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Last active March 28, 2023 21:07
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Dwarf Fortress Notes



My advice is to count the number of milkable animals (N) and set up a job for (N) milkings repeating every month (animals get milk every month). Then set up a job for making 1 cheese. Set 'c'onditions for that job: 'r'eagents at least 4 unrotten milk items (or how many you want -- just allows you to ensure that you have certain milk stack sizes for making bigger cheese stacks).

The bad thing is that you can't change N without removing the job and redoing it, so you have to remember to do that every year as the number of milk producers increase.

Just as a bonus, you can do something similar with shearing. Wool gets long enough in 10 months. So if you have 10 sheep, shear 1 sheep a month. You will get cancellation spam if the timing doesn't work out, but only one a month.


From the wiki, dwarves need 2 units of food each season and 4 units of drink per season. Prepared meals all count as 1 unit of food, the larger meals use more ingredients and increase the value.

Workshop layouts



Example work order to ensure there are 10 large wooden pots on hand (click to show/hide)

Go to the workshop and create a work order for 10 large wood pots as in the bed example above.
Press 'c' to change the conditions for the work order.
Press '++' to change the frequency to "Restarts if completed, checked monthly".
Press 'a' to add an item condition.
Press 'i' to change item type.  Type in the word 'pot' and select "large pots", press 'enter'.
Press 'q' to change the inequality to "at most".  Remember that this is a condition to create the work order.  If you already have 100 large pots you probably don't need 10 more.
Press 'n' to change the number, type in 10.  Then 'esc' out.
There is now a work order to create 10 large pots any time (checking once per month) the number available falls below 10.  Once the manager approves the work order, it will be set and you can forget about large pots as long as there is wood on hand.

Example: Wooden Bolts Up to a Certain Amount

Use work orders to specify doing wooden bolts until you have x amount of wooden bolts.

Set up a wooden bolt creation task.
In the task [c]onditions create a condition from [p]roducts.
With this "amount of bolts" condition selected, go to change [t]raits.
Search for "Plant items", and select it. This'll give you a condition based on "Plant bolts".
In DF, wood counts as a plant, which means you can set a limit of "amount of plant bolts available is at most x" which'll allow you to limit how many wooden bolts you make for your training marksdwarfs!



keep the uniform simple, so something like:

  • metal helm
  • metal mail shirt
  • metal breastplate
  • metal gauntlets
  • metal greaves
  • metal high boots
  • wooden shield
  • weapon

Go for exact matches and replace clothing. I do not bother with things like socks and gloves and such as I believe that they can cause a problem. source: `/u/sionlife

Fortress Ideas

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