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Last active March 15, 2019 06:15
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| Phalcon Framework |
| Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Phalcon Team ( |
| This source file is subject to the New BSD License that is bundled |
| with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. |
| |
| If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to |
| obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email |
| to so we can send you a copy immediately. |
| Authors: Andres Gutierrez <> |
| Eduar Carvajal <> |
| Kenji Minamoto <> |
| Jakob Oberhummer <> |
namespace Phalcon\Mvc\Model;
use Phalcon\Db\Column;
use Phalcon\Db\RawValue;
use Phalcon\Db\ResultInterface;
use Phalcon\Db\AdapterInterface;
use Phalcon\DiInterface;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row;
use Phalcon\Mvc\ModelInterface;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Exception;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\ManagerInterface;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\QueryInterface;
use Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query\Status;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Resultset\Complex;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query\StatusInterface;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\ResultsetInterface;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Resultset\Simple;
use Phalcon\Di\InjectionAwareInterface;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\RelationInterface;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\TransactionInterface;
use Phalcon\Db\DialectInterface;
* Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query
* This class takes a PHQL intermediate representation and executes it.
* $phql = "SELECT c.price*0.16 AS taxes, c.* FROM Cars AS c JOIN Brands AS b
* WHERE = :name: ORDER BY";
* $result = $manager->executeQuery(
* $phql,
* [
* "name" => "Lamborghini",
* ]
* );
* foreach ($result as $row) {
* echo "Name: ", $row->cars->name, "\n";
* echo "Price: ", $row->cars->price, "\n";
* echo "Taxes: ", $row->taxes, "\n";
* }
* // with transaction
* use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query;
* use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Transaction;
* // $di needs to have the service "db" registered for this to work
* $di = Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault::getDefault();
* $phql = 'SELECT * FROM robot';
* $myTransaction = new Transaction($di);
* $myTransaction->begin();
* $newRobot = new Robot();
* $newRobot->setTransaction($myTransaction);
* $newRobot->type = "mechanical";
* $newRobot->name = "Astro Boy";
* $newRobot->year = 1952;
* $newRobot->save();
* $queryWithTransaction = new Query($phql, $di);
* $queryWithTransaction->setTransaction($myTransaction);
* $resultWithEntries = $queryWithTransaction->execute();
* $queryWithOutTransaction = new Query($phql, $di);
* $resultWithOutEntries = $queryWithTransaction->execute()
class Query implements QueryInterface, InjectionAwareInterface
protected _dependencyInjector;
protected _manager;
protected _metaData;
protected _type;
protected _phql;
protected _ast;
protected _intermediate;
protected _models;
protected _sqlAliases;
protected _sqlAliasesModels;
protected _sqlModelsAliases;
protected _sqlAliasesModelsInstances;
protected _sqlColumnAliases;
protected _modelsInstances;
protected _cache;
protected _cacheOptions;
protected _uniqueRow;
protected _bindParams;
protected _bindTypes;
protected _enableImplicitJoins;
protected _sharedLock;
* TransactionInterface so that the query can wrap a transaction
* around batch updates and intermediate selects within the transaction.
* however if a model got a transaction set inside it will use the local transaction instead of this one
protected _transaction { get };
static protected _irPhqlCache;
const TYPE_SELECT = 309;
const TYPE_INSERT = 306;
const TYPE_UPDATE = 300;
const TYPE_DELETE = 303;
* Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query constructor
* @param string phql
* @param \Phalcon\DiInterface dependencyInjector
public function __construct(phql = null, <DiInterface> dependencyInjector = null, options = null)
var enableImplicitJoins;
if typeof phql != "null" {
let this->_phql = phql;
if typeof dependencyInjector == "object" {
if typeof options == "array" && fetch enableImplicitJoins, options["enable_implicit_joins"] {
let this->_enableImplicitJoins = enableImplicitJoins == true;
} else {
let this->_enableImplicitJoins = globals_get("orm.enable_implicit_joins");
* Sets the dependency injection container
public function setDI(<DiInterface> dependencyInjector)
var manager, metaData;
let manager = dependencyInjector->getShared("modelsManager");
if typeof manager != "object" {
throw new Exception("Injected service 'modelsManager' is invalid");
let metaData = dependencyInjector->getShared("modelsMetadata");
if typeof metaData != "object" {
throw new Exception("Injected service 'modelsMetaData' is invalid");
let this->_manager = manager,
this->_metaData = metaData;
let this->_dependencyInjector = dependencyInjector;
* Returns the dependency injection container
public function getDI() -> <DiInterface>
return this->_dependencyInjector;
* Tells to the query if only the first row in the resultset must be returned
public function setUniqueRow(boolean uniqueRow) -> <Query>
let this->_uniqueRow = uniqueRow;
return this;
* Check if the query is programmed to get only the first row in the resultset
public function getUniqueRow() -> boolean
return this->_uniqueRow;
* Replaces the model's name to its source name in a qualified-name expression
protected final function _getQualified(array! expr) -> array
var columnName, sqlColumnAliases, metaData, sqlAliases,
source, sqlAliasesModelsInstances, realColumnName, columnDomain,
model, models, columnMap, hasModel, className;
int number;
let columnName = expr["name"];
* Check if the qualified name is a column alias
let sqlColumnAliases = this->_sqlColumnAliases;
if isset sqlColumnAliases[columnName] && (!isset expr["domain"] || empty expr["domain"]) {
return [
"type": "qualified",
"name": columnName
let metaData = this->_metaData;
* Check if the qualified name has a domain
if fetch columnDomain, expr["domain"] {
let sqlAliases = this->_sqlAliases;
* The column has a domain, we need to check if it's an alias
if !fetch source, sqlAliases[columnDomain] {
throw new Exception("Unknown model or alias '" . columnDomain . "' (11), when preparing: " . this->_phql);
* Change the selected column by its real name on its mapped table
if globals_get("orm.column_renaming") {
* Retrieve the corresponding model by its alias
let sqlAliasesModelsInstances = this->_sqlAliasesModelsInstances;
* We need the model instance to retrieve the reversed column map
if !fetch model, sqlAliasesModelsInstances[columnDomain] {
throw new Exception(
"There is no model related to model or alias '" . columnDomain . "', when executing: " . this->_phql
let columnMap = metaData->getReverseColumnMap(model);
} else {
let columnMap = null;
if typeof columnMap == "array" {
if !fetch realColumnName, columnMap[columnName] {
throw new Exception(
"Column '" . columnName . "' doesn't belong to the model or alias '" . columnDomain . "', when executing: ". this->_phql
} else {
let realColumnName = columnName;
} else {
* If the column IR doesn't have a domain, we must check for ambiguities
let number = 0, hasModel = false;
for model in this->_modelsInstances {
* Check if the attribute belongs to the current model
if metaData->hasAttribute(model, columnName) {
let number++;
if number > 1 {
throw new Exception("The column '" . columnName . "' is ambiguous, when preparing: " . this->_phql);
let hasModel = model;
* After check in every model, the column does not belong to any of the selected models
if hasModel === false {
throw new Exception(
"Column '" . columnName . "' doesn't belong to any of the selected models (1), when preparing: " . this->_phql
* Check if the _models property is correctly prepared
let models = this->_models;
if typeof models != "array" {
throw new Exception("The models list was not loaded correctly");
* Obtain the model's source from the _models list
let className = get_class(hasModel);
if !fetch source, models[className] {
throw new Exception(
"Can't obtain model's source from models list: '" . className . "', when preparing: " . this->_phql
* Rename the column
if globals_get("orm.column_renaming") {
let columnMap = metaData->getReverseColumnMap(hasModel);
} else {
let columnMap = null;
if typeof columnMap == "array" {
* The real column name is in the column map
if !fetch realColumnName, columnMap[columnName] {
throw new Exception(
"Column '" . columnName . "' doesn't belong to any of the selected models (3), when preparing: " . this->_phql
} else {
let realColumnName = columnName;
* Create an array with the qualified info
return [
"type" : "qualified",
"domain": source,
"name" : realColumnName,
"balias": columnName
* Resolves an expression in a single call argument
protected final function _getCallArgument(array! argument) -> array
if argument["type"] == PHQL_T_STARALL {
return ["type": "all"];
return this->_getExpression(argument);
* Resolves an expression in a single call argument
protected final function _getCaseExpression(array! expr) -> array
var whenClauses, whenExpr;
let whenClauses = [];
for whenExpr in expr["right"] {
if isset whenExpr["right"] {
let whenClauses[] = [
"type": "when",
"expr": this->_getExpression(whenExpr["left"]),
"then": this->_getExpression(whenExpr["right"])
} else {
let whenClauses[] = [
"type": "else",
"expr": this->_getExpression(whenExpr["left"])
return [
"type" : "case",
"expr" : this->_getExpression(expr["left"]),
"when-clauses": whenClauses
* Resolves an expression in a single call argument
protected final function _getFunctionCall(array! expr) -> array
