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Last active October 27, 2021 14:41
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Clojure next.jdbc and SQLite datetime goodness
;; problem: date, time, datetime, and timestamp types in sqlite are basically just strings or numbers.
;; the sqlite jdbc driver doesn't coerce them into Timestamp, Date or Time types by default
;; but we want to use proper java.time types!
;; solution: supply a builder-fn [0] that correctly returns java.sql.{Date,Time,Timestamp} types (and Boolean while were at it)
;; [0]:
(def builder-fn
(fn [builder ^ResultSet rs ^Integer i]
(let [rsm ^ResultSetMetaData (:rsmeta builder)
col-type-name (.getColumnTypeName rsm i)]
(#{"DATE"} col-type-name) (when-let [v (.getString rs i)] (java.time.LocalDate/parse v))
(#{"TIME"} col-type-name) (.getTime rs i)
(#{"DATETIME" "TIMESTAMP"} col-type-name) (.getTimestamp rs i)
(#{"BIT" "BOOL" "BOOLEAN"} col-type-name) (.getBoolean rs i)
:else (.getObject rs i))
;; teach next.jdbc how to coerce from the java.sql.{Date,Time,Timestamp) types to java.time.{LocalDate,LocalTime,Instant}
(extend-protocol next.jdbc.result-set/ReadableColumn
(read-column-by-label [^java.sql.Timestamp v _]
(.toInstant v))
(read-column-by-index [^java.sql.Timestamp v _2 _3]
(.toInstant v))
(read-column-by-label [^java.sql.Date v _]
(.toLocalDate v))
(read-column-by-index [^java.sql.Date v _2 _3]
(.toLocalDate v))
(read-column-by-label [^java.sql.Time v _]
(.toLocalTime v))
(read-column-by-index [^java.sql.Time v _2 _3]
(.toLocalTime v)))
;; Using hugsql? Then make this builder-fn the default
;; docs:
(hugsql/set-adapter! (next-adapter/hugsql-adapter-next-jdbc {:builder-fn builder-fn}))
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