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Created February 12, 2024 13:38
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Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Node.js
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
# Create a new cluster
# 1. Create an Azure resource group using the az group create command.
# Cleanup # $HOME
% ls ~/.kube
% rm -rf ~/.kube
% ls ~/.azure
% rm -rf ~/.azure
# Version
% az -v
% kubectl version
% kubelogin --version
% az group create --name rajaniAKSResourceGroup --location centralus
Please run 'az login' to setup account.
% az login
You have logged into Microsoft Azure!
You can close this window, or we will redirect you to the Azure CLI documentation in 1 minute.
[Windows only] Azure CLI is collecting feedback on using the Web Account Manager (WAM) broker for the login experience.
You may opt-in to use WAM by running the following commands:
az config set core.allow_broker=true
az account clear
az login
A web browser has been opened at Please continue the login in the web browser. If no web browser is available or if the web browser fails to open, use device code flow with `az login --use-device-code`.
"cloudName": "AzureCloud",
"homeTenantId": "e7142166-b9df-478f-bd88-8fccb8609b60",
"id": "<Subscription ID>",
"isDefault": true,
"managedByTenants": [],
"name": "Free Trial",
"state": "Enabled",
"tenantId": "e7142166-b9df-478f-bd88-8fccb8609b60",
"user": {
"name": "<Azure>",
"type": "user"
% az group create --name rajaniAKSResourceGroup --location centralus
"id": "/subscriptions/<Subscription ID>/resourceGroups/rajaniAKSResourceGroup",
"location": "centralus",
"managedBy": null,
"name": "rajaniAKSResourceGroup",
"properties": {
"provisioningState": "Succeeded"
"tags": null,
"type": "Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups"
% az group list --query "[?location=='centralus']"
% az group delete --resource-group rajaniAKSResourceGroup
# 2. Create an AKS cluster and enable administration access for your Microsoft Entra group using the az aks create command.
# % az aks create -g rajaniAKSResourceGroup -n rajaniAKSManagedCluster --enable-aad --aad-admin-group-object-ids <id> [--aad-tenant-id <id>]
% az aks create -g rajaniAKSResourceGroup -n rajaniAKSManagedCluster --enable-aad --aad-admin-group-object-ids "<Subscription ID>" --aad-tenant-id "e7142166-b9df-478f-bd88-8fccb8609b60"
(QuotaExceeded) Provisioning of resource(s) for container service rajaniAKSManagedCluster in resource group MC_rajaniAKSResourceGroup_rajaniAKSManagedCluster_centralus failed. Message: Operation could not be completed as it results in exceeding approved Total Regional Cores quota. Additional details - Deployment Model: Resource Manager, Location: centralus, Current Limit: 4, Current Usage: 0, Additional Required: 6, (Minimum) New Limit Required: 6. Submit a request for Quota increase at<Subscription ID>%22,%22command%22:%22openQuotaApprovalBlade%22,%22quotas%22:[%7B%22location%22:%22centralus%22,%22providerId%22:%22Microsoft.Compute%22,%22resourceName%22:%22cores%22,%22quotaRequest%22:%7B%22properties%22:%7B%22limit%22:6,%22unit%22:%22Count%22,%22name%22:%7B%22value%22:%22cores%22%7D%7D%7D%7D]%7D by specifying parameters listed in the ‘Details’ section for deployment to succeed. Please read more about quota limits at Details:
Code: QuotaExceeded
Message: Provisioning of resource(s) for container service rajaniAKSManagedCluster in resource group MC_rajaniAKSResourceGroup_rajaniAKSManagedCluster_centralus failed. Message: Operation could not be completed as it results in exceeding approved Total Regional Cores quota. Additional details - Deployment Model: Resource Manager, Location: centralus, Current Limit: 4, Current Usage: 0, Additional Required: 6, (Minimum) New Limit Required: 6. Submit a request for Quota increase at<Subscription ID>%22,%22command%22:%22openQuotaApprovalBlade%22,%22quotas%22:[%7B%22location%22:%22centralus%22,%22providerId%22:%22Microsoft.Compute%22,%22resourceName%22:%22cores%22,%22quotaRequest%22:%7B%22properties%22:%7B%22limit%22:6,%22unit%22:%22Count%22,%22name%22:%7B%22value%22:%22cores%22%7D%7D%7D%7D]%7D by specifying parameters listed in the ‘Details’ section for deployment to succeed. Please read more about quota limits at Details:
[<Subscription ID>%22,%22command%22:%22openQuotaApprovalBlade%22,%22quotas%22
# Resolve errors for resource quotas
# To request a quota increase, go to the portal and file a support issue. In the support issue, request an increase in your quota for the region into which you want to deploy.