var arguments, distinct, argument, functionArgs;
if fetch arguments, expr["arguments"] {
if isset expr["distinct"] {
let distinct = 1;
} else {
let distinct = 0;
if isset arguments[0] {
// There are more than one argument
let functionArgs = [];
for argument in arguments {
let functionArgs[] = this->_getCallArgument(argument);
} else {
// There is only one argument
let functionArgs = [this->_getCallArgument(arguments)];
if distinct {
return [
"type" : "functionCall",
"name" : expr["name"],
"arguments": functionArgs,
"distinct" : distinct
} else {
return [
"type" : "functionCall",
"name" : expr["name"],
"arguments": functionArgs
return [
"type": "functionCall",
"name": expr["name"]
* Resolves an expression from its intermediate code into a string
* @param array expr
* @param boolean quoting
* @return string
protected final function _getExpression(var expr, boolean quoting = true) -> string
var exprType, exprLeft, exprRight, left = null, right = null, listItems, exprListItem,
exprReturn, tempNotQuoting, value, escapedValue, exprValue,
valueParts, name, bindType, bind;
if fetch exprType, expr["type"] {
let tempNotQuoting = true;
if exprType != PHQL_T_CASE {
* Resolving the left part of the expression if any
if fetch exprLeft, expr["left"] {
let left = this->_getExpression(exprLeft, tempNotQuoting);
* Resolving the right part of the expression if any
if fetch exprRight, expr["right"] {
let right = this->_getExpression(exprRight, tempNotQuoting);
* Every node in the AST has a unique integer type
switch exprType {
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": "<", "left": left, "right": right];
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": "=", "left": left, "right": right];
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": ">", "left": left, "right": right];
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": "<>", "left": left, "right": right];
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": "<=", "left": left, "right": right];
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": ">=", "left": left, "right": right];
case PHQL_T_AND:
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": "AND", "left": left, "right": right];
case PHQL_T_OR:
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": "OR", "left": left, "right": right];
let exprReturn = this->_getQualified(expr);
case PHQL_T_ADD:
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": "+", "left": left, "right": right];
case PHQL_T_SUB:
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": "-", "left": left, "right": right];
case PHQL_T_MUL:
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": "*", "left": left, "right": right];
case PHQL_T_DIV:
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": "/", "left": left, "right": right];
case PHQL_T_MOD:
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": "%", "left": left, "right": right];
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": "&", "left": left, "right": right];
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": "|", "left": left, "right": right];
let exprReturn = ["type": "parentheses", "left": left];
let exprReturn = ["type": "unary-op", "op": "-", "right": right];
let exprReturn = ["type": "literal", "value": expr["value"]];
let exprReturn = ["type": "literal", "value": "TRUE"];
let exprReturn = ["type": "literal", "value": "FALSE"];
let value = expr["value"];
if quoting === true {
* Check if static literals have single quotes and escape them
if memstr(value, "'") {
let escapedValue = phalcon_orm_singlequotes(value);
} else {
let escapedValue = value;
let exprValue = "'" . escapedValue . "'";
} else {
let exprValue = value;
let exprReturn = ["type": "literal", "value": exprValue];
let exprReturn = ["type": "placeholder", "value": str_replace("?", ":", expr["value"])];
let exprReturn = ["type": "placeholder", "value": ":" . expr["value"]];
let value = expr["value"];
if memstr(value, ":") {
let valueParts = explode(":", value),
name = valueParts[0],
bindType = valueParts[1];
switch bindType {
case "str":
let this->_bindTypes[name] = Column::BIND_PARAM_STR;
let exprReturn = ["type": "placeholder", "value": ":" . name];
case "int":
let this->_bindTypes[name] = Column::BIND_PARAM_INT;
let exprReturn = ["type": "placeholder", "value": ":" . name];
case "double":
let this->_bindTypes[name] = Column::BIND_PARAM_DECIMAL;
let exprReturn = ["type": "placeholder", "value": ":" . name];
case "bool":
let this->_bindTypes[name] = Column::BIND_PARAM_BOOL;
let exprReturn = ["type": "placeholder", "value": ":" . name];
case "blob":
let this->_bindTypes[name] = Column::BIND_PARAM_BLOB;
let exprReturn = ["type": "placeholder", "value": ":" . name];
case "null":
let this->_bindTypes[name] = Column::BIND_PARAM_NULL;
let exprReturn = ["type": "placeholder", "value": ":" . name];
case "array":
case "array-str":
case "array-int":
if !fetch bind, this->_bindParams[name] {
throw new Exception("Bind value is required for array type placeholder: " . name);
if typeof bind != "array" {
throw new Exception("Bind type requires an array in placeholder: " . name);
if count(bind) < 1 {
throw new Exception("At least one value must be bound in placeholder: " . name);
let exprReturn = [
"type": "placeholder",
"value": ":" . name,
"rawValue": name,
"times": count(bind)
throw new Exception("Unknown bind type: " . bindType);
} else {
let exprReturn = ["type": "placeholder", "value": ":" . value];
let exprReturn = ["type": "literal", "value": "NULL"];
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": "LIKE", "left": left, "right": right];
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": "NOT LIKE", "left": left, "right": right];
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": "ILIKE", "left": left, "right": right];
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": "NOT ILIKE", "left": left, "right": right];
case PHQL_T_NOT:
let exprReturn = ["type": "unary-op", "op": "NOT ", "right": right];
let exprReturn = ["type": "unary-op", "op": " IS NULL", "left": left];
let exprReturn = ["type": "unary-op", "op": " IS NOT NULL", "left": left];
case PHQL_T_IN:
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": "IN", "left": left, "right": right];
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": "NOT IN", "left": left, "right": right];
let exprReturn = ["type": "unary-op", "op": "EXISTS", "right": right];
let exprReturn = ["type": "unary-op", "op": "DISTINCT ", "right": right];
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": "BETWEEN", "left": left, "right": right];
let exprReturn = ["type": "binary-op", "op": "AGAINST", "left": left, "right": right];
let exprReturn = ["type": "cast", "left": left, "right": right];
let exprReturn = ["type": "convert", "left": left, "right": right];
let exprReturn = ["type": "literal", "value": expr["name"]];
let exprReturn = this->_getFunctionCall(expr);
let exprReturn = this->_getCaseExpression(expr);
let exprReturn = ["type": "select", "value": this->_prepareSelect(expr, true)];
throw new Exception("Unknown expression type " . exprType);
return exprReturn;
* It's a qualified column
if isset expr["domain"] {
return this->_getQualified(expr);
* If the expression doesn't have a type it's a list of nodes
if isset expr[0] {
let listItems = [];
for exprListItem in expr {
let listItems[] = this->_getExpression(exprListItem);
return ["type": "list", listItems];
throw new Exception("Unknown expression");
* Resolves a column from its intermediate representation into an array used to determine
* if the resultset produced is simple or complex
protected final function _getSelectColumn(array! column) -> array
var sqlColumns, columnType, sqlAliases, modelName, source,
columnDomain, sqlColumnAlias, preparedAlias, sqlExprColumn,
sqlAliasesModels, sqlColumn, columnData, balias, eager;
if !fetch columnType, column["type"] {
throw new Exception("Corrupted SELECT AST");
let sqlColumns = [];
* Check if column is eager loaded
fetch eager, column["eager"];
* Check for select * (all)
if columnType == PHQL_T_STARALL {
for modelName, source in this->_models {
let sqlColumn = [
"type" : "object",
"model" : modelName,
"column": source,
"balias": lcfirst(modelName)
if eager !== null {
let sqlColumn["eager"] = eager,
sqlColumn["eagerType"] = column["eagerType"];
let sqlColumns[] = sqlColumn;
return sqlColumns;
if !isset column["column"] {
throw new Exception("Corrupted SELECT AST");
* Check if selected column is qualified.*, ex: robots.*
if columnType == PHQL_T_DOMAINALL {
let sqlAliases = this->_sqlAliases;
* We only allow the alias.*
let columnDomain = column["column"];
if !fetch source, sqlAliases[columnDomain] {
throw new Exception("Unknown model or alias '" . columnDomain . "' (2), when preparing: " . this->_phql);
* Get the SQL alias if any
let sqlColumnAlias = source;
fetch preparedAlias, column["balias"];
* Get the real source name
let sqlAliasesModels = this->_sqlAliasesModels,
modelName = sqlAliasesModels[columnDomain];
if typeof preparedAlias != "string" {
* If the best alias is the model name, we lowercase the first letter
if columnDomain == modelName {
let preparedAlias = lcfirst(modelName);
} else {
let preparedAlias = columnDomain;
* Each item is a complex type returning a complete object
let sqlColumn = [
"type": "object",
"model": modelName,
"column": sqlColumnAlias,
"balias": preparedAlias
if eager !== null {
let sqlColumn["eager"] = eager,
sqlColumn["eagerType"] = column["eagerType"];
let sqlColumns[] = sqlColumn;
return sqlColumns;
* Check for columns qualified and not qualified
if columnType == PHQL_T_EXPR {
* The sql_column is a scalar type returning a simple string
let sqlColumn = ["type": "scalar"],
columnData = column["column"],
sqlExprColumn = this->_getExpression(columnData);
* Create balias and sqlAlias
if fetch balias, sqlExprColumn["balias"] {
let sqlColumn["balias"] = balias,
sqlColumn["sqlAlias"] = balias;
