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Last active June 11, 2019 00:54
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Save Ram-N/6227203 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Google Research Grant recipients.
df <- read.csv("~/RStats/data/ResearchGrants2013.csv", stringsAsFactors=F, strip.white=T)
df <- df[,-6] #get rid of the trailing blank
#quick check
#take care of cases where multiple univs collaborate. Give all of them credit
u2 <- df$University.2[df$University.2!= ""]
u3 <- df$University.3[df$University.3!= ""]
univs.list <- c(df$University.1, u2, u3)
#quick check
### Univs plot
univs <- data.frame(table(univs.list))
#univs <- univs[order(-univs[,2]), ] #sort by reverse of frequency
u <- ggplot(univs) + geom_bar(aes(x=reorder(univs.list, Freq), y =Freq, fill=factor(Freq)), stat="identity") + coord_flip()
u <- u + scale_fill_manual(limits=c("5","3","2","1"),
values=c("green", "yellow", "red", "blue"))
u <- u + ylab("Number of Reserach Grants Awarded")
u <- u + theme(legend.position="none", plot.background = element_blank() ,axis.title.y=element_blank()
, axis.text.y = element_text(face="bold", colour="#000000", size=10)
u <- u + labs(title="Distribution of Google Reserach Grants 2013, by University")
### areas plot
area <- data.frame(table(df$Research.Category))
area$y.offset <- c(2,2,3,2,2, 2,3,2,3,2, 1,2,1,2, 1,2,1,2,1)
num.colors <- length(unique(area$Freq))
wx_range<-colorRampPalette(c(rgb(0,0.5,1), rgb(1,0.35,0) ))
cols <- rep("white", 19)
# manual adjustment of colors for a couple of areas
cols[1] <- "black"
cols[7] <- "black"
a <- NULL
a <- ggplot(area) + geom_bar(aes(x=reorder(Var1, Freq), y =Freq, fill=factor(Freq)), stat="identity") + coord_flip()
a <- a + geom_text(aes(x=reorder(Var1, Freq), y =y.offset, label=Var1), color=cols)
a <- a + scale_fill_manual(values=wx_range(num.colors))
a <- a + ylab("Number of Reserach Grants Awarded")
a <- a + theme(legend.position="none", plot.background = element_blank() ,axis.title.y=element_blank()
, axis.text.y = element_text(face="bold", colour="#000000", size=10)
a <- a + labs(title="Distribution of Google Reserach Grants 2013, by Research Area")
Research Category Principal Investigators University 1 University 2 University 3
Economics Hamid Nazerzadeh University of Southern California
Geo/maps Noah Snavely Cornell University
Geo/maps Moustafa Youssef Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology
Geo/maps Marc Pollefeys ETH Zurich
Geo/maps Juliana Freire Polytechnic Institute of New York University
Geo/maps Thomas Funkhouser Princeton University
Geo/maps Joao Barreto and Gabriel Falcao University of Coimbra
Human computer Interaction Eric Hekler and Winslow Burleson Arizona State University
Human computer Interaction Jeffrey Bigham Carnegie Mellon University
Human computer Interaction Davide Bolchini IUPUI School of Informatics
Human computer Interaction Rainer Stiefelhagen Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Human computer Interaction Ruth Rosenholtz Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Human computer Interaction Henry Lieberman Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Human computer Interaction Michael Bernstein Stanford University
Human computer Interaction Bjoern Hartmann University of California Berkeley
Human computer Interaction William Seales University of Kentucky
Human computer Interaction Eelke Folmer University of Nevada Reno
Human computer Interaction Julie Kientz University of Washington
Information retrieval Phillip Wolff and Eugene Agichtein Emory University
Information retrieval Nicholas Belkin and Chirag Shah Rutgers University
Information retrieval Kenny Zhu Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Information retrieval Oren Kurland Technion Israel Institute of Technology
Information retrieval Daisy Zhe Wang University of Florida
Information retrieval Philippe CudreMauroux University of Fribourg
Machine learning Rob Fergus New York University
Machine learning Yuejie Chi Ohio State University
Machine learning Antoine Bordes Universite de Technologie de Compiegne
Machine learning Miguel CarreiraPerpinan University of California Merced
Machine learning Aaron Courville University of Montreal
Machine learning Daniel Lowd University of Oregon
Machine learning Hugo Larochelle University of Sherbrooke
Mobile Mark Riedl Georgia Institute of Technology
Mobile Pattie Maes Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mobile James McLurkin Rice University
