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Rahiche/ Secret

Created December 11, 2018 13:56
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Getting Started with SQLite in Flutter

Persisting data is very important for the users because they don't want to type inforamtion everytime or to wait for network to load the same data again.they want thier data to be saved so let's make that happent

Using SQLITE in Flutter

in this article we will use SQLite as a database just because it's the most used database for mobile apps . and to integrate it in flutter we will use sqflite plugin since it's keeping up with the latest flutter and dart developemt.

1. Add dependacies to your project

in your project go to pubspec.yaml and under dependencies add the latest version of sqflite and path_provider (use the right numbers from pub)

NOTE: we use the path_provider package to get the commonly used location such as TemporaryDirectory and ApplicationDocumentsDirectory

2. Create a DB Client

Now in your project add a new file and let's call it Database.dart but before we do anything else we want one databse instance all the time . and to do that we need to implement the singleton pattern whcih is very easy in dart with the help of dart Factory constructors.

Why we need singlteon :

We use the singlten pattern to ensure that we have only one class instanse and provide a global point accses to it

1.Create a private consterctor that can be used only inside the class :

2.Setup database

and now we will create the database object and provide it with a getter where will setup the database if it's not (lazy initialization).

and in the initDB we will get the path wherewe will store the database and then create the table if no database found in the spicfied path :

NOTE: The database name is TestDB and the only table we have is called Client and if you don't know what's going on you relly need to go and learn some SQL it's important than water.

3. Create the Model Class

The data inside your database will be converted into Dart maps so first we need to create model classes with toMap and fromMap methods. i am not goiing to coved how to do this manulty if you want to understad how that works consider reading this aricle by pooja . for me i am just goign to use this app which should be in your bookmarks from now and so on :

4. CRUD operations


the SQFlite packge provide two ways to do all the operation using RawSQL queries or using the table name and map that contas the data :

using rawInsert :

using insert :

another example : the id is the biggest ID+1


get Client by id

In the above code we provide the query with the id as an argument using whereArgs and we return the first result if the list is not emty otherwise we return null.

get all Clients with condition

in this examlpe i used rawQuery and i mapped the result list to a list of Client objects

Example : get only Blocked Clients


update an exicting client

Example : block or unblock a Client:


Delete one client

Delete All Clients

Create new Flutter App

in this part we will create a simple flutter app to intercat with our database but first let's build the app layout:

Notes :

1.I used a FutureBuilder to get the data from the database

2.I used a FAB to add a random client to the database

3.I will show a CircularProgressIndicator if there is no data

4.When the user clicks the checkbox the client will be blocked or unbloked accoring to the currunt state

Now it's very easy to add new futures for example i want to delete the client when the item is swiped. just wrap you ListTile with a Dismissible Widget like this:

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