Select Subscription name
Subscription name Subscription ID My role Current cost Secure Score Parent management group Status
Free Trial <Subscription ID> Account admin Not available - Active
Free Trial
%Usage + quotas%
Free Trial | Usage + quotas
Availability Sets
New support request
Your free trial subscription isn't eligible for a quota increase. To request a quota increase, first upgrade to a Pay-As-You-Go subscription.
Move to pay-as-you-go pricing for free services and uninterrupted access to Azure.
Please let us know where you will use your service. Then enter a friendly subscription name and tax Id. Finally, select a support plan and click the Upgrade button
You will use your service at Chennai, TN Click here to update your service usage address
Subscription name
Azure subscription AKS
For individuals or teams that need billing and subscription management support and do not require technical support.
By selecting Upgrade to pay as you go, you authorize Microsoft to charge your payment method on a monthly basis for services used beyond the monthly free amounts indicated in the offer details until your account is canceled or terminated. Find pricing details and learn about cancellation.
Upgrade to pay as you go
"Successfully upgraded to Pay as you go. Your free credit is still available until the end of the free trial billing cycle. Usage over your free credit will be applied to your payment method."
***************************************************************************************************************************<Azure><Subscription ID>
Azure subscription AKS
Subscription ID:
<Subscription ID>
Default Directory (<Azure>
My role:
Account admin
Free Trial
Offer ID:
Subscription name:
Azure subscription AKS
Current billing period:
Secure Score:
Not available
% az aks create -g rajaniAKSResourceGroup -n rajaniAKSManagedCluster --enable-aad --aad-admin-group-object-ids "<Subscription ID>" --aad-tenant-id "e7142166-b9df-478f-bd88-8fccb8609b60"
"aadProfile": {
"adminGroupObjectIDs": [
"<Subscription ID>"
"adminUsers": null,
"clientAppId": null,
"enableAzureRbac": false,
"managed": true,
"serverAppId": null,
"serverAppSecret": null,
"tenantId": "e7142166-b9df-478f-bd88-8fccb8609b60"
"addonProfiles": null,
"agentPoolProfiles": [
"availabilityZones": null,
"count": 3,
"creationData": null,
"currentOrchestratorVersion": "1.26.6",
"enableAutoScaling": false,
"enableEncryptionAtHost": false,
"enableFips": false,
"enableNodePublicIp": false,
"enableUltraSsd": false,
"gpuInstanceProfile": null,
"hostGroupId": null,
"kubeletConfig": null,
"kubeletDiskType": "OS",
"linuxOsConfig": null,
"maxCount": null,
"maxPods": 110,
"minCount": null,
"mode": "System",
"name": "nodepool1",
"nodeImageVersion": "AKSUbuntu-2204gen2containerd-202310.31.0",
"nodeLabels": null,
"nodePublicIpPrefixId": null,
"nodeTaints": null,
"orchestratorVersion": "1.26.6",
"osDiskSizeGb": 128,
"osDiskType": "Managed",
"osSku": "Ubuntu",
"osType": "Linux",
"podSubnetId": null,
"powerState": {
"code": "Running"
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"proximityPlacementGroupId": null,
"scaleDownMode": null,
"scaleSetEvictionPolicy": null,
"scaleSetPriority": null,
"spotMaxPrice": null,
"tags": null,
"type": "VirtualMachineScaleSets",
"upgradeSettings": {
"drainTimeoutInMinutes": null,
"maxSurge": null
"vmSize": "Standard_DS2_v2",
"vnetSubnetId": null,
"workloadRuntime": null
"apiServerAccessProfile": null,
"autoScalerProfile": null,
"autoUpgradeProfile": {
"nodeOsUpgradeChannel": "NodeImage",
"upgradeChannel": null
"azureMonitorProfile": null,
"azurePortalFqdn": "",
"currentKubernetesVersion": "1.26.6",
"disableLocalAccounts": false,
"diskEncryptionSetId": null,
"dnsPrefix": "rajaniAKSM-rajaniAKSResourc-5b2c12",
"enablePodSecurityPolicy": null,
"enableRbac": true,
"extendedLocation": null,
"fqdn": "",
"fqdnSubdomain": null,
"httpProxyConfig": null,
"id": "/subscriptions/<Subscription ID>/resourcegroups/rajaniAKSResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/rajaniAKSManagedCluster",
