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Created August 16, 2014 23:38
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Quick and dirty PowerShell Tricks
# A few handy tricks I use on a daily basis, from various sources
# Running with UAC and already elevated? No prompts if you call things from here : )
New-Alias -name hyperv -Value "$env:windir\system32\virtmgmt.msc"
New-Alias -name vsphere -value "C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Infrastructure\Virtual Infrastructure Client\Launcher\VpxClient.exe"
New-Alias -Name n -Value "C:\Tools\NotePad2\notepad2.exe"
New-Alias -name RSAT -Value "C:\Tools\Custom.msc"
# Quickly build arrays
echo computer1 computer2 computer3
1..10 | %{"Computer$_"}
1..100 | %{"Computer{0:D3}" -f $_}
# Not familiar with vim, emacs, sublime, etc? Use PowerShell to Quickly build up text!
( 1..100 | %{"`"Computer{0:D3}`"" -f $_} ) -join ", "
gci C:\temp | select -ExpandProperty fullname | %{"`"$_`","}
1..100 | %{"'Computer{0:D3}'," -f $_}
# Quickly build up an array of IP addresses
New-IPRange -Start -End -Exclude 0,1,255
<# Exclude via a few modifications
#In the param block
[int[]]$Exclude = @( 0, 1, 255 )
# instead of just joining the IP on '.', check if it's in the exclusion array
if($Exclude -notcontains $ip[3])
$ip -join '.'
# Work with parameterized SQL queries? Don't hard code the queries...
$SQLParameters = @{
ComputerName = 'Server1'
SomeColumn = "SomeValue"
SomeColumn2 = 5
$query = "UPDATE [Database].[dbo].[Table] SET $( $( foreach($key in $SQLParameters.keys){ "$key = @$key" } ) -join ", " )"
$query = "INSERT INTO [Database].[dbo].[Table] ($($SQLParameters.keys -join ", ")) VALUES ($( $( foreach($key in $SQLParameters.keys){ "@$key" } ) -join ", " ))"
Invoke-Sqlcmd2 -ServerInstance SomeServer -Database Database -Query $query -SqlParameters $SQLParameters
# Regularly need alternate credentials, and no password management system with an API? Use the DPAPI
#Keep in mind this is restricted to the account running this command, on the computer where PowerShell executed the command
#One time - export any credentials you regularly need
Expore-PSCredential -Credential $SomeESXCredentials -Path \\Some\Secure$\ESXCreds.xml
#Any time you need them, or in you profile, load up the creds
$CredESX = Import-PSCredential -Path \\Some\Secure$\ESXCreds.xml
# What was the code in that Function again?
Open-ISEFunction Invoke-Sqlcmd2, Open-ISEFunction
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