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Created August 22, 2018 11:52
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pragma solidity ^0.4.23;
* @title SafeMath
* @dev Math operations with safety checks that throw on error
library SafeMath {
* @dev Multiplies two numbers, throws on overflow.
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) {
// Gas optimization: this is cheaper than asserting 'a' not being zero, but the
// benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested.
// See:
if (a == 0) {
return 0;
c = a * b;
assert(c / a == b);
return c;
* @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient.
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
// assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0
// uint256 c = a / b;
// assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
return a / b;
* @dev Subtracts two numbers, throws on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend).
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
assert(b <= a);
return a - b;
* @dev Adds two numbers, throws on overflow.
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) {
c = a + b;
assert(c >= a);
return c;
* @title Ownable
* @dev The Ownable contract has an owner address, and provides basic authorization control
* functions, this simplifies the implementation of "user permissions".
contract Ownable {
address public owner;
event OwnershipRenounced(address indexed previousOwner);
event OwnershipTransferred(
address indexed previousOwner,
address indexed newOwner
* @dev The Ownable constructor sets the original `owner` of the contract to the sender
* account.
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
* @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner.
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner);
* @dev Allows the current owner to relinquish control of the contract.
function renounceOwnership() public onlyOwner {
emit OwnershipRenounced(owner);
owner = address(0);
* @dev Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner.
* @param _newOwner The address to transfer ownership to.
function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) public onlyOwner {
* @dev Transfers control of the contract to a newOwner.
* @param _newOwner The address to transfer ownership to.
function _transferOwnership(address _newOwner) internal {
require(_newOwner != address(0));
emit OwnershipTransferred(owner, _newOwner);
owner = _newOwner;
* @title Pausable
* @dev Base contract which allows children to implement an emergency stop mechanism.
contract Pausable is Ownable {
event Pause();
event Unpause();
bool public paused = false;
* @dev Modifier to make a function callable only when the contract is not paused.
modifier whenNotPaused() {
* @dev Modifier to make a function callable only when the contract is paused.
modifier whenPaused() {
* @dev called by the owner to pause, triggers stopped state
function pause() onlyOwner whenNotPaused public {
paused = true;
emit Pause();
* @dev called by the owner to unpause, returns to normal state
function unpause() onlyOwner whenPaused public {
paused = false;
emit Unpause();
contract EthicHubReputationInterface {
modifier onlyUsersContract(){_;}
modifier onlyLendingContract(){_;}
function burnReputation(uint delayDays) external;
function incrementReputation(uint completedProjectsByTier) external;
function initLocalNodeReputation(address localNode) external;
function initCommunityReputation(address community) external;
function getCommunityReputation(address target) public view returns(uint256);
function getLocalNodeReputation(address target) public view returns(uint256);
contract EthicHubStorageInterface {
//modifier for access in sets and deletes
modifier onlyEthicHubContracts() {_;}
// Setters
function setAddress(bytes32 _key, address _value) external;
function setUint(bytes32 _key, uint _value) external;
function setString(bytes32 _key, string _value) external;
function setBytes(bytes32 _key, bytes _value) external;
function setBool(bytes32 _key, bool _value) external;
function setInt(bytes32 _key, int _value) external;
// Deleters
function deleteAddress(bytes32 _key) external;
function deleteUint(bytes32 _key) external;
function deleteString(bytes32 _key) external;
function deleteBytes(bytes32 _key) external;
function deleteBool(bytes32 _key) external;
function deleteInt(bytes32 _key) external;
// Getters
function getAddress(bytes32 _key) external view returns (address);
function getUint(bytes32 _key) external view returns (uint);
function getString(bytes32 _key) external view returns (string);
function getBytes(bytes32 _key) external view returns (bytes);
function getBool(bytes32 _key) external view returns (bool);
function getInt(bytes32 _key) external view returns (int);
contract EthicHubBase {