"identity": {
"delegatedResources": null,
"principalId": "6a101073-fda4-40a8-aba1-c38b7769ea3d",
"tenantId": "e7142166-b9df-478f-bd88-8fccb8609b60",
"type": "SystemAssigned",
"userAssignedIdentities": null
"identityProfile": {
"kubeletidentity": {
"clientId": "eafe89f6-bd07-4254-9b8d-7f371c2dab0b",
"objectId": "b470e605-cbd2-4785-aeff-74475e8b1c0e",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/<Subscription ID>/resourcegroups/MC_rajaniAKSResourceGroup_rajaniAKSManagedCluster_centralus/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/rajaniAKSManagedCluster-agentpool"
"kubernetesVersion": "1.26.6",
"linuxProfile": {
"adminUsername": "azureuser",
"ssh": {
"publicKeys": [
"keyData": "ssh-rsa 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 <Apple>@Rajanis-MacBook-Pro.local\n"
"location": "centralus",
"maxAgentPools": 100,
"name": "rajaniAKSManagedCluster",
"networkProfile": {
"dnsServiceIp": "",
"ipFamilies": [
"loadBalancerProfile": {
"allocatedOutboundPorts": null,
"effectiveOutboundIPs": [
"id": "/subscriptions/<Subscription ID>/resourceGroups/MC_rajaniAKSResourceGroup_rajaniAKSManagedCluster_centralus/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/2a35c914-72e1-4300-9c42-49da531f582e",
"resourceGroup": "MC_rajaniAKSResourceGroup_rajaniAKSManagedCluster_centralus"
"enableMultipleStandardLoadBalancers": null,
"idleTimeoutInMinutes": null,
"managedOutboundIPs": {
"count": 1,
"countIpv6": null
"outboundIPs": null,
"outboundIpPrefixes": null
"loadBalancerSku": "Standard",
"natGatewayProfile": null,
"networkDataplane": null,
"networkMode": null,
"networkPlugin": "kubenet",
"networkPluginMode": null,
"networkPolicy": null,
"outboundType": "loadBalancer",
"podCidr": "",
"podCidrs": [
"serviceCidr": "",
"serviceCidrs": [
"nodeResourceGroup": "MC_rajaniAKSResourceGroup_rajaniAKSManagedCluster_centralus",
"oidcIssuerProfile": {
"enabled": false,
"issuerUrl": null
"podIdentityProfile": null,
"powerState": {
"code": "Running"
"privateFqdn": null,
"privateLinkResources": null,
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"publicNetworkAccess": null,
"resourceGroup": "rajaniAKSResourceGroup",
"resourceUid": "655fabd9afac530001df1f74",
"securityProfile": {
"azureKeyVaultKms": null,
"defender": null,
"imageCleaner": null,
"workloadIdentity": null
"serviceMeshProfile": null,
"servicePrincipalProfile": {
"clientId": "msi",
"secret": null
"sku": {
"name": "Base",
"tier": "Free"
"storageProfile": {
"blobCsiDriver": null,
"diskCsiDriver": {
"enabled": true
"fileCsiDriver": {
"enabled": true
"snapshotController": {
"enabled": true
"supportPlan": "KubernetesOfficial",
"systemData": null,
"tags": null,
"type": "Microsoft.ContainerService/ManagedClusters",
"upgradeSettings": null,
"windowsProfile": null,
"workloadAutoScalerProfile": {
"keda": null,
"verticalPodAutoscaler": null
# Access the enabled cluster
# 1. Get the user credentials to access the cluster using the az aks get-credentials command.
% ls ~/.kube
% rm -rf ~/.kube
% az aks get-credentials --resource-group rajaniAKSResourceGroup --name rajaniAKSManagedCluster
Merged "rajaniAKSManagedCluster" as current context in ~/.kube/config
% cat ~/.kube/config
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
name: rajaniAKSManagedCluster
- context:
cluster: rajaniAKSManagedCluster
user: clusterUser_rajaniAKSResourceGroup_rajaniAKSManagedCluster
name: rajaniAKSManagedCluster
current-context: rajaniAKSManagedCluster
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: clusterUser_rajaniAKSResourceGroup_rajaniAKSManagedCluster
- get-token
- --environment
- AzurePublicCloud
- --server-id
- 6dae42f8-4368-4678-94ff-3960e28e3630
- --client-id
- 80faf920-1908-4b52-b5ef-a8e7bedfc67a
- --tenant-id
- e7142166-b9df-478f-bd88-8fccb8609b60
- --login
- devicecode
command: kubelogin
env: null
installHint: '
kubelogin is not installed which is required to connect to AAD enabled cluster.
