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Created April 17, 2015 20:44
#Define some input data.
$l = 1..5 | Foreach-Object {
Name = "jsmith$_"
Birthday = (Get-Date).adddays(-1)
$r = 4..7 | Foreach-Object{
Department = "Department $_"
Name = "Department $_"
Manager = "jsmith$_"
#Export it to a spreadsheet with specific worksheet names
$l | export-xlsx -Path C:\temp\Join.xlsx -WorksheetName Left
$r | export-xlsx -Path C:\temp\Join.xlsx -WorksheetName Right
#Get the worksheets:
$Excel = New-Excel -Path C:\temp\Join.xlsx
$LeftWorksheet = Get-Worksheet -Excel $Excel -Name 'Left'
$RightWorksheet = Get-WorkSheet -Excel $Excel -Name 'Right'
#We have the data - join it where Left.Name = Right.Manager
Join-Worksheet -Path C:\temp\Merged.xlsx -LeftWorksheet $LeftWorksheet -RightWorksheet $RightWorksheet -LeftJoinColumn Name -RightJoinColumn Manager
$Excel | Close-Excel
#Verify the output:
Import-XLSX -Path C:\temp\Merged.xlsx
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