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Last active December 4, 2021 13:26
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App Config Plug in defination
use tauri::{plugin::Plugin, Runtime, Invoke, State, Window, PageLoadPayload, Manager};
use tauri::async_runtime::Mutex;
use std::sync::Arc;
use super::AppConfig;
type Tconfig = Arc<Mutex<AppConfig>>;
pub struct ConfigPlugin<R: Runtime> {
invoke_handler: Box<dyn Fn(Invoke<R>) + Send + Sync>,
async fn save_config( config: State<'_, Tconfig>)-> Result<(),String>{
println!("save config requested");
let cfg = config.inner().lock().await;
cfg.save_config().expect("Error While Saving Config");
async fn get_config( config: State<'_, Tconfig>)-> Result<serde_json::Value, String>{
let cfg = config.inner().lock().await;
let config_json = serde_json::to_value(cfg.clone()).expect("Error While Parsing Config");
async fn change_theme( config: State<'_, Tconfig>, theme: String) -> Result<(), String>{
let mut cfg = config.inner().lock().await;
async fn change_dimension( config: State<'_, Tconfig>, height:f64, width:f64) -> Result<(), String>{
let mut cfg = config.inner().lock().await;
cfg.change_dimension(height, width);
impl<R: Runtime> ConfigPlugin<R> {
pub fn new()-> Self {
Self {
invoke_handler: Box::new(tauri::generate_handler![save_config, get_config,change_dimension,change_theme])
impl<R: Runtime> Plugin<R> for ConfigPlugin<R> {
fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
fn on_page_load(&mut self, window: Window<R>, _payload: PageLoadPayload) {
window.emit("config-init", "hi").unwrap();
fn initialize(&mut self, app: &tauri::AppHandle<R>, _config: serde_json::Value) -> tauri::plugin::Result<()> {
let app_config_state : Tconfig = Arc::new(Mutex::new(AppConfig::new()));
fn initialization_script(&self) -> Option<String> {
fn created(&mut self, window: Window<R>) {
let state = window.state::<Arc<Mutex<AppConfig>>>().inner().blocking_lock();
window.set_resizable(true).expect("Error While seeting resizable");
window.set_decorations(true).expect("Error While seeting resizable");
window.set_skip_taskbar(false).expect("Error While seeting resizable");
window.set_position(state.get_position()).expect("Error While seeting resizable");
window.set_size(state.get_size()).expect("Error While seeting size");
window.set_always_on_top(false).expect("Error While always on top");
fn extend_api(&mut self, message: Invoke<R>) {
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