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Last active December 18, 2023 22:30
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DMC Wiki Setup

DMC Wiki Setup

This guide is to set up the DMC Wiki on a new machine.

Set up SSH

On your computer, run the following command:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C <insert your email here>

Press enter through all prompts. This will generate two files in the .ssh folder inside your user folder.

Follow this guide:

In the section where it explains what to paste in the New SSH Key, what you'll paste there is the contents of .ssh/ (you can open it up in notepad and copy the whole thing then paste it in the SSH key content section). You can name the key whatever makes the most sense to you.

Create the server

Make the server on DigitalOcean. You can choose either Ubuntu 22.04 (LTS) or Debian 12 Bookworm. This guide works for either one.
Switch to a Regular (SSD) disk type, and choose the $6/mo option.

For Choose Authentication Method, you should be able to choose SSH Key and use the key you uploaded to the team in the last step.

Finally, you can change the server's hostname to dmcwiki or something similar. This is just for our own convenience.

SSH to the server

First, get the server's IP from the droplet's menu in DigitalOcean. Then you should be able to run the following command on your computer:

ssh root@<ip of the server>

Run the following command on the server:

apt update && apt upgrade -y

Setup firewalls

We will use ufw (aka uncomplicated firewall) to set up the firewalls for the server. First, install ufw by running the following command:

apt install ufw

Then run all the following commands (you can copy the whole thing and paste it into the ssh window and press enter):

ufw default deny incoming
ufw default allow outgoing
ufw allow ssh
ufw allow http
ufw allow https
ufw enable

These all need to be run before successfully before exiting.

Upload the backup to the server

If you have a zip file of the backup from the old server, you can upload it to the new server using the SCP command. On your machine in the same directory as the file:

scp root@<ip of the server>:~

This will copy the folder over the network onto the server in the home folder of the root user.

What you need from the backup

SSH into the server. Unzip the backup by running:


The old backup hies made has the backup of an entire /var/www folder. Most of this is no longer needed.

What we will save from this folder is in the var/www/dokuwiki from the unzipped directory. This can be copied somewhere on the server, does not matter where but remember the path. A common location for dokuwiki is /srv/dokuwiki, so that would work.

Download PHP FPM

For Dokuwiki to work, you need to have something to run PHP. We will be hooking Caddy into this to actually render the website. The easiest thing to use for this is PHP FPM. To install:

apt install php-fpm

Set up Caddy

Caddy is the web server we will be setting up to serve the dokuwiki site. It is easier than Apache because it automatically does LetsEncrypt stuff for you under the hood, meaning we get free https. The config is also easier to understand.


Go to and go to the Releases section. In the latest release, find the option that ends with _amd64.deb. Right click that link and select "Copy Link". Then in the server, run the command:

wget <the link you just copied>

Then to install Caddy, run:

apt install <the deb file that you just downloaded>


First, run the following command that will make it so Caddy always starts up when the machine starts. This is helpful for scenarios where something goes wrong and the machine needs to be rebooted.

systemctl enable caddy

We need to edit the file /etc/caddy/Caddyfile. We can do this with the nano tool.

Run the command:

nano /etc/caddy/Caddyfile

This will bring up a menu right in the terminal that is very similar to notepad.

Paste the following contents to the bottom of the file: {
    encode gzip zstd
    root * /srv/dokuwiki

    #Remember to comment the below forbidden block out when you're installing, and uncomment it when done.
    @forbidden path /data/* /conf/* /bin/* /inc/* /install.php
    handle @forbidden {
        respond * 403
    #End of the forbidden block

    log {
        output file /var/log/caddy/dmcwiki.access.log

    try_files {path} {path}/index.html

    route {
        handle_path /_media/* {
            rewrite * /lib/exe/fetch.php?media={path}&{query}
        handle_path /_detail/* {
            rewrite * /lib/exe/detail.php?media={path}&{query}
        handle /_export/* {
            @export path_regexp export ^/_export/([^/]+)/(.*)
            rewrite @export /doku.php?do=export_{re.export.1}&{query}&id={re.export.2}
        handle / {
            rewrite * /doku.php?{query}
        try_files {path} /doku.php?id={path}&{query}

    php_fastcgi unix//run/php/php-fpm.sock

Then run the following command to make the config take effect:

systemctl restart caddy

Setup the domain

In the Namecheap domain settings, you can set the @ record to point to the IP of the new server instead. After a couple minutes, should work again.

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