uint8 public version;
EthicHubStorageInterface public ethicHubStorage = EthicHubStorageInterface(0);
constructor(address _storageAddress) public {
require(_storageAddress != address(0));
ethicHubStorage = EthicHubStorageInterface(_storageAddress);
contract EthicHubLending is EthicHubBase, Ownable, Pausable {
using SafeMath for uint256;
uint256 public minContribAmount = 0.1 ether; // 0.01 ether
enum LendingState {
mapping(address => Investor) public investors;
uint256 public investorCount;
uint256 public fundingStartTime; // Start time of contribution period in UNIX time
uint256 public fundingEndTime; // End time of contribution period in UNIX time
uint256 public totalContributed;
bool public capReached;
LendingState public state;
uint256 public annualInterest;
uint256 public totalLendingAmount;
uint256 public lendingDays;
uint256 public initialEthPerFiatRate;
uint256 public totalLendingFiatAmount;
address public borrower;
address public localNode;
address public ethicHubTeam;
uint256 public borrowerReturnDate;
uint256 public borrowerReturnEthPerFiatRate;
uint256 public constant ethichubFee = 3;
uint256 public constant localNodeFee = 4;
uint256 public tier;
// interest rate is using base uint 100 and 100% 10000, this means 1% is 100
// this guarantee we can have a 2 decimal presicion in our calculation
uint256 public constant interestBaseUint = 100;
uint256 public constant interestBasePercent = 10000;
bool public localNodeFeeReclaimed;
bool public ethicHubTeamFeeReclaimed;
uint256 public surplusEth;
uint256 public returnedEth;
struct Investor {
uint256 amount;
bool isCompensated;
bool surplusEthReclaimed;
// events
event onCapReached(uint endTime);
event onContribution(uint totalContributed, address indexed investor, uint amount, uint investorsCount);
event onCompensated(address indexed contributor, uint amount);
event onSurplusSent(uint256 amount);
event onSurplusReclaimed(address indexed contributor, uint amount);
event StateChange(uint state);
event onInitalRateSet(uint rate);
event onReturnRateSet(uint rate);
event onReturnAmount(address indexed borrower, uint amount);
event onBorrowerChanged(address indexed newBorrower);
// modifiers
modifier checkProfileRegistered(string profile) {
bool isRegistered = ethicHubStorage.getBool(keccak256("user", profile, msg.sender));
modifier checkIfArbiter() {
address arbiter = ethicHubStorage.getAddress(keccak256("arbiter", this));
require(arbiter == msg.sender);
modifier onlyOwnerOrLocalNode() {
require(localNode == msg.sender || owner == msg.sender);
uint256 _fundingStartTime,
uint256 _fundingEndTime,
address _borrower,
uint256 _annualInterest,
uint256 _totalLendingAmount,
uint256 _lendingDays,
address _storageAddress,
address _localNode,
address _ethicHubTeam
public {
require(_fundingStartTime > now);
require(_fundingEndTime > fundingStartTime);
require(_borrower != address(0));
require(ethicHubStorage.getBool(keccak256("user", "representative", _borrower)));
require(_localNode != address(0));
require(_ethicHubTeam != address(0));
require(ethicHubStorage.getBool(keccak256("user", "localNode", _localNode)));
require(_totalLendingAmount > 0);
require(_lendingDays > 0);
require(_annualInterest > 0 && _annualInterest < 100);
version = 2;
fundingStartTime = _fundingStartTime;
fundingEndTime = _fundingEndTime;
localNode = _localNode;
ethicHubTeam = _ethicHubTeam;
borrower = _borrower;
annualInterest = _annualInterest;
totalLendingAmount = _totalLendingAmount;
lendingDays = _lendingDays;
state = LendingState.Uninitialized;
function saveInitialParametersToStorage(uint256 _maxDelayDays, uint256 _tier, uint256 _communityMembers, address _community) external onlyOwnerOrLocalNode {
require(_maxDelayDays != 0);
require(state == LendingState.Uninitialized);
require(_tier > 0);
require(_communityMembers > 0);
require(ethicHubStorage.getBool(keccak256("user", "community", _community)));
ethicHubStorage.setUint(keccak256("lending.maxDelayDays", this), _maxDelayDays);
ethicHubStorage.setAddress(keccak256("", this), _community);
ethicHubStorage.setAddress(keccak256("lending.localNode", this), localNode);
ethicHubStorage.setUint(keccak256("lending.tier", this), _tier);
ethicHubStorage.setUint(keccak256("lending.communityMembers", this), _communityMembers);
tier = _tier;
state = LendingState.AcceptingContributions;
emit StateChange(uint(state));
function setBorrower(address _borrower) external checkIfArbiter {
require(_borrower != address(0));
require(ethicHubStorage.getBool(keccak256("user", "representative", _borrower)));
borrower = _borrower;
emit onBorrowerChanged(borrower);
function() public payable whenNotPaused {
require(state == LendingState.AwaitingReturn || state == LendingState.AcceptingContributions || state == LendingState.ExchangingToFiat);
if(state == LendingState.AwaitingReturn) {