To learn more, please go to
provideClusterInfo: false
# 2. Installation - Azure Kubelogin
% brew install Azure/kubelogin/kubelogin
% brew update && brew upgrade Azure/kubelogin/kubelogin
% kubelogin --version
# 3. Set kubelogin to use the Azure CLI.
% kubelogin convert-kubeconfig -l azurecli
# 4. View the nodes in the cluster with the kubectl get nodes command.
% kubectl get nodes
Error from server (Forbidden): nodes is forbidden: User "b32c27c8-5214-4277-b5d8-1639bb94302f" cannot list resource "nodes" in API group "" at the cluster scope
# Non-interactive sign-in with kubelogin
% az aks get-credentials --admin --resource-group rajaniAKSResourceGroup --name rajaniAKSManagedCluster
Merged "rajaniAKSManagedCluster-admin" as current context in ~/.kube/config
% kubectl get nodes
aks-nodepool1-24448357-vmss000000 Ready agent 25m v1.26.6
aks-nodepool1-24448357-vmss000001 Ready agent 25m v1.26.6
aks-nodepool1-24448357-vmss000002 Ready agent 25m v1.26.6
% kubectl get all
service/kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 28m
# Deploy node-21-express-app
% pwd
% cd ~/Desktop/Working/Technology/Kubernetes/Proof-of-Concept/AKS
% pwd
% nano node-21-express-app-dockerrajani.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: node-21-express-app-service
app: node-21-express-app
- port: 80
targetPort: 3000
type: LoadBalancer
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: node-21-express-app-deployment
replicas: 2
app: node-21-express-app
app: node-21-express-app
- name: node-21-express-app-container
image: dockerrajani/node-21-express-app-amazon-linux-extras-x86-64:version1.0.0
- containerPort: 3000
% cat node-21-express-app-dockerrajani.yaml
% kubectl apply -f node-21-express-app-dockerrajani.yaml
% kubectl delete -f node-21-express-app-dockerrajani.yaml
% kubectl get pods --watch
% kubectl get pods
% kubectl get all
% kubectl get services
% kubectl get services node-21-express-app-service
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 31m
node-21-express-app-service LoadBalancer 80:32174/TCP 36s
% curl
Node.js Version: v20.9.0
% open
# Cleanup
% kubectl delete -f node-21-express-app-dockerrajani.yaml
% az aks delete -g rajaniAKSResourceGroup -n rajaniAKSManagedCluster
Are you sure you want to perform this operation? (y/n): y
% az aks list
% az group list --query "[?location=='centralus']"
"id": "/subscriptions/<Subscription ID>/resourceGroups/rajaniAKSResourceGroup",
"location": "centralus",
"managedBy": null,
"name": "rajaniAKSResourceGroup",
"properties": {
"provisioningState": "Succeeded"
"tags": null,
"type": "Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups"
"id": "/subscriptions/<Subscription ID>/resourceGroups/NetworkWatcherRG",
"location": "centralus",
"managedBy": null,
"name": "NetworkWatcherRG",
"properties": {
"provisioningState": "Succeeded"
"tags": null,
"type": "Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups"
% az group delete --resource-group NetworkWatcherRG
Are you sure you want to perform this operation? (y/n): y
% az group list --query "[?location=='centralus']"
"id": "/subscriptions/<Subscription ID>/resourceGroups/rajaniAKSResourceGroup",
"location": "centralus",
"managedBy": null,
"name": "rajaniAKSResourceGroup",
"properties": {
"provisioningState": "Succeeded"
"tags": null,
"type": "Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups"
% az group delete --resource-group rajaniAKSResourceGroup
Are you sure you want to perform this operation? (y/n): y
% az group list --query "[?location=='centralus']"
% az group list
# az aks commands
browse : Show the dashboard for a Kubernetes cluster in a web browser.
check-acr : Validate an ACR is accessible from an AKS cluster.
create : Create a new managed Kubernetes cluster.
delete : Delete a managed Kubernetes cluster.
disable-addons : Disable Kubernetes addons.
enable-addons : Enable Kubernetes addons.
get-credentials : Get access credentials for a managed Kubernetes cluster.
get-upgrades : Get the upgrade versions available for a managed Kubernetes
get-versions : Get the versions available for creating a managed Kubernetes
install-cli : Download and install kubectl, the Kubernetes command-line tool.
