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Rahiche/ Secret

Created December 13, 2018 19:49
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AnimatedSwitcher in-depth

AnimatedSwitcher is one of the least knon widget's in flutter acctuly the first time i heard about this widget was in metaing and simon started talking about it and from that momnt i coulm'd stop using it so in this article i will talk about this widget and show you some cool examples using it.

When can this be used

  • when removing/inserting a widget from the tree
  • when swiping between widgets
  • when values changes

minimal example

let's start by a very simple example where we will hide/show a widget when the user clicks the FAB

NOTE : always use a SizedBox to reper sentesomthing invisible becuase we can't just return NULL in the Build method

and as you can see the widget will fade in/out when the FAB is clicked ,Now let's try to do this but between two widget's of the same type! just remplare the SizedBox with another Container and you will see no effect and that's because the flutter framework will comapre betwenn the two widget's using canUpdate

So if you want to switch between two widget withe same type you must give them a Key to identfy them and for that we can use any local key and to make thinks simple i will use a UniqueKey.

Now the example will look somthing like this

i know you are sying this is just like AnimatedCrossFade but more compplicated but NO we barley toutched the surface of AniamtedSwitcher

switch beteen Values

in this example we will switch beteen widget's when thier values changes so a good example would be the countdown example where the Text widget will display the elapsed time and when a new value is omited from the Countdown the AnimatedSwiter will run the transtion Effect:

Create a simple countDown

for this article i will use the CountdownTimer class from quiver.async library and to use to just declare it in the floataing action button pressed event :

And don't foget to decalre the the elapsed integer in the state of the widget :

Lastly change the chld of the AniamtedSwitcher to this text :

Very simple right? but the only think that's new here is the use of ValueKey whcih is another type of local keys which will give your widget a unique id for every value. this is the final result it looks cool but we can make it cooler by making our custom trantion.

Custom Transtion

the aniamted switcher uses the FadeTransiton by defult

Using the transitionBuilder prperty we can make our custom transtion so let's do it with the last CountDown example:

Now it's your turn to play with it you can use any kind of transitoin or even compose them , but wait a minite what if i want to use a SlideTransiotn and my aniamtion is Animation ? eazy just create a new animation driven by this animation let me show you an example:

one little trick that may make this example even better is clipping so just wrap the SlideTransition with a ClipRect and you will not see two widget's at one time

addional info : You can costimize the in/out curves as well using switchOutCurve and switchInCurve

The Layout

by defult when the transion is hapening the chidlren are laid out in a Stack but you change that :

As you can see the layout here is simple but let's make somethink more advaced like this

the first think to noticed in the above GIF that we have only one widget whcih is is the currunt widget

and the second think is the animation as you can see there is a little bit of a delay on e the widget is in the in the View and that's because i used a TweenSequence rather than a simple Tween aniamtion:

NOTE : ConstantTween is A tween with a constant value. and i used it to stop the sequnce for a little bit of time.

And the final pice is the ClipRect and it's used just to show the fixed part in the transtion and without it you will see the full transtion from 1.0 to -1.0

You can use the ClipRect in the Layoutbuilder but the clipping is expensive and layout is called every time this widget is built and the transionbulder is This is only called when a new child is set

Use different in/out aniamtion

By defult the aniamtedswitcher will just reverse the in aniamtion to get the out aniamtion and that's okay for most cases but it would be cool if we can costimze that as well, unfortinatly this is not somthing provided by the public API and there is an issue for that however for now i will just use this method i found here

and as you can see the idea is all about keys we will comapre the child key with the current ValueKey and decide what to do after that

And here is the final result

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