} else if (state == LendingState.ExchangingToFiat) {
// borrower can send surplus eth back to contract to avoid paying interest
} else {
function sendBackSurplusEth() internal {
require(state == LendingState.ExchangingToFiat);
require(msg.sender == borrower);
surplusEth = surplusEth.add(msg.value);
require(surplusEth <= totalLendingAmount);
emit onSurplusSent(msg.value);
* After the contribution period ends unsuccesfully, this method enables the contributor
* to retrieve their contribution
function declareProjectNotFunded() external onlyOwnerOrLocalNode {
require(totalContributed < totalLendingAmount);
require(state == LendingState.AcceptingContributions);
require(now > fundingEndTime);
state = LendingState.ProjectNotFunded;
emit StateChange(uint(state));
function declareProjectDefault() external onlyOwnerOrLocalNode {
require(state == LendingState.AwaitingReturn);
uint maxDelayDays = getMaxDelayDays();
require(getDelayDays(now) >= maxDelayDays);
EthicHubReputationInterface reputation = EthicHubReputationInterface(ethicHubStorage.getAddress(keccak256("", "reputation")));
require(reputation != address(0));
ethicHubStorage.setUint(keccak256("lending.delayDays", this), maxDelayDays);
state = LendingState.Default;
emit StateChange(uint(state));
function setBorrowerReturnEthPerFiatRate(uint256 _borrowerReturnEthPerFiatRate) external onlyOwnerOrLocalNode {
require(state == LendingState.AwaitingReturn);
borrowerReturnEthPerFiatRate = _borrowerReturnEthPerFiatRate;
emit onReturnRateSet(borrowerReturnEthPerFiatRate);
function finishInitialExchangingPeriod(uint256 _initialEthPerFiatRate) external onlyOwnerOrLocalNode {
require(capReached == true);
require(state == LendingState.ExchangingToFiat);
initialEthPerFiatRate = _initialEthPerFiatRate;
if (surplusEth > 0) {
totalLendingAmount = totalLendingAmount.sub(surplusEth);
totalLendingFiatAmount = totalLendingAmount.mul(initialEthPerFiatRate);
emit onInitalRateSet(initialEthPerFiatRate);
state = LendingState.AwaitingReturn;
emit StateChange(uint(state));
* Method to reclaim contribution after project is declared default (% of partial funds)
* @param beneficiary the contributor
function reclaimContributionDefault(address beneficiary) external {
require(state == LendingState.Default);
// contribution = contribution * partial_funds / total_funds
uint256 contribution = checkInvestorReturns(beneficiary);
require(contribution > 0);
investors[beneficiary].isCompensated = true;
* Method to reclaim contribution after a project is declared as not funded
* @param beneficiary the contributor
function reclaimContribution(address beneficiary) external {
require(state == LendingState.ProjectNotFunded);
uint256 contribution = investors[beneficiary].amount;
require(contribution > 0);
investors[beneficiary].isCompensated = true;
function reclaimSurplusEth(address beneficiary) external {
require(surplusEth > 0);
// only can be reclaimed after cap reduced
require(state != LendingState.ExchangingToFiat);
uint256 surplusContribution = investors[beneficiary].amount.mul(surplusEth).div(surplusEth.add(totalLendingAmount));
require(surplusContribution > 0);
investors[beneficiary].surplusEthReclaimed = true;
emit onSurplusReclaimed(beneficiary, surplusContribution);
function reclaimContributionWithInterest(address beneficiary) external {
require(state == LendingState.ContributionReturned);
uint256 contribution = checkInvestorReturns(beneficiary);
require(contribution > 0);
investors[beneficiary].isCompensated = true;
function reclaimLocalNodeFee() external {
require(state == LendingState.ContributionReturned);
require(localNodeFeeReclaimed == false);
uint256 fee = totalLendingFiatAmount.mul(localNodeFee).mul(interestBaseUint).div(interestBasePercent).div(borrowerReturnEthPerFiatRate);
require(fee > 0);
localNodeFeeReclaimed = true;
function reclaimEthicHubTeamFee() external {
require(state == LendingState.ContributionReturned);
require(ethicHubTeamFeeReclaimed == false);
uint256 fee = totalLendingFiatAmount.mul(ethichubFee).mul(interestBaseUint).div(interestBasePercent).div(borrowerReturnEthPerFiatRate);
require(fee > 0);
ethicHubTeamFeeReclaimed = true;
function returnBorrowedEth() internal {
require(state == LendingState.AwaitingReturn);
require(msg.sender == borrower);
require(borrowerReturnEthPerFiatRate > 0);
bool projectRepayed = false;
uint excessRepayment = 0;
uint newReturnedEth = 0;
emit onReturnAmount(msg.sender, msg.value);
(newReturnedEth, projectRepayed, excessRepayment) = calculatePaymentGoal(
returnedEth = newReturnedEth;
if (projectRepayed == true) {
state = LendingState.ContributionReturned;
emit StateChange(uint(state));
if (excessRepayment > 0) {
// @notice Function to participate in contribution period
// Amounts from the same address should be added up
