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Last active September 26, 2018 14:57
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Small flexgrid using Less
@media-unit: rem;
.with-unit(@v) { @r: ~'@{v}@{media-unit}'; }
@all: {
@value: 0;
@with-unit: auto;
width: auto;
media: ~'screen and (min-width: @{value})';
@xs: {
@value: 30;
@with-unit: .with-unit(@value)[];
width: @with-unit;
media: ~'screen and (min-width: @{with-unit})';
@sm: {
@value: 48;
@with-unit: .with-unit(@value)[];
width: @with-unit;
media: ~'screen and (min-width: @{with-unit})';
@md: {
@value: 64;
@with-unit: .with-unit(@value)[];
width: @with-unit;
media: ~'screen and (min-width: @{with-unit})';
@lg: {
@value: 75;
@with-unit: .with-unit(@value)[];
width: @with-unit;
media: ~'screen and (min-width: @{with-unit})';
.row, .col {
@supports (display: flex) {
display: flex;
flex: 0 1 auto;
flex-wrap: wrap;
.row {
flex-direction: row;
.col {
flex-direction: column;
.row.reverse {
flex-direction: row-reverse;
.col.reverse {
flex-direction: column-reverse;
.generate-class(@name, @props...) {
.@{name} {
.property(@name, @value, @other...) {
@{name}: @value;
.property() {}
.rulesets(@type) {
#class-name(@name, @idx) when not (@type = all) {
@result: ~'@{name}-@{type}-@{idx}';
#class-name(@name, @idx) when (@type = all) and not (@idx = 0) {
@result: ~'@{name}-@{idx}';
#class-name(@name, @idx) when (@type = all) and (@idx = 0) {
@result: @name;
#class-name(@name) when not (@type = all) {
@result: ~'@{name}-@{type}';
#class-name(@name) when (@type = all) {
@result: @name;
.classes-by-names(@names) {
.classes(@i: 1, @class: extract(@names, @i)) when (@i =< length(@names)) {
.classes((@i + 1));
.columns(@n, @i: 0) when (@i =< @n) {
.getValue(@idx) when (@idx = 0) { @r: @n };
.getValue(@idx) when not (@idx = 0) { @r: @idx };
@v: (.getValue(@i)[] * 100% / @n);
#class-name(col, @i)[] flex-basis @v max-width @v,
#class-name(offset, @i)[] margin-left @v;
.columns(@n, (@i + 1));
@media @@type[media] {
@j: justify-content;
@ai: align-items;
@o: order;
#class-name(start)[] @j flex-start,
#class-name(center)[] @j center,
#class-name(end)[] @j flex-end,
#class-name(around)[] @j space-around,
#class-name(between)[] @j space-between,
#class-name(stretch-horizontal)[] @j stretch,
#class-name(stretch-vertical)[] @ai stretch,
#class-name(top)[] @ai flex-start,
#class-name(middle)[] @ai center,
#class-name(bottom)[] @ai flex-end,
#class-name(first)[] @o -1,
#class-name(last)[] @o 1;
.@{type} {
width: @@type[width];
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