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Created April 29, 2020 15:48
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# Creating a tree-map plot for the total covid19 confirmed cases in Italy
# Required packages
# Check for updates
#if updates available you will have to restart your session and reload the covid19italy package
# Get the most recent data
conf_cases <- italy_province %>%
filter(date == max(date)) %>%
select(province_name, total_cases) %>%
mutate(parents = "Confirmed")
# Create a treemap for the confirmed cases by province
plot_ly(data = conf_cases,
type= "treemap",
values = ~total_cases,
labels= ~ province_name,
parents= ~parents,
domain = list(column=0),
name = "Confirmed",
textinfo="label+value+percent parent") %>%
layout(title = "Covid19 Italy - Confirmed Cases Distribution by Province")
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