// If cap is reached, end time should be modified
// Funds should be transferred into multisig wallet
// @param contributor Address
function contributeWithAddress(address contributor) internal checkProfileRegistered('investor') whenNotPaused {
require(state == LendingState.AcceptingContributions);
require(msg.value >= minContribAmount);
uint oldTotalContributed = totalContributed;
uint newTotalContributed = 0;
uint excessContribValue = 0;
(newTotalContributed, capReached, excessContribValue) = calculatePaymentGoal(
totalContributed = newTotalContributed;
if (capReached) {
fundingEndTime = now;
emit onCapReached(fundingEndTime);
if (investors[contributor].amount == 0) {
investorCount = investorCount.add(1);
if (excessContribValue > 0) {
investors[contributor].amount = investors[contributor].amount.add(msg.value).sub(excessContribValue);
emit onContribution(newTotalContributed, contributor, msg.value.sub(excessContribValue), investorCount);
} else {
investors[contributor].amount = investors[contributor].amount.add(msg.value);
emit onContribution(newTotalContributed, contributor, msg.value, investorCount);
function calculatePaymentGoal(uint goal, uint oldTotal, uint contribValue) internal pure returns(uint, bool, uint) {
uint newTotal = oldTotal.add(contribValue);
bool goalReached = false;
uint excess = 0;
if (newTotal >= goal && oldTotal < goal) {
goalReached = true;
excess = newTotal.sub(goal);
contribValue = contribValue.sub(excess);
newTotal = goal;
return (newTotal, goalReached, excess);
function sendFundsToBorrower() external onlyOwnerOrLocalNode {
//Waiting for Exchange
require(state == LendingState.AcceptingContributions);
state = LendingState.ExchangingToFiat;
emit StateChange(uint(state));
function updateReputation() internal {
uint delayDays = getDelayDays(now);
EthicHubReputationInterface reputation = EthicHubReputationInterface(ethicHubStorage.getAddress(keccak256("", "reputation")));
require(reputation != address(0));
if (delayDays > 0) {
ethicHubStorage.setUint(keccak256("lending.delayDays", this), delayDays);
} else {
uint completedProjectsByTier = ethicHubStorage.getUint(keccak256("community.completedProjectsByTier", this, tier)).add(1);
ethicHubStorage.setUint(keccak256("community.completedProjectsByTier", this, tier), completedProjectsByTier);
function getDelayDays(uint date) public view returns(uint) {
uint lendingDaysSeconds = lendingDays * 1 days;
uint defaultTime = fundingEndTime.add(lendingDaysSeconds);
if (date < defaultTime) {
return 0;
} else {
return date.sub(defaultTime).div(60).div(60).div(24);
// lendingInterestRate with 2 decimal
// 15 * (lending days)/ 365 + 4% local node fee + 3% LendingDev fee
function lendingInterestRatePercentage() public view returns(uint256){
return annualInterest.mul(interestBaseUint).mul(lendingDays.add(getDelayDays(now))).div(365).add(localNodeFee.mul(interestBaseUint)).add(ethichubFee.mul(interestBaseUint)).add(interestBasePercent);
// lendingInterestRate with 2 decimal
function investorInterest() public view returns(uint256){
return annualInterest.mul(interestBaseUint).mul(lendingDays.add(getDelayDays(now))).div(365).add(interestBasePercent);
function borrowerReturnFiatAmount() public view returns(uint256) {
return totalLendingFiatAmount.mul(lendingInterestRatePercentage()).div(interestBasePercent);
function borrowerReturnAmount() public view returns(uint256) {
return borrowerReturnFiatAmount().div(borrowerReturnEthPerFiatRate);
function isContribPeriodRunning() public view returns(bool) {
return fundingStartTime <= now && fundingEndTime > now && !capReached;
function checkInvestorContribution(address investor) public view returns(uint256){
return investors[investor].amount;
function checkInvestorReturns(address investor) public view returns(uint256) {
uint256 investorAmount = 0;
if (state == LendingState.ContributionReturned) {
investorAmount = investors[investor].amount;
if (surplusEth > 0){
investorAmount = investors[investor].amount.mul(totalLendingAmount).div(totalContributed);
return investorAmount.mul(initialEthPerFiatRate).mul(investorInterest()).div(borrowerReturnEthPerFiatRate).div(interestBasePercent);
} else if (state == LendingState.Default){
investorAmount = investors[investor].amount;
// contribution = contribution * partial_funds / total_funds
return investorAmount.mul(returnedEth).div(totalLendingAmount);
} else {
return 0;
function getMaxDelayDays() public view returns(uint256){
return ethicHubStorage.getUint(keccak256("lending.maxDelayDays", this));
function getUserContributionReclaimStatus(address userAddress) public view returns(bool isCompensated, bool surplusEthReclaimed){
isCompensated = investors[userAddress].isCompensated;
surplusEthReclaimed = investors[userAddress].surplusEthReclaimed;
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