Mobile Eduard Alarcon, Adriano Camps and Juan Ramos Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Mobile Maria Papadopouli University of Crete
Mobile Lili Qiu University of Texas at Austin
Mobile Mohit Tiwari and Vijay Reddi University of Texas at Austin
Machine perception David Field Cornell University
Machine perception Shmuel Peleg Hebrew University
Machine perception Didier Stricker Kaiserslautern University
Machine perception Fredo Durand Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Machine perception Michael Mandel Ohio State University
Machine perception Adam Finkelstein Princeton University
Machine perception Gregory Mori Simon Fraser University
Machine perception Gang Hua Stevens Institute of Technology
Machine perception Roland Memisevic University of Montreal
Machine translation Liang Huang City University of New York
Networking Thanasis Korakis and Constantine Dovrolis Polytechnic Institute of New York University Georgia Institute of Technology
Networking John Bowers University of California Santa Barbara
Networking Carlos Maltzahn and Katia Obraczka University of California Santa Cruz
Networking Minlan Yu University of Southern California
Natural language processing Chris Dyer, Dhruv Batra, Kevin Gimpel Carnegie Mellon University Virginia Polytechnic Institute Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago
Natural language processing Collin Baker International Computer Science Institute
Natural language processing Dan Jurafsky Stanford University
Natural language processing Steven Skiena State University of New York Stony Brook
Natural language processing Bing Liu University of Illinois Chicago
Natural language processing Chris CallisonBurch University of Pennsylvania
Other Maxim Likhachev and Christopher Atkeson Carnegie Mellon University
Other Javad Lavaei Columbia University
Other T Vijaykumar Purdue University
Other Jeffrey Burke University of California Los Angeles
Policy Nico Grove Bauhaus University
Policy Weimar
Policy David Clark Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Policy Scott Savage University of Colorado Boulder
Privacy Katrina Ligett California Institute of Technology
Privacy Yevgeniy Dodis New York University
Privacy Kang Shin University of Michigan
Structured data Timos Sellis and James Thom RMIT University
Structured data Lei Chen The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Structured data Alexandra Meliou University of Massachusetts Amherst
Structured data Andrew McGregor University of Massachusetts Amherst
Security Johannes Gehrke Cornell University
Security Alexandra Boldyreva Georgia Institute of Technology
Security N. Asokan and Nitesh Saxena University of Helsinki University of Alabama at Birmingham
Security Elaine Shi University of Maryland College Park
Security David Evans University of Virginia
Social Subbarao Kambhampati Arizona State University
Social Christopher Warren and Cozma Shalizi, & Daniel Shore Carnegie Mellon University Georgetown University
Social Mauro Sozio Telecom Paristech
Social Joshua Blumenstock University of Washington
Social Kyumin Lee Utah State University
Speech Bhiksha Raj Carnegie Mellon University
Speech Etienne Barnard NorthWest University
Software engineering Jeffrey Overbey and Munawar Hafiz Auburn University
Software engineering Shriram Krishnamurthi Brown University
Software engineering Alessandro Orso Georgia Institute of Technology
Software engineering Sukyoung Ryu Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Software engineering Emerson MurphyHill North Carolina State University
Software engineering Vijay Ganesh University of Waterloo
Systems J?nos Tapolcai and G?bor R?tv?ri Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Systems Roxana Geambasu and Jason Nieh Columbia University
Systems Yogendra Joshi Georgia Institute of Technology
Systems Eddie Kohler and Michael Mitzenmacher Harvard University
Systems Anand Sivasubramaniam Pennsylvania State University
Systems Ghassan Shobaki Princess Sumaya University for Technology
Systems Sanjay Rao Purdue University
Systems Abhishek Bhattacharjee Rutgers University
Systems Christos Kozyrakis Stanford University
Systems Peter Pirkelbauer University of Alabama Birmingham
Systems Steven Swanson University of California San Diego
Systems Dave Ackley University of New Mexico
Systems John Regehr University of Utah
Systems Remzi ArpaciDusseau and Andrea ArpaciDusseau University of Wisconsin Madison
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