if eager !== null {
let sqlColumn["eager"] = eager,
sqlColumn["eagerType"] = column["eagerType"];
let sqlColumn["column"] = sqlExprColumn,
sqlColumns[] = sqlColumn;
return sqlColumns;
throw new Exception("Unknown type of column " . columnType);
* Resolves a table in a SELECT statement checking if the model exists
* @param \Phalcon\Mvc\Model\ManagerInterface manager
* @param array qualifiedName
* @return string
protected final function _getTable(<ManagerInterface> manager, qualifiedName)
var modelName, model, source, schema;
if !fetch modelName, qualifiedName["name"] {
throw new Exception("Corrupted SELECT AST");
let model = manager->load(modelName),
source = model->getSource(),
schema = model->getSchema();
if schema {
return [schema, source];
return source;
* Resolves a JOIN clause checking if the associated models exist
protected final function _getJoin(<ManagerInterface> manager, var join) -> array
var qualified, modelName, realModelName, nsAlias,
source, model, schema;
if fetch qualified, join["qualified"] {
if qualified["type"] == PHQL_T_QUALIFIED {
let modelName = qualified["name"];
if memstr(modelName, ":") {
let nsAlias = explode(":", modelName);
let realModelName = manager->getNamespaceAlias(nsAlias[0]) . "\\" . nsAlias[1];
} else {
let realModelName = modelName;
let model = manager->load(realModelName, true),
source = model->getSource(),
schema = model->getSchema();
return [
"schema" : schema,
"source" : source,
"modelName": realModelName,
"model" : model
throw new Exception("Corrupted SELECT AST");
* Resolves a JOIN type
* @param array join
* @return string
protected final function _getJoinType(join) -> string
var type;
if !fetch type, join["type"] {
throw new Exception("Corrupted SELECT AST");
switch type {
return "INNER";
return "LEFT";
return "RIGHT";
return "CROSS";
return "FULL OUTER";
throw new Exception("Unknown join type " . type . ", when preparing: " . this->_phql);
* Resolves joins involving has-one/belongs-to/has-many relations
* @param string joinType
* @param string joinSource
* @param string modelAlias
* @param string joinAlias
* @param \Phalcon\Mvc\Model\RelationInterface relation
* @return array
protected final function _getSingleJoin(string! joinType, joinSource, modelAlias, joinAlias, <RelationInterface> relation) -> array
var fields, referencedFields, sqlJoinConditions = null,
sqlJoinPartialConditions, position, field, referencedField;
* Local fields in the 'from' relation
let fields = relation->getFields();
* Referenced fields in the joined relation
let referencedFields = relation->getReferencedFields();
if typeof fields != "array" {
* Create the left part of the expression
* Create a binary operation for the join conditions
* Create the right part of the expression
let sqlJoinConditions = [
"type" : "binary-op",
"op" : "=",
"left" : this->_getQualified([
"domain" : modelAlias,
"name" : fields
"right" : this->_getQualified([
"type" : "qualified",
"domain" : joinAlias,
"name" : referencedFields
} else {
* Resolve the compound operation
let sqlJoinPartialConditions = [];
for position, field in fields {
* Get the referenced field in the same position
if !fetch referencedField, referencedFields[position] {
throw new Exception(
"The number of fields must be equal to the number of referenced fields in join " . modelAlias . "-" . joinAlias . ", when preparing: " . this->_phql
* Create the left part of the expression
* Create the right part of the expression
* Create a binary operation for the join conditions
let sqlJoinPartialConditions[] = [
"type" : "binary-op",
"op" : "=",
"left" : this->_getQualified([
"domain" : modelAlias,
"name" : field
"right" : this->_getQualified([
"type" : "qualified",
"domain" : joinAlias,
"name" : referencedField
* A single join
return [
"type" : joinType,
"source" : joinSource,
"conditions" : sqlJoinConditions
* Resolves joins involving many-to-many relations
* @param string joinType
* @param string joinSource
* @param string modelAlias
* @param string joinAlias
* @param \Phalcon\Mvc\Model\RelationInterface relation
* @return array
protected final function _getMultiJoin(joinType, joinSource, modelAlias, joinAlias, <RelationInterface> relation) -> array
var sqlJoins, fields, referencedFields,
intermediateModelName, intermediateModel, intermediateSource,
intermediateSchema, intermediateFields, intermediateReferencedFields,
referencedModelName, manager, field, position, intermediateField,
let sqlJoins = [];
* Local fields in the 'from' relation
let fields = relation->getFields();
* Referenced fields in the joined relation
let referencedFields = relation->getReferencedFields();
* Intermediate model
let intermediateModelName = relation->getIntermediateModel();
let manager = this->_manager;
* Get the intermediate model instance
let intermediateModel = manager->load(intermediateModelName);
* Source of the related model
let intermediateSource = intermediateModel->getSource();
* Schema of the related model
let intermediateSchema = intermediateModel->getSchema();
//intermediateFullSource = array(intermediateSchema, intermediateSource);
* Update the internal sqlAliases to set up the intermediate model
let this->_sqlAliases[intermediateModelName] = intermediateSource;
* Update the internal _sqlAliasesModelsInstances to rename columns if necessary
let this->_sqlAliasesModelsInstances[intermediateModelName] = intermediateModel;
* Fields that join the 'from' model with the 'intermediate' model
let intermediateFields = relation->getIntermediateFields();
* Fields that join the 'intermediate' model with the intermediate model
let intermediateReferencedFields = relation->getIntermediateReferencedFields();
* Intermediate model
let referencedModelName = relation->getReferencedModel();
if typeof fields == "array" {
for field, position in fields {
if !isset referencedFields[position] {
throw new Exception(
"The number of fields must be equal to the number of referenced fields in join " . modelAlias . "-" . joinAlias . ", when preparing: " . this->_phql
* Get the referenced field in the same position
let intermediateField = intermediateFields[position];
* Create a binary operation for the join conditions
let sqlEqualsJoinCondition = [
"type" : "binary-op",
"op" : "=",
"left" : this->_getQualified([
"domain" : modelAlias,
"name" : field
"right" : this->_getQualified([
"type" : "qualified",
"domain" : joinAlias,
"name" : referencedFields
//let sqlJoinPartialConditions[] = sqlEqualsJoinCondition;
} else {
* Create the left part of the expression
* Create the right part of the expression
* Create a binary operation for the join conditions
* A single join
let sqlJoins = [
"type" : joinType,
"source" : intermediateSource,
"conditions" : [[
"type" : "binary-op",
"op" : "=",
"left" : this->_getQualified([
"domain" : modelAlias,
"name" : fields
"right" : this->_getQualified([
"type" : "qualified",
"domain" : intermediateModelName,
"name" : intermediateFields
* Create the left part of the expression
* Create the right part of the expression
* Create a binary operation for the join conditions
* A single join
"type" : joinType,
"source" : joinSource,
"conditions" : [[
"type" : "binary-op",
"op" : "=",
"left" : this->_getQualified([
"domain" : intermediateModelName,
"name" : intermediateReferencedFields
"right" : this->_getQualified([
"type" : "qualified",
"domain" : referencedModelName,
"name" : referencedFields
return sqlJoins;
* Processes the JOINs in the query returning an internal representation for the database dialect
* @param array select
* @return array
protected final function _getJoins(var select)
var models, sqlAliases, sqlAliasesModels, sqlModelsAliases, sqlAliasesModelsInstances,
modelsInstances, fromModels, sqlJoins, joinModels, joinSources, joinTypes, joinPreCondition,
joinPrepared, manager, selectJoins, joinItem, joins, joinData, schema, source, model,
realModelName, completeSource, joinType, aliasExpr, alias, joinAliasName, joinExpr,
fromModelName, joinAlias, joinModel, joinSource, preCondition, modelNameAlias,
relation, relations, modelAlias, sqlJoin, sqlJoinItem, selectTables, tables, tableItem;
let models = this->_models,
sqlAliases = this->_sqlAliases,
sqlAliasesModels = this->_sqlAliasesModels,
sqlModelsAliases = this->_sqlModelsAliases,
sqlAliasesModelsInstances = this->_sqlAliasesModelsInstances,
modelsInstances = this->_modelsInstances,
fromModels = models;
let sqlJoins = [],
joinModels = [],
joinSources = [],
joinTypes = [],
joinPreCondition = [],
joinPrepared = [];
let manager = this->_manager;
let tables = select["tables"];
if !isset tables[0] {
let selectTables = [tables];
} else {
let selectTables = tables;
let joins = select["joins"];
if !isset joins[0] {
let selectJoins = [joins];
} else {
let selectJoins = joins;
for joinItem in selectJoins {
* Check join alias
let joinData = this->_getJoin(manager, joinItem),
source = joinData["source"],
schema = joinData["schema"],
model = joinData["model"],
realModelName = joinData["modelName"],
completeSource = [source, schema];
* Check join alias
let joinType = this->_getJoinType(joinItem);
* Process join alias
if fetch aliasExpr, joinItem["alias"] {
let alias = aliasExpr["name"];
* Check if alias is unique
if isset joinModels[alias] {
throw new Exception(
"Cannot use '" . alias . "' as join alias because it was already used, when preparing: " . this->_phql
* Add the alias to the source
let completeSource[] = alias;
* Set the join type
let joinTypes[alias] = joinType;
* Update alias: alias
let sqlAliases[alias] = alias;
* Update model: alias
let joinModels[alias] = realModelName;
* Update model: alias
let sqlModelsAliases[realModelName] = alias;
* Update model: model
let sqlAliasesModels[alias] = realModelName;
* Update alias: model
let sqlAliasesModelsInstances[alias] = model;
* Update model: alias
let models[realModelName] = alias;
* Complete source related to a model
let joinSources[alias] = completeSource;
* Complete source related to a model
