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Simulating City Population Growth patterns with R
# Original Code by Matt Asher for
# Feel free to modify and redistribute, but please keep this notice
#Modifications by Ram Narasimhan
# @ramnarasimhan
kNumReplications <- 5
# Size of the area
areaW <- 30
areaH <- 30
# Homesteaders, they don't care about finding a neighbor
numPioneers <- 30
#These are the people who follow the pioneers
kNumSettlers <- 350
# How many scouting attempts will settlers make, before abandoning
kMaxLookAroundSteps <- 20
#Try out different seeding rules
# (1:Random) (2: Central Square) (3:Central Ring) ( 4: Two Columns)
seeding.opt <- 4
# (1: Random) (2:NEWS only) (3:Diagonal settling only)
settling.option <- 3
adjacells <- getAdjacentCellsDataFrame()
# Make multiple runs (Replication of simulation) and take the average of stats
st <- data.frame()
st_row<- vector()
for(i in 1:kNumReplications) {
area_df <- resetIteration()
simstats <- accommodateSettlers(kNumSettlers, settling.option)
found.home <- simstats[1]
max.look.around <- simstats[2]
#compute for this iterations
st_row <- store_iteration_stats(i, kNumSettlers, found.home, max.look.around)
st <- rbind(st,st_row)
p <- drawArea(area_df)
names(st) <- c("Iter", "FoundHome", "NumSettlers", "Percent")
# Original Code by Matt Asher for
# Feel free to modify and redistribute, but please keep this notice
#Modifications by Ram Narasimhan
# @ramnarasimhan
## utility functions
resetIteration <- function(){
#This creates a dataframe full of zeros of size nrow and ncol
area_df <- data.frame( matrix(0, nrow=areaH, ncol=areaW))
names(area_df) <- c(1:areaW)
getAdjacentCellsDataFrame<- function(){
# adjacells is a two column (x,y) dataframe of the nearby cell offsets
# X X X (-1,1) (0,1) (1,1)
# X * X (-1,0) (*,*) (1,0)
# X X X (-1,-1) (0,-1) (1,-1)
xoffset = c(-1,0,1,-1,1,-1,0,1) #top middle bottom
yoffset = c(1,1,1,0,0,-1,-1,-1) #top middle bottom
adjacells = data.frame(xoffset, yoffset)
outOfBounds <- function(xPos,yPos) {
if( (xPos > areaW) | (xPos < 1) | (yPos > areaH) | (yPos < 1)) {
# outOfBounds = TRUE
store_iteration_stats<- function(iter, kNumSettlers, found.home, max.look.around) {
#how many settlers found homes
perSet <- (found.home/kNumSettlers) * 100
print(c(found.home," settled out of ", kNumSettlers, perSet, "%" ) )
#avg # of steps per new settler
print(c("num of Settlers who hit max look around:", max.look.around))
return(c(iter, found.home, kNumSettlers, perSet))
#get a random CELL inside the area
tryLoc = getRandomLocation <- function() {
xNew = sample(1:areaW, 1)
yNew = sample(1:areaH, 1)
return( c(xNew,yNew))
#get a Random Neighboring Cell
getRandomAdjacentNeighboringLocation <- function(location){
xPos = location[xval] #unpack to get x coord
yPos = location[yval]
movedir = sample(1:8,1) #move in a random direction
xNew = xPos + adjacells[movedir,xval]
yNew = yPos + adjacells[movedir,yval]
return( c(xNew,yNew))
# This is where the Simulation of Population Growth occurs
# Settling in Area according to establish rules
accommodateSettlers <- function(kNumSettlers, settling.option){
found.home <- 0
max.look.around <- 0
for(i in 1:kNumSettlers) {
done <- FALSE
steps <- 1
#try Settling in a random cell in the Area
tryLoc <- getRandomLocation()
done <- checkLocationValidity(tryLoc, area_df, steps, settling.option)
#if random cell not valid, SCOUT in its vicinity
while(!done) {
steps <- steps + 1
# Get an adjacent location in one of the 8 adjacent cells, while still in area
adjLoc <- getRandomAdjacentNeighboringLocation(tryLoc)
done <- checkLocationValidity(adjLoc, area_df, steps, settling.option)
if (steps > kMaxLookAroundSteps) {
max.look.around <- max.look.around + 1
} #end while
if(done) found.home <- found.home + 1
## TRY different settling rules
checkLocationValidity <- function(location, area_df, steps, settling.option=1) {
valid = FALSE
xPos = location[1]
yPos = location[2]
if(outOfBounds(xPos,yPos)) {
return (FALSE)
if(area_df[xPos,yPos] >0) {
#x,y is an empty cell. Is settling there allowed per the rules?
