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Created June 7, 2021 13:56
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  • Save Ramarti/8e4b715ba6ea1f3a4758928e5966da09 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Ramarti/8e4b715ba6ea1f3a4758928e5966da09 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ABI for EthicHub base staked token
"abi": [
"anonymous": false,
"inputs": [
"indexed": true,
"internalType": "address",
"name": "owner",
"type": "address"
"indexed": true,
"internalType": "address",
"name": "spender",
"type": "address"
"indexed": false,
"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "value",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "Approval",
"type": "event"
"anonymous": false,
"inputs": [
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"internalType": "address",
"name": "asset",
"type": "address"
"indexed": false,
"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "emission",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "AssetConfigUpdated",
"type": "event"
"anonymous": false,
"inputs": [
"indexed": true,
"internalType": "address",
"name": "asset",
"type": "address"
"indexed": false,
"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "index",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "AssetIndexUpdated",
"type": "event"
"anonymous": false,
"inputs": [
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"internalType": "address",
"name": "user",
"type": "address"
"name": "Cooldown",
"type": "event"
"anonymous": false,
"inputs": [
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"name": "from",
"type": "address"
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"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "amount",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "Redeem",
"type": "event"
"anonymous": false,
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"name": "user",
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"internalType": "uint256",
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"type": "uint256"
"name": "RewardsAccrued",
"type": "event"
"anonymous": false,
"inputs": [
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"internalType": "uint256",
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"name": "RewardsClaimed",
"type": "event"
"anonymous": false,
"inputs": [
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"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "id",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "Snapshot",
"type": "event"
"anonymous": false,
"inputs": [
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"name": "Staked",
"type": "event"
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"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "index",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "UserIndexUpdated",
"type": "event"
"inputs": [],
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" }],
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [],
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" }],
"stateMutability": "view",
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"inputs": [],
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "address", "name": "", "type": "address" }],
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [],
"name": "PRECISION",
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint8", "name": "", "type": "uint8" }],
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [],
"name": "REWARDS_VAULT",
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "address", "name": "", "type": "address" }],
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [],
"name": "REWARD_TOKEN",
"outputs": [
{ "internalType": "contract IERC20", "name": "", "type": "address" }
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [],
"name": "STAKED_TOKEN",
"outputs": [
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"type": "function"
"inputs": [],
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" }],
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [
{ "internalType": "string", "name": "name_", "type": "string" },
{ "internalType": "string", "name": "symbol_", "type": "string" }
"name": "__EthixERC20Snapshot_init",
"outputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [],
"name": "_ethixGovernance",
"outputs": [
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"name": "",
"type": "address"
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"type": "function"
"inputs": [
{ "internalType": "address", "name": "owner", "type": "address" },
{ "internalType": "address", "name": "spender", "type": "address" }
"name": "allowance",
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" }],
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [
{ "internalType": "address", "name": "spender", "type": "address" },
{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "amount", "type": "uint256" }
"name": "approve",
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "bool", "name": "", "type": "bool" }],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [{ "internalType": "address", "name": "", "type": "address" }],
"name": "assets",
"outputs": [
"internalType": "uint128",
"name": "emissionPerSecond",
"type": "uint128"
"internalType": "uint128",
"name": "lastUpdateTimestamp",
"type": "uint128"
{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "index", "type": "uint256" }
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [
{ "internalType": "address", "name": "account", "type": "address" }
"name": "balanceOf",
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" }],
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [
{ "internalType": "address", "name": "account", "type": "address" },
{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "snapshotId", "type": "uint256" }
"name": "balanceOfAt",
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" }],
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [
{ "internalType": "address", "name": "to", "type": "address" },
{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "amount", "type": "uint256" }
"name": "claimRewards",
"outputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [
"components": [
"internalType": "uint128",
"name": "emissionPerSecond",
"type": "uint128"
"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "totalStaked",
"type": "uint256"
"internalType": "address",
"name": "underlyingAsset",
"type": "address"
"internalType": "struct DistributionTypes.AssetConfigInput[]",
"name": "assetsConfigInput",
"type": "tuple[]"
"name": "configureAssets",
"outputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [],
"name": "cooldown",
"outputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [],
"name": "decimals",
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint8", "name": "", "type": "uint8" }],
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [
{ "internalType": "address", "name": "spender", "type": "address" },
"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "subtractedValue",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "decreaseAllowance",
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "bool", "name": "", "type": "bool" }],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [
"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "fromCooldownTimestamp",
"type": "uint256"
"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "amountToReceive",
"type": "uint256"
{ "internalType": "address", "name": "toAddress", "type": "address" },
{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "toBalance", "type": "uint256" }
"name": "getNextCooldownTimestamp",
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" }],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [
{ "internalType": "address", "name": "staker", "type": "address" }
"name": "getTotalRewardsBalance",
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" }],
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [
{ "internalType": "address", "name": "user", "type": "address" },
{ "internalType": "address", "name": "asset", "type": "address" }
"name": "getUserAssetData",
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" }],
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [
{ "internalType": "address", "name": "spender", "type": "address" },
{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "addedValue", "type": "uint256" }
"name": "increaseAllowance",
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "bool", "name": "", "type": "bool" }],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [
"internalType": "contract IERC20",
"name": "stakedToken",
"type": "address"
"internalType": "contract IERC20",
"name": "rewardToken",
"type": "address"
"internalType": "contract ITransferHook",
"name": "ethixGovernance",
"type": "address"
"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "cooldownSeconds",
"type": "uint256"
"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "unstakeWindow",
"type": "uint256"
"internalType": "address",
"name": "rewardsVault",
"type": "address"
"internalType": "address",
"name": "emissionManager",
"type": "address"
"internalType": "uint128",
"name": "distributionDuration",
"type": "uint128"
"name": "initialize",
"outputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [
"internalType": "address",
"name": "emissionManager",
"type": "address"
"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "distributionDuration",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "initialize",
"outputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [],
"name": "name",
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "string", "name": "", "type": "string" }],
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [
{ "internalType": "address", "name": "to", "type": "address" },
{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "amount", "type": "uint256" }
"name": "redeem",
"outputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [
{ "internalType": "address", "name": "onBehalfOf", "type": "address" },
{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "amount", "type": "uint256" }
"name": "stake",
"outputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [{ "internalType": "address", "name": "", "type": "address" }],
"name": "stakerRewardsToClaim",
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" }],
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [{ "internalType": "address", "name": "", "type": "address" }],
"name": "stakersCooldowns",
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" }],
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [],
"name": "symbol",
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "string", "name": "", "type": "string" }],
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [],
"name": "totalSupply",
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" }],
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [
{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "snapshotId", "type": "uint256" }
"name": "totalSupplyAt",
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" }],
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [
{ "internalType": "address", "name": "recipient", "type": "address" },
{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "amount", "type": "uint256" }
"name": "transfer",
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "bool", "name": "", "type": "bool" }],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [
{ "internalType": "address", "name": "sender", "type": "address" },
{ "internalType": "address", "name": "recipient", "type": "address" },
{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "amount", "type": "uint256" }
"name": "transferFrom",
"outputs": [{ "internalType": "bool", "name": "", "type": "bool" }],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
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