let joinPrepared[alias] = joinItem;
} else {
* Check if alias is unique
if isset joinModels[realModelName] {
throw new Exception(
"Cannot use '" . realModelName . "' as join alias because it was already used, when preparing: " . this->_phql
* Set the join type
let joinTypes[realModelName] = joinType;
* Update model: source
let sqlAliases[realModelName] = source;
* Update model: source
let joinModels[realModelName] = source;
* Update model: model
let sqlModelsAliases[realModelName] = realModelName;
* Update model: model
let sqlAliasesModels[realModelName] = realModelName;
* Update model: model instance
let sqlAliasesModelsInstances[realModelName] = model;
* Update model: source
let models[realModelName] = source;
* Complete source related to a model
let joinSources[realModelName] = completeSource;
* Complete source related to a model
let joinPrepared[realModelName] = joinItem;
let modelsInstances[realModelName] = model;
* Update temporary properties
let this->_models = models,
this->_sqlAliases = sqlAliases,
this->_sqlAliasesModels = sqlAliasesModels,
this->_sqlModelsAliases = sqlModelsAliases,
this->_sqlAliasesModelsInstances = sqlAliasesModelsInstances,
this->_modelsInstances = modelsInstances;
for joinAliasName, joinItem in joinPrepared {
* Check for predefined conditions
if fetch joinExpr, joinItem["conditions"] {
let joinPreCondition[joinAliasName] = this->_getExpression(joinExpr);
* Skip all implicit joins if the option is not enabled
if !this->_enableImplicitJoins {
for joinAliasName, _ in joinPrepared {
let joinType = joinTypes[joinAliasName],
joinSource = joinSources[joinAliasName],
preCondition = joinPreCondition[joinAliasName],
sqlJoins[] = [
"type": joinType,
"source": joinSource,
"conditions": [preCondition]
return sqlJoins;
* Build the list of tables used in the SELECT clause
let fromModels = [];
for tableItem in selectTables {
let fromModels[tableItem["qualifiedName"]["name"]] = true;
* Create join relationships dynamically
for fromModelName, _ in fromModels {
for joinAlias, joinModel in joinModels {
* Real source name for joined model
let joinSource = joinSources[joinAlias];
* Join type is: LEFT, RIGHT, INNER, etc
let joinType = joinTypes[joinAlias];
* Check if the model already have pre-defined conditions
if !fetch preCondition, joinPreCondition[joinAlias] {
* Get the model name from its source
let modelNameAlias = sqlAliasesModels[joinAlias];
* Check if the joined model is an alias
let relation = manager->getRelationByAlias(fromModelName, modelNameAlias);
if relation === false {
* Check for relations between models
let relations = manager->getRelationsBetween(fromModelName, modelNameAlias);
if typeof relations == "array" {
* More than one relation must throw an exception
if count(relations) != 1 {
throw new Exception(
"There is more than one relation between models '" . fromModelName . "' and '" . joinModel . "', the join must be done using an alias, when preparing: " . this->_phql
* Get the first relationship
let relation = relations[0];
* Valid relations are objects
if typeof relation == "object" {
* Get the related model alias of the left part
let modelAlias = sqlModelsAliases[fromModelName];
* Generate the conditions based on the type of join
if !relation->isThrough() {
let sqlJoin = this->_getSingleJoin(joinType, joinSource, modelAlias, joinAlias, relation);
} else {
let sqlJoin = this->_getMultiJoin(joinType, joinSource, modelAlias, joinAlias, relation);
* Append or merge joins
if isset sqlJoin[0] {
for sqlJoinItem in sqlJoin {
let sqlJoins[] = sqlJoinItem;
} else {
let sqlJoins[] = sqlJoin;
} else {
* Join without conditions because no relation has been found between the models
let sqlJoins[] = [
"type": joinType,
"source": joinSource,
"conditions": []
} else {
* Get the conditions established by the developer
* Join with conditions established by the developer
let sqlJoins[] = [
"type": joinType,
"source": joinSource,
"conditions": [preCondition]
return sqlJoins;
* Returns a processed order clause for a SELECT statement
* @param array|string $order
* @return array
protected final function _getOrderClause(order) -> array
var orderColumns, orderParts, orderItem, orderPartExpr,
orderSort, orderPartSort;
if !isset order[0] {
let orderColumns = [order];
} else {
let orderColumns = order;
let orderParts = [];
for orderItem in orderColumns {
let orderPartExpr = this->_getExpression(orderItem["column"]);
* Check if the order has a predefined ordering mode
if fetch orderSort, orderItem["sort"] {
if orderSort == PHQL_T_ASC {
let orderPartSort = [orderPartExpr, "ASC"];
} else {
let orderPartSort = [orderPartExpr, "DESC"];
} else {
let orderPartSort = [orderPartExpr];
let orderParts[] = orderPartSort;
return orderParts;
* Returns a processed group clause for a SELECT statement
protected final function _getGroupClause(array! group) -> array
var groupItem, groupParts;
if isset group[0] {
* The select is grouped by several columns
let groupParts = [];
for groupItem in group {
let groupParts[] = this->_getExpression(groupItem);
} else {
let groupParts = [this->_getExpression(group)];
return groupParts;
* Returns a processed limit clause for a SELECT statement
protected final function _getLimitClause(array! limitClause) -> array
var number, offset;
array limit = [];
if fetch number, limitClause["number"] {
let limit["number"] = this->_getExpression(number);
if fetch offset, limitClause["offset"] {
let limit["offset"] = this->_getExpression(offset);
return limit;
* Analyzes a SELECT intermediate code and produces an array to be executed later
protected final function _prepareSelect(var ast = null, var merge = null) -> array
int position;
var sqlModels, sqlTables, sqlAliases, sqlColumns, select, tables, columns,
sqlAliasesModels, sqlModelsAliases, sqlAliasesModelsInstances,
models, modelsInstances, selectedModels, manager, metaData,
selectedModel, qualifiedName, modelName, nsAlias, realModelName, model,
schema, source, completeSource, alias, joins, sqlJoins, selectColumns,
sqlColumnAliases, column, sqlColumn, sqlSelect, distinct, having, where,
groupBy, order, limit, tempModels, tempModelsInstances, tempSqlAliases,
tempSqlModelsAliases, tempSqlAliasesModelsInstances, tempSqlAliasesModels,
with, withs, withItem, automaticJoins, number, relation, joinAlias,
relationModel, bestAlias, eagerType;
if empty ast {
let ast = this->_ast;
if typeof merge == "null" {
let merge = false;
if !fetch select, ast["select"] {
let select = ast;
if !fetch tables, select["tables"] {
throw new Exception("Corrupted SELECT AST");
if !fetch columns, select["columns"] {
throw new Exception("Corrupted SELECT AST");
* sqlModels is an array of the models to be used in the query
let sqlModels = [];
* sqlTables is an array of the mapped models sources to be used in the query
let sqlTables = [];
* sqlColumns is an array of every column expression
let sqlColumns = [];
* sqlAliases is a map from aliases to mapped sources
let sqlAliases = [];
* sqlAliasesModels is a map from aliases to model names
let sqlAliasesModels = [];
* sqlAliasesModels is a map from model names to aliases
let sqlModelsAliases = [];
* sqlAliasesModelsInstances is a map from aliases to model instances
let sqlAliasesModelsInstances = [];
* Models information
let models = [],
modelsInstances = [];
// Convert selected models in an array
if !isset tables[0] {
let selectedModels = [tables];
} else {
let selectedModels = tables;
// Convert selected columns in an array
if !isset columns[0] {
let selectColumns = [columns];
} else {
let selectColumns = columns;
let manager = this->_manager,
metaData = this->_metaData;
if typeof manager != "object" {
throw new Exception("A models-manager is required to execute the query");
if typeof metaData != "object" {
throw new Exception("A meta-data is required to execute the query");
// Process selected models
let number = 0,
automaticJoins = [];
for selectedModel in selectedModels {
let qualifiedName = selectedModel["qualifiedName"],
modelName = qualifiedName["name"];
// Check if the table has a namespace alias
if memstr(modelName, ":") {
let nsAlias = explode(":", modelName);
let realModelName = manager->getNamespaceAlias(nsAlias[0]) . "\\" . nsAlias[1];
} else {
let realModelName = modelName;
// Load a model instance from the models manager
let model = manager->load(realModelName, true);
// Define a complete schema/source
let schema = model->getSchema(),
source = model->getSource();
// Obtain the real source including the schema
if schema {
let completeSource = [source, schema];
} else {
let completeSource = source;
// If an alias is defined for a model then the model cannot be referenced in the column list
if fetch alias, selectedModel["alias"] {
// Check if the alias was used before
if isset sqlAliases[alias] {
throw new Exception("Alias '" . alias . "' is used more than once, when preparing: " . this->_phql);
let sqlAliases[alias] = alias,
sqlAliasesModels[alias] = realModelName,
sqlModelsAliases[realModelName] = alias,
sqlAliasesModelsInstances[alias] = model;
* Append or convert complete source to an array
if typeof completeSource == "array" {
let completeSource[] = alias;
} else {
let completeSource = [source, null, alias];
let models[realModelName] = alias;
} else {
let alias = source,
sqlAliases[realModelName] = source,
sqlAliasesModels[realModelName] = realModelName,
sqlModelsAliases[realModelName] = realModelName,
sqlAliasesModelsInstances[realModelName] = model,
models[realModelName] = source;
// Eager load any specified relationship(s)
if fetch with, selectedModel["with"] {
if !isset with[0] {
let withs = [with];
} else {
let withs = with;
// Simulate the definition of inner joins
for withItem in withs {
let joinAlias = "AA" . number,
relationModel = withItem["name"],
relation = manager->getRelationByAlias(realModelName, relationModel);
if typeof relation == "object" {
let bestAlias = relation->getOption("alias"),
relationModel = relation->getReferencedModel(),