if(isSettlingInCellAllowed(xPos,yPos, settling.option) ) {
area_df[xPos,yPos] <<- steps + 1
return (TRUE)
return (FALSE)
isSettlingInCellAllowed<- function(xPos,yPos, settling.option=1) {
canOccupy <- FALSE
if (settling.option == 2) {
# Settling Allowed if any of the 4 NEWS adj cells are occupied
if(isAnyOfNEWSCellsOccupied(xPos,yPos) ) canOccupy <- TRUE
else if (settling.option == 3) {
# Settling Allowed if any of the 4 NEWS adj cells are occupied
if(isAnyDiagNeighboringCellOccupied(xPos,yPos) ) canOccupy <- TRUE
else {
# Default: Settling Allowed if any of the 8 adj cells are occupied
if(isAnyOf8AdjCellsOccupied(xPos,yPos) ) canOccupy <- TRUE
# Are any of the 8 adjacent cells occupied?
isAnyOf8AdjCellsOccupied <- function(m,n) {
canOccupy <- FALSE
for(k in 1:8) {
xCheck = m + adjacells[k,1]
yCheck = n + adjacells[k,2]
if(!(outOfBounds(xCheck, yCheck))) {
if(area_df[xCheck, yCheck] >0) {
canOccupy <- TRUE
} #end of looping through k
# Are any of the 4 direct N E W S adjacent cells occupied?
isAnyOfNEWSCellsOccupied <- function(m,n) {
canOccupy <- FALSE
NEWSdir = c(2,4,5,7)
#traverse the vector of 4 elements
for(k in 1:4) {
xCheck = m + adjacells[NEWSdir[k],1]
yCheck = n + adjacells[NEWSdir[k],2]
if(!(outOfBounds(xCheck, yCheck))) {
if(area_df[xCheck, yCheck] > 0) {
print(paste("area df of ", xCheck, yCheck, area_df[xCheck, yCheck]))
print(paste("(",m,",",n,")" ,"NEWS neighbor of (", yCheck, "-", xCheck))
canOccupy <- TRUE
} #end of looping through k
# Are any of the 4 diagonally adjacent cells occupied?
isAnyDiagNeighboringCellOccupied <- function(m,n) {
canOccupy <- FALSE
diag.dir = c(1,3,6,8)
#traverse the vector of 4 elements
for(k in 1:4) {
xCheck = m + adjacells[diag.dir[k],1]
yCheck = n + adjacells[diag.dir[k],2]
if(!(outOfBounds(xCheck, yCheck))) {
if(area_df[xCheck, yCheck] >0 ) {
canOccupy <- TRUE
} #end of looping through k
## Start of seeding rules
#Random seeding
seedAreaWithPioneers<- function(numPioneers, seeding.opt=1) {
if(seeding.opt==2) {
#Seed a central area and let it grow
if(seeding.opt==3) {
#Seed a central rectangular Ring
if(seeding.opt==4) {
#seed two vertical columns of width w
if(seeding.opt==1) {
#Random seeding
#Seed the Area with Pioneers Randomly across the area
RandomSeeding <- function(numPioneers){
for(i in 1:numPioneers) {
# Seed it with homesteaders
xPos = sample(1:areaH, 1)
yPos = sample(1:areaW, 1)
area_df[xPos,yPos] <<- 1
# R-Rows C-cols in the center
seedAreaCenter <- function(r, c){
for(x in as.integer((areaW-c)/2): as.integer((areaW + c)/2)){
for(y in as.integer((areaH-r)/2): as.integer((areaH + r)/2)){
area_df[x,y] <<- 1
# w-cols to the R and L of center column
seedColumns <- function(c, w){
startLCol = as.integer( (areaW-c) / 2 )
startRCol = as.integer( (areaW+c) / 2 )
for(y in 1:areaH) {
clist = c((startLCol-w):startLCol, startRCol:(startRCol+w))
lapply(clist, function(x) area_df[x,y] <<- 1)
# RING of R-Rows C-cols in the center of width w cells
seedCenterRing <- function(r, c, wide){
for(x in as.integer((areaW-c)/2): as.integer((areaW + c)/2)){
for(y in as.integer((areaH-r)/2): as.integer((areaH + r)/2)){
area_df[x,y] <<- 1
#scoop out the inner ring
for(x in as.integer((areaW-c)/2 + wide): as.integer((areaW + c)/2 - wide)){
for(y in as.integer((areaH-r)/2+wide): as.integer((areaH + r)/2- wide )){
area_df[x,y] <<- 0
## End of seeding rules
###plotting function
drawArea <- function(area_df){
df <- melt(as.matrix(area_df, nrow=30))
#Bin the values of the data frame, using the "cut" funtion
brk = c(-1, 0, 1, 2, 24, 1000)
#brk = c(-1, 0, 1000)
df$valBucket =cut(df$value, breaks=brk) #creating a new column with aggregated values based on look around value
p <-NULL
p <- ggplot(df, aes(X1,X2, color=valBucket)) + geom_point(shape=square, size=6)
#Use a manual (discrete) coloring scheme
p <- p + scale_colour_manual(values = c("black","blue","orange","yellow","red", "white"))
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