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Forked from rannmann/SteamUserFunctions.php
Created June 18, 2017 16:56
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Convert Steam IDs to and from Community IDs and User IDs
/* Examples
toSteamID(25490879) // STEAM_0:1:12745439
toSteamID(76561197985756607) // STEAM_0:1:12745439
toSteamID("STEAM_0:1:12745439") // STEAM_0:1:12745439
toUserID(25490879) // 25490879
toUserID(76561197985756607) // 25490879
toUserID("STEAM_0:1:12745439") // 25490879
toCommunityID(25490879) // 76561197985756607
toCommunityID(76561197985756607) // 76561197985756607
toCommunityID("STEAM_0:1:12745439") // 76561197985756607
function toCommunityID($id) {
if (preg_match('/^STEAM_/', $id)) {
$parts = explode(':', $id);
return bcadd(bcadd(bcmul($parts[2], '2'), '76561197960265728'), $parts[1]);
} elseif (is_numeric($id) && strlen($id) < 16) {
return bcadd($id, '76561197960265728');
} else {
return $id; // We have no idea what this is, so just return it.
/* Don't have BC math? Here's an example for ya' with bit-shifting instead
function toCommunityID($id, $type = 1, $instance = 1) {
if (preg_match('/^STEAM_/', $id)) {
$parts = explode(':', str_replace('STEAM_', '', $id));
$universe = (int)$parts[0];
if ($universe == 0)
$universe = 1;
$steamID = ($universe << 56) | ($type << 52) | ($instance << 32) | ((int)$parts[2] << 1) | (int)$parts[1];
return $steamID;
} elseif (is_numeric($id) && strlen($id) < 16) {
return (1 << 56) | ($type << 52) | ($instance << 32) | $id;
} else {
return $id; // We have no idea what this is, so just return it.
} */
function toSteamID($id) {
if (is_numeric($id) && strlen($id) >= 16) {
$z = bcdiv(bcsub($id, '76561197960265728'), '2');
} elseif (is_numeric($id)) {
$z = bcdiv($id, '2'); // Actually new User ID format
} else {
return $id; // We have no idea what this is, so just return it.
$y = bcmod($id, '2');
return 'STEAM_0:' . $y . ':' . floor($z);
// UserID formatting wrappers not included. Ex: RESULT => [U:1:RESULT]
function toUserID($id) {
if (preg_match('/^STEAM_/', $id)) {
$split = explode(':', $id);
return $split[2] * 2 + $split[1];
} elseif (preg_match('/^765/', $id) && strlen($id) > 15) {
return bcsub($id, '76561197960265728');
} else {
return $id; // We have no idea what this is, so just return it.
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