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Last active August 31, 2022 17:52
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Simple state machine in Godot
## State machine usage example
## Add states as children to the States node
extends Node
# Setup fsm
onready var fsm =, $States, $States/menu, true)
func _process(delta):
# Update fsm
# Change state on press
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_accept"):
fsm.next_state = fsm.states.settings
## State class for the StateMachine
## Since it extends node, you can also use _ready and connect signals if needed
class_name State extends Node
var fsm
var object: Node
func setup(_fsm, _object: Node):
fsm = _fsm
object = _object
func enter(from_state: State):
func exit(to_state: State):
func process(delta):
## Finite state machine
class_name StateMachine extends Object
var object: Node
var states := {}
var previous_state: State
var next_state: State
var current_state: State
var debug: bool
func _init(_object, _state_holder: Node, _initial_state: State, _debug: bool = false):
object = _object
debug = _debug
setup_states(_initial_state, _state_holder)
func setup_states(initial_state: State, state_holder: Node):
for state in state_holder.get_children():
states[] = state
state.setup(self, object)
next_state = initial_state
func process(delta):
if next_state != current_state:
if current_state != null:
if debug:
print('Exited %s' %
previous_state = current_state
current_state = next_state
if debug:
print('Entered %s' %
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