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Created July 24, 2011 16:13
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Euler problem 10 in Clojure
(defn sieve-of-era
"Generate the primes upto N based on sieve of erastothenes"
([num] (sieve-of-era [] num (range 2 num)))
([primes num sieve]
(let [x (first sieve)]
(def divisible? (fn [divisor num] (zero? (rem num divisor))))
(def remaining (fn [coll x] (remove (partial divisible? x) coll)))
;optimisation - enough to remove until current prime ^ 2 < limit
(if (>= (* x x) num) (concat primes sieve)
(recur (conj primes x) num (remaining (rest sieve) x))))))
(defn euler-10 [num]
(reduce + (sieve-of-era num)))
(time (println (euler-10 2000000)))
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