk)+1:nanz(kk+1)-1),latk(nanz(kk)+1:nanz(kk+1)-1),.5*[1 1 1],varargin{:});
hold on
h = plot(cell2nancat(lon),cell2nancat(lat),varargin{:});
switch nargout
case 0
% do nothing
case 1
varargout{1} = h;
case 2
varargout{1} = lat;
varargout{2} = lon;
error('Too many outputs.')
function [ind,CloseNames] = strlookup(string,list,varargin)
% STRLOOKUP uses strcmp or strcmpi to return indices of a list of strings
% matching an input string. If no matches are found, close matches are
% suggested.
%% Syntax
% ind = strlookup('string',list)
% ind = strlookup(...,'CaseSensitive')
% ind = strlookup(...,'threshold',ThresholdValue)
% [ind,CloseNames] = strlookup(...)
%% Description
% ind = strlookup('string',list) returns indices ind corresponding to
% cell entries in list matching 'string'.
% ind = strlookup(...,'CaseSensitive') performs a case-sensitive
% strlookup.
% ind = strlookup(...,'threshold',ThresholdValue) declares a threshold
% value for close matches. You will rarely (if ever) need to use this.
% The ThresholdValue is a metric of how closely matches should be when
% offering suggestions. Low threshold values limit suggested matches to a
% shorter list whereas high thresholds expand the list size. By default,
% the threshold starts at 1.5, then increases or decreases depending on how
% many close matches are returned. If fewer than 3 close matches are
% returned, the threshold is increased and it looks for more matches. If
% more than 10 close matches are found, the threshold is tightened
% (reduced) until fewer than 10 matches are found.
% [ind,CloseNames] = strlookup(...) suppresses command window output if
% no exact match is found, and instead returns an empty matrix ind and a
% cell array of close matches in names. If exact match(es) is/are found,
% ind will be populated and CloseNames will be empty.
%% Author Info
% This function was written by Chad A. Greene of the University of Texas
% at Austin Institute for Geophysics (UTIG), August 2014.
% Updated January 2015 to include close alphabetical matches and fixed
% an input check based on FEX user Bryan's suggestion. Thanks Bryan.
% See also strcmp, strcmpi, strfind, regexp, strrep.
%% Input checks:
assert(isnumeric(string)==0&&isnumeric(list)==0,'Inputs must be strings.')
% If user accidentally switches order string and list inputs, fix the order:
if ischar(list) && iscell(string)
tmplist = list;
list = string;
string = tmplist;
if strcmpi(string,'recursion')
disp('Did you mean recursion?')
% Allow user to declare match threshold with a name-value pair:
threshold = [];
tmp = strncmpi(varargin,'thresh',6);
if any(tmp)
threshold = varargin{find(tmp)+1};
assert(isscalar(threshold)==1,'Threshold value must be a scalar.')
assert(threshold>=0,'Threshold value cannot be negative.')
%% Find matches:
% Find case-insensitive matches unless 'CaseSensitive' is requested by user:
if nargin>2 && any(strncmpi(varargin,'case',4))
TF = strcmp(list,string);
TF = strcmpi(list,string);
%% Look for close matches if no exact matches are found:
CloseNames = [];
if sum(TF)==0
% Thanks to Cedric Wannaz for writing this bit of code. He came up with a
% quite clever solution wherein the spectrum of an input string is compared to
% spectra of available options in the input list.
% Define spectrum function:
spec = @(name) accumarray(upper(name.')-31, ones(size(name)), [60 1]);
% Get spectrum of input string:
spec_str = spec(string);
% Compare spec_str to spectra of all strings available in the list:
spec_dist = cellfun(@(name) norm(spec(name)-spec_str), list);
% Sort by best matches:
[sds,idx] = sort(spec_dist) ;
% Find list items that closely match input string by spectrum:
% If the user has not declared a hard threshold, start with a threshold
% of 1.5 and then adjust threshold dynamically if there are too many or
% too few matches:
if isempty(threshold)
threshold = 1.5;
closeSpectralInd = idx(sds<=threshold);
% If there are more than 10 close matches, try a smaller threshold:
while length(closeSpectralInd)>10
threshold = 0.9*threshold;
closeSpectralInd = idx(sds<=threshold);
if threshold<.05
% If there are fewer than 3 close matches, try relaxing the threshold:
while length(closeSpectralInd)<3
threshold = 1.1*threshold;
closeSpectralInd = idx(sds<=threshold);
if threshold>10
% If user declared a hard threshold, stick with it:
closeSpectralInd = idx(sds<=threshold);
% Check for matches alphabetically by seeing how many first-letter
% matches there are. If there are more than 4 first-letter matches,
% see how many first-two-letter matches there are, and so on:
for n = 1:length(string)
closeAlphaInd = find(strncmpi(list,string,n));
if length(closeAlphaInd)<5
% Names of close matches:
CloseNames = list(unique([closeSpectralInd;closeAlphaInd]));
ind = [];
if isempty(CloseNames)
disp(['String ''',string,''' not found and I can''t even find a close match. Make like Santa and check your list twice.'])
if nargout<2
disp(['String ''',string,''' not found. Did you mean...'])
if nargout==0
clear ind
ind = find(TF);
function B = cell2nancat(A)
%cell2nancat concatenates elements of a cell into a NaN-separated vector.
%% Author Info
% This function was written by Chad A. Greene of the University of Texas at
% Austin's Institute for Geophysics (UTIG), January 2016.
% See also: cell2mat, nan, and cat.
%% Input checks:
assert(iscell(A),'Input error: Input must be a cell array.')
%% Perform mathematics and whatnot:
% Append a NaN to each array inside A:
Anan = cellfun(@(x) [x(:);NaN],A,'un',0);
% Columnate:
B = cell2mat(Anan(:));
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