Download and install kubelogin, a client-go credential (exec)
plugin implementing azure authentication.
list : List managed Kubernetes clusters.
operation-abort : Abort last running operation on managed cluster.
remove-dev-spaces [Deprecated] : Remove Azure Dev Spaces from a managed Kubernetes
rotate-certs : Rotate certificates and keys on a managed Kubernetes cluster.
scale : Scale the node pool in a managed Kubernetes cluster.
show : Show the details for a managed Kubernetes cluster.
start : Starts a previously stopped Managed Cluster.
stop : Stops a Managed Cluster.
update : Update a managed Kubernetes cluster. When called with no
optional arguments this attempts to move the cluster to its
goal state without changing the current cluster configuration.
This can be used to move out of a non succeeded state.
update-credentials : Update credentials for a managed Kubernetes cluster, like
service principal.
upgrade : Upgrade a managed Kubernetes cluster to a newer version.
use-dev-spaces [Deprecated] : Use Azure Dev Spaces with a managed Kubernetes
wait : Wait for a managed Kubernetes cluster to reach a desired state.
# az commands
configure : Manage Azure CLI configuration. This command is interactive.
feedback : Send feedback to the Azure CLI Team.
find : I'm an AI robot, my advice is based on our Azure documentation as well
as the usage patterns of Azure CLI and Azure ARM users. Using me
improves Azure products and documentation.
interactive [Preview] : Start interactive mode. Installs the Interactive extension if
not installed already.
login : Log in to Azure.
logout : Log out to remove access to Azure subscriptions.
rest : Invoke a custom request.
survey : Take Azure CLI survey.
upgrade [Preview] : Upgrade Azure CLI and extensions.
version : Show the versions of Azure CLI modules and extensions in JSON format by
default or format configured by --output.
# Cleanup # $HOME
% ls ~/.kube
% rm -rf ~/.kube
% ls ~/.azure
% rm -rf ~/.azure
# Cancel subscription
Default Directory (Default Directory (<Azure>
Subscription name Subscription ID My role Current cost Secure Score Parent management group Status
Azure subscription AKS <Subscription ID> Account admin 0.00 - Active
Azure subscription AKS
Cancel subscription
When you cancel the subscription, its resources will be turned off immediately and will no longer be incurring charges.
Your subscription and data will be automatically deleted 90 days after cancellation.
Confirm subscription
Subscription name
Azure subscription AKS
Reason for cancellation
Evaluation successful.
Cancel subscription
Your subscription was canceled.
It may take up to 10 minutes for the subscription status to update.
All resources have been turned off and will no longer be incurring charges.
Your subscription and data will be automatically deleted in 90 days or you can manually delete them after 3 days.
Cancellation details
Product name
Azure subscription AKS
Product type
Usage based subscription
# Azure subscription AKS # Status
This subscription is currently disabled and not incurring any charges. If you do not delete or reactivate this subscription, this subscription will be permanently deleted. You will be able to manually delete this subscription 3 days after it was initially canceled.
Tokenization is required to store card details due to a Reserve Bank of India directive. To tokenize your card details or allow automatic payments, add and verify your card.
Subscription ID
<Subscription ID>
Default Directory (<Azure>
My role
Account admin
Offer ID
Parent management group
Subscription name
Azure subscription AKS
Current billing period
Not available
Secure Score
Not available
# Delete Azure subscription AKS
Manually delete your subscription
Your subscription was cancelled and is not incurring charges. If not manually deleted, your data will be automatically deleted. To manually delete your subscription and data, complete the following two steps.
Delete resources
After deleting or moving resources, please allow 10 minutes for these changes to be updated in the portal.
Manual deletion date
To minimize business impact, there is a 3-day waiting period for deletion.
You can manually delete this subscription in 3 days
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