eagerType = relation->getType();
} else {
let relation = manager->getRelationsBetween(realModelName, relationModel);
if typeof relation == "object" {
let bestAlias = relation->getOption("alias"),
relationModel = relation->getReferencedModel(),
eagerType = relation->getType();
} else {
throw new Exception(
"Can't find a relationship between '" . realModelName . "' and '" . relationModel . "' when preparing: " . this->_phql
let selectColumns[] = [
"column": joinAlias,
"eager": alias,
"eagerType": eagerType,
"balias": bestAlias
let automaticJoins[] = [
"qualified": [
"name": relationModel
"alias": [
"name": joinAlias
let number++;
let sqlModels[] = realModelName,
sqlTables[] = completeSource,
modelsInstances[realModelName] = model;
// Assign Models/Tables information
if !merge {
let this->_models = models,
this->_modelsInstances = modelsInstances,
this->_sqlAliases = sqlAliases,
this->_sqlAliasesModels = sqlAliasesModels,
this->_sqlModelsAliases = sqlModelsAliases,
this->_sqlAliasesModelsInstances = sqlAliasesModelsInstances;
} else {
let tempModels = this->_models,
tempModelsInstances = this->_modelsInstances,
tempSqlAliases = this->_sqlAliases,
tempSqlAliasesModels = this->_sqlAliasesModels,
tempSqlModelsAliases = this->_sqlModelsAliases,
tempSqlAliasesModelsInstances = this->_sqlAliasesModelsInstances;
let this->_models = array_merge(this->_models, models),
this->_modelsInstances = array_merge(this->_modelsInstances, modelsInstances),
this->_sqlAliases = array_merge(this->_sqlAliases, sqlAliases),
this->_sqlAliasesModels = array_merge(this->_sqlAliasesModels, sqlAliasesModels),
this->_sqlModelsAliases = array_merge(this->_sqlModelsAliases, sqlModelsAliases),
this->_sqlAliasesModelsInstances = array_merge(this->_sqlAliasesModelsInstances, sqlAliasesModelsInstances);
fetch joins, select["joins"];
// Join existing JOINS with automatic Joins
if count(joins) {
if count(automaticJoins) {
if isset joins[0] {
let select["joins"] = array_merge(joins, automaticJoins);
} else {
let automaticJoins[] = joins,
select["joins"] = automaticJoins;
let sqlJoins = this->_getJoins(select);
} else {
if count(automaticJoins) {
let select["joins"] = automaticJoins,
sqlJoins = this->_getJoins(select);
} else {
let sqlJoins = [];
// Resolve selected columns
let position = 0,
sqlColumnAliases = [];
for column in selectColumns {
for sqlColumn in this->_getSelectColumn(column) {
* If "alias" is set, the user defined an alias for the column
if fetch alias, column["alias"] {
* The best alias is the one provided by the user
let sqlColumn["balias"] = alias,
sqlColumn["sqlAlias"] = alias,
sqlColumns[alias] = sqlColumn,
sqlColumnAliases[alias] = true;
} else {
* "balias" is the best alias chosen for the column
if fetch alias, sqlColumn["balias"] {
let sqlColumns[alias] = sqlColumn;
} else {
if sqlColumn["type"] == "scalar" {
let sqlColumns["_" . position] = sqlColumn;
} else {
let sqlColumns[] = sqlColumn;
let position++;
let this->_sqlColumnAliases = sqlColumnAliases;
// sqlSelect is the final prepared SELECT
let sqlSelect = [
"models" : sqlModels,
"tables" : sqlTables,
"columns": sqlColumns
if fetch distinct, select["distinct"] {
let sqlSelect["distinct"] = distinct;
if count(sqlJoins) {
let sqlSelect["joins"] = sqlJoins;
// Process "WHERE" clause if set
if fetch where, ast["where"] {
let sqlSelect["where"] = this->_getExpression(where);
// Process "GROUP BY" clause if set
if fetch groupBy, ast["groupBy"] {
let sqlSelect["group"] = this->_getGroupClause(groupBy);
// Process "HAVING" clause if set
if fetch having , ast["having"] {
let sqlSelect["having"] = this->_getExpression(having);
// Process "ORDER BY" clause if set
if fetch order, ast["orderBy"] {
let sqlSelect["order"] = this->_getOrderClause(order);
// Process "LIMIT" clause if set
if fetch limit, ast["limit"] {
let sqlSelect["limit"] = this->_getLimitClause(limit);
// Process "FOR UPDATE" clause if set
if isset ast["forUpdate"] {
let sqlSelect["forUpdate"] = true;
if merge {
let this->_models = tempModels,
this->_modelsInstances = tempModelsInstances,
this->_sqlAliases = tempSqlAliases,
this->_sqlAliasesModels = tempSqlAliasesModels,
this->_sqlModelsAliases = tempSqlModelsAliases,
this->_sqlAliasesModelsInstances = tempSqlAliasesModelsInstances;
return sqlSelect;
* Analyzes an INSERT intermediate code and produces an array to be executed later
protected final function _prepareInsert() -> array
var ast, qualifiedName, nsAlias, manager, modelName, model, source, schema,
exprValues, exprValue, sqlInsert, metaData, fields,
sqlFields, field, name, realModelName;
boolean notQuoting;
let ast = this->_ast;
if !isset ast["qualifiedName"] {
throw new Exception("Corrupted INSERT AST");
if !isset ast["values"] {
throw new Exception("Corrupted INSERT AST");
let qualifiedName = ast["qualifiedName"];
// Check if the related model exists
if !isset qualifiedName["name"] {
throw new Exception("Corrupted INSERT AST");
let manager = this->_manager,
modelName = qualifiedName["name"];
// Check if the table have a namespace alias
if memstr(modelName, ":") {
let nsAlias = explode(":", modelName);
let realModelName = manager->getNamespaceAlias(nsAlias[0]) . "\\" . nsAlias[1];
} else {
let realModelName = modelName;
let model = manager->load(realModelName, true),
source = model->getSource(),
schema = model->getSchema();
if schema {
let source = [schema, source];
let notQuoting = false,
exprValues = [];
for exprValue in ast["values"] {
// Resolve every expression in the "values" clause
let exprValues[] = [
"type" : exprValue["type"],
"value": this->_getExpression(exprValue, notQuoting)
let sqlInsert = [
"model": modelName,
"table": source
let metaData = this->_metaData;
if fetch fields, ast["fields"] {
let sqlFields = [];
for field in fields {
let name = field["name"];
// Check that inserted fields are part of the model
if !metaData->hasAttribute(model, name) {
throw new Exception(
"The model '" . modelName . "' doesn't have the attribute '" . name . "', when preparing: " . this->_phql
// Add the file to the insert list
let sqlFields[] = name;
let sqlInsert["fields"] = sqlFields;
let sqlInsert["values"] = exprValues;
return sqlInsert;
* Analyzes an UPDATE intermediate code and produces an array to be executed later
protected final function _prepareUpdate() -> array
var ast, update, tables, values, modelsInstances, models,
sqlTables, sqlAliases, sqlAliasesModelsInstances, updateTables,
nsAlias, realModelName, completeSource, sqlModels, manager,
table, qualifiedName, modelName, model, source, schema, alias,
sqlFields, sqlValues, updateValues, updateValue, exprColumn, sqlUpdate,
where, limit;
boolean notQuoting;
let ast = this->_ast;
if !fetch update, ast["update"] {
throw new Exception("Corrupted UPDATE AST");
if !fetch tables, update["tables"] {
throw new Exception("Corrupted UPDATE AST");
if !fetch values, update["values"] {
throw new Exception("Corrupted UPDATE AST");
* We use these arrays to store info related to models, alias and its sources. With them we can rename columns later
let models = [],
modelsInstances = [];
let sqlTables = [],
sqlModels = [],
sqlAliases = [],
sqlAliasesModelsInstances = [];
if !isset tables[0] {
let updateTables = [tables];
} else {
let updateTables = tables;
let manager = this->_manager;
for table in updateTables {
let qualifiedName = table["qualifiedName"],
modelName = qualifiedName["name"];
* Check if the table have a namespace alias
if memstr(modelName, ":") {
let nsAlias = explode(":", modelName);
let realModelName = manager->getNamespaceAlias(nsAlias[0]) . "\\" . nsAlias[1];
} else {
let realModelName = modelName;
* Load a model instance from the models manager
let model = manager->load(realModelName, true),
source = model->getSource(),
schema = model->getSchema();
* Create a full source representation including schema
if schema {
let completeSource = [source, schema];
} else {
let completeSource = [source, null];
* Check if the table is aliased
if fetch alias, table["alias"] {
let sqlAliases[alias] = alias,
completeSource[] = alias,
sqlTables[] = completeSource,
sqlAliasesModelsInstances[alias] = model,
models[alias] = realModelName;
} else {
let sqlAliases[realModelName] = source,
sqlAliasesModelsInstances[realModelName] = model,
sqlTables[] = source,
models[realModelName] = source;
let sqlModels[] = realModelName,
modelsInstances[realModelName] = model;
* Update the models/alias/sources in the object
let this->_models = models,
this->_modelsInstances = modelsInstances,
this->_sqlAliases = sqlAliases,
this->_sqlAliasesModelsInstances = sqlAliasesModelsInstances;
let sqlFields = [], sqlValues = [];
if !isset values[0] {
let updateValues = [values];
} else {
let updateValues = values;
let notQuoting = false;
for updateValue in updateValues {
let sqlFields[] = this->_getExpression(updateValue["column"], notQuoting),
exprColumn = updateValue["expr"],
sqlValues[] = [
"type" : exprColumn["type"],
"value": this->_getExpression(exprColumn, notQuoting)
let sqlUpdate = [
"tables": sqlTables,
"models": sqlModels,
"fields": sqlFields,
"values": sqlValues
if fetch where, ast["where"] {
let sqlUpdate["where"] = this->_getExpression(where, true);
if fetch limit, ast["limit"] {
let sqlUpdate["limit"] = this->_getLimitClause(limit);
return sqlUpdate;
* Analyzes a DELETE intermediate code and produces an array to be executed later
protected final function _prepareDelete() -> array
var ast, delete, tables, models, modelsInstances,
sqlTables, sqlModels, sqlAliases, sqlAliasesModelsInstances,
deleteTables, manager, table, qualifiedName, modelName, nsAlias,
realModelName, model, source, schema, completeSource, alias,
sqlDelete, where, limit;
let ast = this->_ast;
if !fetch delete, ast["delete"] {
throw new Exception("Corrupted DELETE AST");
if !fetch tables, delete["tables"] {
throw new Exception("Corrupted DELETE AST");
* We use these arrays to store info related to models, alias and its sources.
