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Last active August 4, 2017 10:10
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Bangla date from english date. First we create a class and include the class in our required page, call the necessary methods and print our date variable.
//make a class...
class BanglaDate
private $timestamp; //timestamp as input
private $morning; //when the date will change?
private $engHour; //Current hour of English Date
private $engDate; //Current date of English Date
private $engMonth; //Current month of English Date
private $engYear; //Current year of English Date
private $bangDate; //generated Bangla Date
private $bangMonth; //generated Bangla Month
private $bangYear; //generated Bangla Year
private $bn_months = array("পৌষ", "মাঘ", "ফাল্গুন", "চৈত্র", "বৈশাখ", "জ্যৈষ্ঠ", "আষাঢ়", "শ্রাবণ", "ভাদ্র", "আশ্বিন", "কার্তিক", "অগ্রহায়ণ");
private $bn_month_dates = array(30,30,30,30,31,31,31,31,31,30,30,30);
private $bn_month_middate = array(13,12,14,13,14,14,15,15,15,15,14,14);
private $lipyearindex = 3;
* Set the initial date and time
* @param int timestamp for any date
* @param int, set the time when you want to change the date. if 0, then date will change instantly.
* If it's 6, date will change at 6'0 clock at the morning. Default is 6'0 clock at the morning
public function __construct( $timestamp, $hour = 6 ) {
$this->BanglaDate( $timestamp, $hour );
* PHP4 Legacy constructor
* @param int $timestamp
* @param type $hour
public function BanglaDate( $timestamp, $hour = 6 ) {
$this->engDate = date( 'd', $timestamp );
$this->engMonth = date( 'm', $timestamp );
$this->engYear = date( 'Y', $timestamp );
$this->morning = $hour;
$this->engHour = date( 'G', $timestamp );
//calculate the bangla date
//now call calculate_year for setting the bangla year
//convert english numbers to Bangla
public function set_time( $timestamp, $hour = 6 ) {
$this->BanglaDate( $timestamp, $hour );
* Calculate the Bangla date and month
* @access private
private function calculate_date() {
$this->bangDate = $this->engDate - $this->bn_month_middate[$this->engMonth - 1];
if ($this->engHour < $this->morning)
$this->bangDate -= 1;
if (($this->engDate <= $this->bn_month_middate[$this->engMonth - 1]) || ($this->engDate == $this->bn_month_middate[$this->engMonth - 1] + 1 && $this->engHour < $this->morning) ) {
$this->bangDate += $this->bn_month_dates[$this->engMonth - 1];
if ($this->is_leapyear() && $this->lipyearindex == $this->engMonth)
$this->bangDate += 1;
$this->bangMonth = $this->bn_months[$this->engMonth - 1];
$this->bangMonth = $this->bn_months[($this->engMonth)%12];
* Checks, if the date is leapyear or not
* @return boolen. True if it's leap year or returns false
public function is_leapyear() {
if ( $this->engYear % 400 == 0 || ($this->engYear % 100 != 0 && $this->engYear % 4 == 0) )
return true;
return false;
* Calculate the Bangla Year
public function calculate_year() {
$this->bangYear = $this->engYear - 593;
if (($this->engMonth < 4) || (($this->engMonth == 4) && (($this->engDate < 14) || ($this->engDate == 14 && $this->engHour < $this->morning))))
$this->bangYear -= 1;
* Convert the English character to Bangla
* @param int any integer number
* @return string as converted number to bangla
public function bangla_number( $int ) {
$engNumber = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0);
$bangNumber = array('১', '২', '৩', '৪', '৫', '৬', '৭', '৮', '৯', '০');
$converted = str_replace( $engNumber, $bangNumber, $int );
return $converted;
* Calls the converter to convert numbers to equivalent Bangla number
public function convert() {
$this->bangDate = $this->bangla_number( $this->bangDate );
$this->bangYear = $this->bangla_number( $this->bangYear );
* Returns the calculated Bangla Date
* @return array of converted Bangla Date
public function get_date() {
return array($this->bangDate, $this->bangMonth, $this->bangYear);
* Input time Time
* Returns the calculated Bangla time
* @return array of converted Bangla time
public function fFormatDate($BDDate){
return $BDDate;
// Then add the following code to your header or index page where we want to display the date...
$bn= new \App\Http\Controllers\BanglaDateController(time());
$bnDate=$bn->get_date(); // Bangla date
$enDate = $bn->fFormatDate(date('l, d F Y')); // English date in bangli language
<div class="date-time text-muted">{{$enDate}}, {{ $bnDate[0]." ".$bnDate[1]." ".$bnDate[2] }}</div>
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