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Last active April 4, 2024 13:49
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The code from my video on how to view an excel file or Pandas Dataframe inside Tkinter (with comments)
# Youtube Link:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog, messagebox, ttk
import pandas as pd
# initalise the tkinter GUI
root = tk.Tk()
root.geometry("500x500") # set the root dimensions
root.pack_propagate(False) # tells the root to not let the widgets inside it determine its size.
root.resizable(0, 0) # makes the root window fixed in size.
# Frame for TreeView
frame1 = tk.LabelFrame(root, text="Excel Data"), width=500)
# Frame for open file dialog
file_frame = tk.LabelFrame(root, text="Open File"), width=400, rely=0.65, relx=0)
# Buttons
button1 = tk.Button(file_frame, text="Browse A File", command=lambda: File_dialog()), relx=0.50)
button2 = tk.Button(file_frame, text="Load File", command=lambda: Load_excel_data()), relx=0.30)
# The file/file path text
label_file = ttk.Label(file_frame, text="No File Selected"), relx=0)
## Treeview Widget
tv1 = ttk.Treeview(frame1), relwidth=1) # set the height and width of the widget to 100% of its container (frame1).
treescrolly = tk.Scrollbar(frame1, orient="vertical", command=tv1.yview) # command means update the yaxis view of the widget
treescrollx = tk.Scrollbar(frame1, orient="horizontal", command=tv1.xview) # command means update the xaxis view of the widget
tv1.configure(xscrollcommand=treescrollx.set, yscrollcommand=treescrolly.set) # assign the scrollbars to the Treeview Widget
treescrollx.pack(side="bottom", fill="x") # make the scrollbar fill the x axis of the Treeview widget
treescrolly.pack(side="right", fill="y") # make the scrollbar fill the y axis of the Treeview widget
def File_dialog():
"""This Function will open the file explorer and assign the chosen file path to label_file"""
filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir="/",
title="Select A File",
filetype=(("xlsx files", "*.xlsx"),("All Files", "*.*")))
label_file["text"] = filename
return None
def Load_excel_data():
"""If the file selected is valid this will load the file into the Treeview"""
file_path = label_file["text"]
excel_filename = r"{}".format(file_path)
if excel_filename[-4:] == ".csv":
df = pd.read_csv(excel_filename)
df = pd.read_excel(excel_filename)
except ValueError:
tk.messagebox.showerror("Information", "The file you have chosen is invalid")
return None
except FileNotFoundError:
tk.messagebox.showerror("Information", f"No such file as {file_path}")
return None
tv1["column"] = list(df.columns)
tv1["show"] = "headings"
for column in tv1["columns"]:
tv1.heading(column, text=column) # let the column heading = column name
df_rows = df.to_numpy().tolist() # turns the dataframe into a list of lists
for row in df_rows:
tv1.insert("", "end", values=row) # inserts each list into the treeview. For parameters see
return None
def clear_data():
return None
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Hey, thanks for the script, I don´t know why I´m having an unsupported file issue whenever I try to load an .xlsx or .xls. Does anyone know what could be going on?

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ounadi commented Oct 12, 2021

I got this error running my code in jupyter notebook in Mac OS big sure , i copied exactly the same code you used , can you please help me figure out the error?
Screenshot 2021-10-12 at 11 20 29 AM

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Amazing vision for the script, and the incredible skills to make it a reality! Thank you. For the user to choose xlsx files however increases the variability in needing to select alternative tabs/worksheets, and would also increase complexity, as well as potential formatting issues available in xlsx, but not csv, perhaps/presumably encountered above, like with merged cells. Thinking of trying to restrict this variability by changing to only read csv files in order to minimize these types of variability. Thanks again for such a powerful demonstration of what's possible!

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kelsonc commented May 10, 2022

Eu recebi esse erro ao executar meu código no notebook jupyter no Mac OS grande com certeza, copiei exatamente o mesmo código que você usou, você pode me ajudar a descobrir o erro? Captura de tela 12/10/2021 às 11 20 29 AM

Hello @ounadi,
You must change 'filetype' to 'filetypes'.

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Can 2 sheets be read from the same file and display onto the Treeview/Frame?

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hi, why when i open file with .csv format, the program just show dialogbox "The file you have chosen is invalid"?

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