* Thanks to them we can rename columns later
let models = [],
modelsInstances = [];
let sqlTables = [],
sqlModels = [],
sqlAliases = [],
sqlAliasesModelsInstances = [];
if !isset tables[0] {
let deleteTables = [tables];
} else {
let deleteTables = tables;
let manager = this->_manager;
for table in deleteTables {
let qualifiedName = table["qualifiedName"],
modelName = qualifiedName["name"];
* Check if the table have a namespace alias
if memstr(modelName, ":") {
let nsAlias = explode(":", modelName);
let realModelName = manager->getNamespaceAlias(nsAlias[0]) . "\\" . nsAlias[1];
} else {
let realModelName = modelName;
* Load a model instance from the models manager
let model = manager->load(realModelName, true),
source = model->getSource(),
schema = model->getSchema();
if schema {
let completeSource = [source, schema];
} else {
let completeSource = [source, null];
if fetch alias, table["alias"] {
let sqlAliases[alias] = alias,
completeSource[] = alias,
sqlTables[] = completeSource,
sqlAliasesModelsInstances[alias] = model,
models[alias] = realModelName;
} else {
let sqlAliases[realModelName] = source,
sqlAliasesModelsInstances[realModelName] = model,
sqlTables[] = source,
models[realModelName] = source;
let sqlModels[] = realModelName,
modelsInstances[realModelName] = model;
* Update the models/alias/sources in the object
let this->_models = models,
this->_modelsInstances = modelsInstances,
this->_sqlAliases = sqlAliases,
this->_sqlAliasesModelsInstances = sqlAliasesModelsInstances;
let sqlDelete = [],
sqlDelete["tables"] = sqlTables,
sqlDelete["models"] = sqlModels;
if fetch where, ast["where"] {
let sqlDelete["where"] = this->_getExpression(where, true);
if fetch limit, ast["limit"] {
let sqlDelete["limit"] = this->_getLimitClause(limit);
return sqlDelete;
* Parses the intermediate code produced by Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query\Lang generating another
* intermediate representation that could be executed by Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query
public function parse() -> array
var intermediate, phql, ast, irPhql, uniqueId, type;
let intermediate = this->_intermediate;
if typeof intermediate == "array" {
return intermediate;
* This function parses the PHQL statement
let phql = this->_phql,
ast = phql_parse_phql(phql);
let irPhql = null, uniqueId = null;
if typeof ast == "array" {
* Check if the prepared PHQL is already cached
* Parsed ASTs have a unique id
if fetch uniqueId, ast["id"] {
if fetch irPhql, self::_irPhqlCache[uniqueId] {
if typeof irPhql == "array" {
// Assign the type to the query
let this->_type = ast["type"];
return irPhql;
* A valid AST must have a type
if fetch type, ast["type"] {
let this->_ast = ast,
this->_type = type;
switch type {
let irPhql = this->_prepareSelect();
let irPhql = this->_prepareInsert();
let irPhql = this->_prepareUpdate();
let irPhql = this->_prepareDelete();
throw new Exception("Unknown statement " . type . ", when preparing: " . phql);
if typeof irPhql != "array" {
throw new Exception("Corrupted AST");
* Store the prepared AST in the cache
if typeof uniqueId == "int" {
let self::_irPhqlCache[uniqueId] = irPhql;
let this->_intermediate = irPhql;
return irPhql;
* Returns the current cache backend instance
public function getCache() -> <BackendInterface>
return this->_cache;
* Executes the SELECT intermediate representation producing a Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Resultset
protected final function _executeSelect(var intermediate, var bindParams, var bindTypes, boolean simulate = false) -> <ResultsetInterface> | array
var manager, modelName, models, model, connection, connectionTypes,
columns, column, selectColumns, simpleColumnMap, metaData, aliasCopy,
sqlColumn, attributes, instance, columnMap, attribute,
columnAlias, sqlAlias, dialect, sqlSelect, bindCounts,
processed, wildcard, value, processedTypes, typeWildcard, result,
resultData, cache, resultObject, columns1, typesColumnMap, wildcardValue, resultsetClassName;
boolean haveObjects, haveScalars, isComplex, isSimpleStd, isKeepingSnapshots;
int numberObjects;
let manager = this->_manager;
* Get a database connection
let connectionTypes = [];
let models = intermediate["models"];
for modelName in models {
// Load model if it is not loaded
if !fetch model, this->_modelsInstances[modelName] {
let model = manager->load(modelName, true),
this->_modelsInstances[modelName] = model;
let connection = this->getReadConnection(model, intermediate, bindParams, bindTypes);
if typeof connection == "object" {
// More than one type of connection is not allowed
let connectionTypes[connection->getType()] = true;
if count(connectionTypes) == 2 {
throw new Exception("Cannot use models of different database systems in the same query");
let columns = intermediate["columns"];
let haveObjects = false,
haveScalars = false,
isComplex = false;
// Check if the resultset have objects and how many of them have
let numberObjects = 0;
let columns1 = columns;
for column in columns {
if typeof column != "array" {
throw new Exception("Invalid column definition");
if column["type"] == "scalar" {
if !isset column["balias"] {
let isComplex = true;
let haveScalars = true;
} else {
let haveObjects = true, numberObjects++;
// Check if the resultset to return is complex or simple
if isComplex === false {
if haveObjects === true {
if haveScalars === true {
let isComplex = true;
} else {
if numberObjects == 1 {
let isSimpleStd = false;
} else {
let isComplex = true;
} else {
let isSimpleStd = true;
// Processing selected columns
let instance = null,
selectColumns = [],
simpleColumnMap = [],
metaData = this->_metaData;
for aliasCopy, column in columns {
let sqlColumn = column["column"];
// Complete objects are treated in a different way
if column["type"] == "object" {
let modelName = column["model"];
* Base instance
if !fetch instance, this->_modelsInstances[modelName] {
let instance = manager->load(modelName),
this->_modelsInstances[modelName] = instance;
let attributes = metaData->getAttributes(instance);
if isComplex === true {
// If the resultset is complex we open every model into their columns
//if globals_get("orm.column_renaming") {
// let columnMap = metaData->getColumnMap(instance);
//} else {
// let columnMap = null;
if !globals_get("orm.cast_on_hydrate") {
let columnMap = metaData->getColumnMap(instance);
} else {
let columnMap = metaData->getColumnMap(instance),
typesColumnMap = metaData->getDataTypes(instance);
if typeof columnMap === "null" {
let complexColumnMap = [];
for attribute in attributes {
let complexColumnMap[attribute] = [attribute, typesColumnMap[attribute]];
} else {
let complexColumnMap = [];
for column, attribute in columnMap {
let complexColumnMap[column] = [attribute, typesColumnMap[column]];
let columnMap = complexColumnMap;
// Add every attribute in the model to the generated select
for attribute in attributes {
let selectColumns[] = [attribute, sqlColumn, "_" . sqlColumn . "_" . attribute];
// We cache required meta-data to make its future access faster
let columns1[aliasCopy]["instance"] = instance,
columns1[aliasCopy]["attributes"] = attributes,
columns1[aliasCopy]["columnMap"] = columnMap;
// Check if the model keeps snapshots
let isKeepingSnapshots = (boolean) manager->isKeepingSnapshots(instance);
if isKeepingSnapshots {
let columns1[aliasCopy]["keepSnapshots"] = isKeepingSnapshots;
} else {
* Query only the columns that are registered as attributes in the metaData
for attribute in attributes {
let selectColumns[] = [attribute, sqlColumn];
} else {
* Create an alias if the column doesn't have one
if typeof aliasCopy == "int" {
let columnAlias = [sqlColumn, null];
} else {
let columnAlias = [sqlColumn, null, aliasCopy];
let selectColumns[] = columnAlias;
* Simulate a column map
if isComplex === false && isSimpleStd === true {
if fetch sqlAlias, column["sqlAlias"] {
let simpleColumnMap[sqlAlias] = aliasCopy;
} else {
let simpleColumnMap[aliasCopy] = aliasCopy;
let bindCounts = [],
intermediate["columns"] = selectColumns;
* Replace the placeholders
if typeof bindParams == "array" {
let processed = [];
for wildcard, value in bindParams {
if typeof wildcard == "integer" {
let wildcardValue = ":" . wildcard;
} else {
let wildcardValue = wildcard;
let processed[wildcardValue] = value;
if typeof value == "array" {
let bindCounts[wildcardValue] = count(value);
} else {
let processed = bindParams;
* Replace the bind Types
if typeof bindTypes == "array" {
let processedTypes = [];
for typeWildcard, value in bindTypes {
if typeof typeWildcard == "integer" {
let processedTypes[":" . typeWildcard] = value;
} else {
let processedTypes[typeWildcard] = value;
} else {
let processedTypes = bindTypes;
if count(bindCounts) {
let intermediate["bindCounts"] = bindCounts;
* The corresponding SQL dialect generates the SQL statement based accordingly with the database system
let dialect = connection->getDialect(),
sqlSelect = dialect->select(intermediate);
if this->_sharedLock {
let sqlSelect = dialect->sharedLock(sqlSelect);
* Return the SQL to be executed instead of execute it
if simulate {
return [
"sql" : sqlSelect,
"bind" : processed,
"bindTypes" : processedTypes
* Execute the query
let result = connection->query(sqlSelect, processed, processedTypes);
* Check if the query has data
if result instanceof ResultInterface && result->numRows() {
let resultData = result;
} else {
let resultData = false;
* Choose a resultset type
let cache = this->_cache;
if isComplex === false {
* Select the base object
if isSimpleStd === true {
* If the result is a simple standard object use an Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row as base
let resultObject = new Row();
* Standard objects can't keep snapshots
let isKeepingSnapshots = false;
} else {
if typeof instance == "object" {
let resultObject = instance;
} else {
let resultObject = model;
* Get the column map
if !globals_get("orm.cast_on_hydrate") {
let simpleColumnMap = metaData->getColumnMap(resultObject);
} else {
let columnMap = metaData->getColumnMap(resultObject),
typesColumnMap = metaData->getDataTypes(resultObject);
if typeof columnMap === "null" {
let simpleColumnMap = [];
for attribute in metaData->getAttributes(resultObject) {
let simpleColumnMap[attribute] = [attribute, typesColumnMap[attribute]];
} else {
let simpleColumnMap = [];
for column, attribute in columnMap {
let simpleColumnMap[column] = [attribute, typesColumnMap[column]];
* Check if the model keeps snapshots
let isKeepingSnapshots = (boolean) manager->isKeepingSnapshots(resultObject);
if resultObject instanceof ModelInterface && method_exists(resultObject, "getResultsetClass") {
let resultsetClassName = (<ModelInterface> resultObject)->getResultsetClass();
if resultsetClassName {
if ! class_exists(resultsetClassName) {
throw new Exception("Resultset class \"" . resultsetClassName . "\" not found");
if ! is_subclass_of(resultsetClassName, "Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\ResultsetInterface") {
throw new Exception("Resultset class \"" . resultsetClassName . "\" must be an implementation of Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\ResultsetInterface");
return new {resultsetClassName}(simpleColumnMap, resultObject, resultData, cache, isKeepingSnapshots);
* Simple resultsets contains only complete objects
return new Simple(simpleColumnMap, resultObject, resultData, cache, isKeepingSnapshots);
* Complex resultsets may contain complete objects and scalars
return new Complex(columns1, resultData, cache);
* Executes the INSERT intermediate representation producing a Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query\Status
* @param array intermediate
* @param array bindParams
* @param array bindTypes
* @return \Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query\StatusInterface
protected final function _executeInsert(var intermediate, var bindParams, var bindTypes) -> <StatusInterface>
var modelName, manager, connection, metaData, attributes,
fields, columnMap, dialect, insertValues, number, value, model,
values, exprValue, insertValue, wildcard, fieldName, attributeName,
boolean automaticFields;
let modelName = intermediate["model"];
let manager = this->_manager;
if !fetch model, this->_modelsInstances[modelName] {
let model = manager->load(modelName, true);
let connection = this->getWriteConnection(model, intermediate, bindParams, bindTypes);
let metaData = this->_metaData, attributes = metaData->getAttributes(model);
let automaticFields = false;
* The "fields" index may already have the fields to be used in the query
if !fetch fields, intermediate["fields"] {
let automaticFields = true,
fields = attributes;
if globals_get("orm.column_renaming") {
let columnMap = metaData->getColumnMap(model);
} else {
let columnMap = null;
let values = intermediate["values"];
* The number of calculated values must be equal to the number of fields in the model
if count(fields) != count(values) {
throw new Exception("The column count does not match the values count");
* Get the dialect to resolve the SQL expressions
let dialect = connection->getDialect();
let insertValues = [];
for number, value in values {
let exprValue = value["value"];
switch value["type"] {
let insertValue = dialect->getSqlExpression(exprValue);
let insertValue = null;
if typeof bindParams != "array" {
throw new Exception("Bound parameter cannot be replaced because placeholders is not an array");
let wildcard = str_replace(":", "", dialect->getSqlExpression(exprValue));
if !fetch insertValue, bindParams[wildcard] {
throw new Exception(
"Bound parameter '" . wildcard . "' cannot be replaced because it isn't in the placeholders list"
let insertValue = new RawValue(dialect->getSqlExpression(exprValue));
let fieldName = fields[number];
* If the user didn't define a column list we assume all the model's attributes as columns
if automaticFields === true {
if typeof columnMap == "array" {
if !fetch attributeName, columnMap[fieldName] {
throw new Exception("Column '" . fieldName . "' isn't part of the column map");
} else {
let attributeName = fieldName;
} else {
let attributeName = fieldName;
let insertValues[attributeName] = insertValue;
* Get a base model from the Models Manager
* Clone the base model
let insertModel = clone manager->load(modelName);
* Call 'create' to ensure that an insert is performed
* Return the insert status
return new Status(insertModel->create(insertValues), insertModel);
* Executes the UPDATE intermediate representation producing a Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query\Status
* @param array intermediate
* @param array bindParams
* @param array bindTypes
* @return \Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query\StatusInterface
protected final function _executeUpdate(var intermediate, var bindParams, var bindTypes) -> <StatusInterface>
var models, modelName, model, connection, dialect,
fields, values, updateValues, fieldName, value,
selectBindParams, selectBindTypes, number, field,
records, exprValue, updateValue, wildcard, record;
let models = intermediate["models"];
if isset models[1] {
throw new Exception("Updating several models at the same time is still not supported");
let modelName = models[0];
* Load the model from the modelsManager or from the _modelsInstances property
if !fetch model, this->_modelsInstances[modelName] {
let model = this->_manager->load(modelName);
let connection = this->getWriteConnection(model, intermediate, bindParams, bindTypes);
let dialect = connection->getDialect();
let fields = intermediate["fields"],
values = intermediate["values"];
* updateValues is applied to every record
let updateValues = [];
* If a placeholder is unused in the update values, we assume that it's used in the SELECT
let selectBindParams = bindParams,
selectBindTypes = bindTypes;
for number, field in fields {
let value = values[number],
exprValue = value["value"];
if isset field["balias"] {
let fieldName = field["balias"];
} else {
let fieldName = field["name"];
switch value["type"] {
let updateValue = dialect->getSqlExpression(exprValue);
let updateValue = null;
if typeof bindParams != "array" {
throw new Exception("Bound parameter cannot be replaced because placeholders is not an array");
let wildcard = str_replace(":", "", dialect->getSqlExpression(exprValue));
if fetch updateValue, bindParams[wildcard] {
unset selectBindParams[wildcard];
unset selectBindTypes[wildcard];
} else {
throw new Exception(
"Bound parameter '" . wildcard . "' cannot be replaced because it's not in the placeholders list"
throw new Exception("Not supported");
let updateValue = new RawValue(dialect->getSqlExpression(exprValue));
let updateValues[fieldName] = updateValue;
* We need to query the records related to the update
let records = this->_getRelatedRecords(model, intermediate, selectBindParams, selectBindTypes);
* If there are no records to apply the update we return success
if !count(records) {
return new Status(true);
let connection = this->getWriteConnection(model, intermediate, bindParams, bindTypes);
* Create a transaction in the write connection
//for record in iterator(records) {
while records->valid() {
let record = records->current();
* We apply the executed values to every record found
if !record->update(updateValues) {
* Rollback the transaction on failure
return new Status(false, record);
* Commit transaction on success
return new Status(true);
* Executes the DELETE intermediate representation producing a Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query\Status
* @param array intermediate
* @param array bindParams
* @param array bindTypes
* @return \Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query\StatusInterface
protected final function _executeDelete(var intermediate, var bindParams, var bindTypes) -> <StatusInterface>
var models, modelName, model, records, connection, record;
let models = intermediate["models"];
if isset models[1] {
throw new Exception("Delete from several models at the same time is still not supported");
let modelName = models[0];
* Load the model from the modelsManager or from the _modelsInstances property
if !fetch model, this->_modelsInstances[modelName] {
let model = this->_manager->load(modelName);
* Get the records to be deleted
let records = this->_getRelatedRecords(model, intermediate, bindParams, bindTypes);
* If there are no records to delete we return success
if !count(records) {
return new Status(true);
let connection = this->getWriteConnection(model, intermediate, bindParams, bindTypes);
* Create a transaction in the write connection
while records->valid() {
let record = records->current();
* We delete every record found
if !record->delete() {
* Rollback the transaction
return new Status(false, record);
* Commit the transaction
* Create a status to report the deletion status
return new Status(true);
* Query the records on which the UPDATE/DELETE operation well be done
* @param \Phalcon\Mvc\ModelInterface model
* @param array intermediate
* @param array bindParams
* @param array bindTypes
* @return \Phalcon\Mvc\Model\ResultsetInterface
protected final function _getRelatedRecords(<ModelInterface> model, var intermediate, var bindParams, var bindTypes)
-> <ResultsetInterface>
var selectIr, whereConditions, limitConditions, query;
* Instead of create a PHQL string statement we manually create the IR representation
let selectIr = [
"columns": [[
"type" : "object",
"model" : get_class(model),
"column": model->getSource()
"models": intermediate["models"],
"tables": intermediate["tables"]
* Check if a WHERE clause was specified
if fetch whereConditions, intermediate["where"] {
let selectIr["where"] = whereConditions;
* Check if a LIMIT clause was specified
if fetch limitConditions, intermediate["limit"] {
let selectIr["limit"] = limitConditions;
* We create another Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query to get the related records
let query = new self();
return query->execute(bindParams, bindTypes);
* Executes a parsed PHQL statement
* @param array bindParams
* @param array bindTypes
* @return mixed
public function execute(var bindParams = null, var bindTypes = null)
var uniqueRow, cacheOptions, key, cacheService,
cache, result, preparedResult, defaultBindParams, mergedParams,
defaultBindTypes, mergedTypes, type, lifetime, intermediate;
let uniqueRow = this->_uniqueRow;
let cacheOptions = this->_cacheOptions;
if typeof cacheOptions != "null" {
if typeof cacheOptions != "array" {
throw new Exception("Invalid caching options");
* The user must set a cache key
if !fetch key, cacheOptions["key"] {
throw new Exception("A cache key must be provided to identify the cached resultset in the cache backend");
* By default use use 3600 seconds (1 hour) as cache lifetime
if !fetch lifetime, cacheOptions["lifetime"] {
let lifetime = 3600;
* "modelsCache" is the default name for the models cache service
if !fetch cacheService, cacheOptions["service"] {
let cacheService = "modelsCache";
let cache = this->_dependencyInjector->getShared(cacheService);
if typeof cache != "object" {
throw new Exception("Cache service must be an object");
let result = cache->get(key, lifetime);
if result !== null {
if typeof result != "object" {
throw new Exception("Cache didn't return a valid resultset");
* Check if only the first row must be returned
if uniqueRow {
let preparedResult = result->getFirst();
} else {
let preparedResult = result;
return preparedResult;
let this->_cache = cache;
* Check for default bind parameters and merge them with the passed ones
let defaultBindParams = this->_bindParams;
if typeof defaultBindParams == "array" {
if typeof bindParams == "array" {
let mergedParams = defaultBindParams + bindParams;
} else {
let mergedParams = defaultBindParams;
} else {
let mergedParams = bindParams;
let this->_bindParams = mergedParams;
* The statement is parsed from its PHQL string or a previously processed IR
let intermediate = this->parse();
* Check for default bind types and merge them with the passed ones
let defaultBindTypes = this->_bindTypes;
if typeof defaultBindTypes == "array" {
if typeof bindTypes == "array" {
let mergedTypes = defaultBindTypes + bindTypes;
} else {
let mergedTypes = defaultBindTypes;
} else {
let mergedTypes = bindTypes;
if typeof mergedParams != "null" && typeof mergedParams != "array" {
throw new Exception("Bound parameters must be an array");
if typeof mergedTypes != "null" && typeof mergedTypes != "array" {
throw new Exception("Bound parameter types must be an array");
let type = this->_type;
switch type {
let result = this->_executeSelect(intermediate, mergedParams, mergedTypes);
let result = this->_executeInsert(intermediate, mergedParams, mergedTypes);
let result = this->_executeUpdate(intermediate, mergedParams, mergedTypes);
let result = this->_executeDelete(intermediate, mergedParams, mergedTypes);
throw new Exception("Unknown statement " . type);
* We store the resultset in the cache if any
if cacheOptions !== null {
* Only PHQL SELECTs can be cached
if type != PHQL_T_SELECT {
throw new Exception("Only PHQL statements that return resultsets can be cached");
cache->save(key, result, lifetime);
* Check if only the first row must be returned
if uniqueRow {
let preparedResult = result->getFirst();
} else {
let preparedResult = result;
return preparedResult;
* Executes the query returning the first result
* @param array bindParams
* @param array bindTypes
* @return \Phalcon\Mvc\ModelInterface
public function getSingleResult(var bindParams = null, var bindTypes = null)
* The query is already programmed to return just one row
if this->_uniqueRow {
return this->execute(bindParams, bindTypes);
return this->execute(bindParams, bindTypes)->getFirst();
* Sets the type of PHQL statement to be executed
public function setType(int type) -> <Query>
let this->_type = type;
return this;
* Gets the type of PHQL statement executed
public function getType() -> int
return this->_type;
* Set default bind parameters
public function setBindParams(array! bindParams, boolean merge = false) -> <Query>
var currentBindParams;
if merge {
let currentBindParams = this->_bindParams;
if typeof currentBindParams == "array" {
let this->_bindParams = currentBindParams + bindParams;
} else {
let this->_bindParams = bindParams;
} else {
let this->_bindParams = bindParams;
return this;
* Returns default bind params
* @return array
public function getBindParams()
return this->_bindParams;
* Set default bind parameters
public function setBindTypes(array! bindTypes, boolean merge = false) -> <Query>
var currentBindTypes;
if unlikely merge {
let currentBindTypes = this->_bindTypes;
if typeof currentBindTypes == "array" {
let this->_bindTypes = currentBindTypes + bindTypes;
} else {
let this->_bindTypes = bindTypes;
} else {
let this->_bindTypes = bindTypes;
return this;
* Set SHARED LOCK clause
public function setSharedLock(boolean sharedLock = false) -> <Query>
let this->_sharedLock = sharedLock;
return this;
* Returns default bind types
* @return array
public function getBindTypes()
return this->_bindTypes;
* Allows to set the IR to be executed
public function setIntermediate(array! intermediate) -> <Query>
let this->_intermediate = intermediate;
return this;
* Returns the intermediate representation of the PHQL statement
* @return array
public function getIntermediate()
return this->_intermediate;
* Sets the cache parameters of the query
public function cache(cacheOptions) -> <Query>
let this->_cacheOptions = cacheOptions;
return this;
* Returns the current cache options
* @param array
public function getCacheOptions()
return this->_cacheOptions;
* Returns the SQL to be generated by the internal PHQL (only works in SELECT statements)
public function getSql() -> array
var intermediate;
* The statement is parsed from its PHQL string or a previously processed IR
let intermediate = this->parse();
if this->_type == PHQL_T_SELECT {
return this->_executeSelect(intermediate, this->_bindParams, this->_bindTypes, true);
throw new Exception("This type of statement generates multiple SQL statements");
* Destroys the internal PHQL cache
public static function clean()
let self::_irPhqlCache = [];
* Gets the read connection from the model if there is no transaction set inside the query object
protected function getReadConnection(<ModelInterface> model, array intermediate = null, array bindParams = null, array bindTypes = null) -> <AdapterInterface>
var connection = null, transaction;
let transaction = this->_transaction;
if typeof transaction == "object" && transaction instanceof TransactionInterface {
return transaction->getConnection();
if method_exists(model, "selectReadConnection") {
// use selectReadConnection() if implemented in extended Model class
let connection = model->selectReadConnection(intermediate, bindParams, bindTypes);
if typeof connection != "object" {
throw new Exception("selectReadConnection did not return a connection");
return connection;
return model->getReadConnection();
* Gets the write connection from the model if there is no transaction inside the query object
protected function getWriteConnection(<ModelInterface> model, array intermediate = null, array bindParams = null, array bindTypes = null) -> <AdapterInterface>
var connection = null, transaction;
let transaction = this->_transaction;
if typeof transaction == "object" && transaction instanceof TransactionInterface {
return transaction->getConnection();
if method_exists(model, "selectWriteConnection") {
let connection = model->selectWriteConnection(intermediate, bindParams, bindTypes);
if typeof connection != "object" {
throw new Exception("selectWriteConnection did not return a connection");
return connection;
return model->getWriteConnection();
* allows to wrap a transaction around all queries
public function setTransaction(<TransactionInterface> transaction) -> <Query>
let this->_transaction = transaction;
return this;
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