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Created April 10, 2015 22:44
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Abel et Cain TEI
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml"
<TEI xmlns="">
<!--In the line below, insert the title of the poem. If the poem begins with an article, remove leading article from the title in the element value - and include the complete title in a rend attribute.-->
<title>Abel et Caïn</title>
<author>Charles Baudelaire</author>
<resp>Basic Markup</resp>
<!--In the line below, Insert your initials as the XML id and your name between the tags-->
<name xml:id="ZB">Zora Breeding</name>
<resp>Critical Apparatus</resp>
<!--In the line below, Insert your initials as the XML id and your name between the tags-->
<name ref="#ZB">Zora Breeding</name>
<sponsor>Jean and Alexander Heard Library</sponsor>
<!--Below, insert the number of the poem, according to the established protocol-->
<publisher>Jean and Alexander Heard Library</publisher>
<addrLine>Jean and Alexander Heard Library</addrLine>
<addrLine>419 21st Avenue South</addrLine>
<addrLine>Nashville, TN 37203</addrLine>
<witness xml:id="U1857">
<desc>1857 Unexpurgated</desc>
<title>Les Fleurs du Mal</title>
<author>Charles Baudelaire</author>
<publisher>Poulet-Malassis et De Broise</publisher>
<note>Original edition with condemned pieces</note>
<extent>248 p.</extent>
<witness xml:id="FDM1861">
<desc>1861 2nd edition censored</desc>
<title>Les Fleurs du Mal</title>
<author>Charles Baudelaire</author>
<publisher>Poulet-Malassis et De Broise</publisher>
<note>2nd edition augmented by 35 new poems and ornamented with a
portrait of the author drawn and engraved by Felix Bracquemond</note>
<extent> 319 p.</extent>
<witness xml:id="FDM1868">
<desc>1868 3rd edition - posthumous xml:id="1868"</desc>
<title>Oeuvres Complètes de Charles Baudelaire</title>
<author>Charles Baudelaire</author>
<editor>Théophile Gautier</editor>
<publisher>Michel Lévy Frères</publisher>
<note>Volume 1 contains Les Fleurs du Mal</note>
<extent>7 volumes</extent>
<!-- create witList in sourceDesc with the different editions and their bib data
-1. 1857 Unexpurgated xml:id="U1857"
-2. 1857 Expurgated xml:id="E1857"
-3. 1861 2nd edition censored xml:id="FDM1861"
-4. 1866 Les Epaves xml:id="1866"
-5. 1868 3rd edition - posthumous xml:id="1868"
-<p>The Project Gutenberg EBook of Les Fleurs du Mal, by Charles Baudelaire This eBook is
-for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever.
-You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg
-License included with this eBook or online at Title: Les Fleurs du
-Mal Author: Charles Baudelaire Posting Date: September 11, 2012 [EBook #6099] Release
-Date: July, 2004 First Posted: November 5, 2002 Language: French Character set
-encoding: ISO-8859-1 </p>
-<p>Produced by Tonya Allen, Julie Barkley, Juliet Sutherland, Charles Franks and the
-Online Distributed Proofreading Team.</p>
<div type="poem">
<title type="main">ABEL ET <app>
<lem wit="#U1857">CAIN</lem>
<rdg wit="#FDM1861 #FDM1868">CAÏN</rdg>
<!-- This is the encoding we were hoping to use, but it only works for the first <head> element and not the second. <head><app><lem wit="#U1857"/><rdg wit="#FDM1861 #FDM1868">I</rdg></app></head> -->
<lg type="stanza" subtype="couplet" n="1">
<l n="1">Race d'Abel, dors, bois et mange<app>
<lem wit="#U1857">:</lem>
<rdg wit="#FDM1861 #FDM1868">;</rdg>
<l n="2">Dieu te sourit complaisamment<app>
<lem wit="#U1857">.</lem>
<rdg wit="#FDM1861 #FDM1868">,</rdg>
<lg type="stanza" subtype="couplet" n="2">
<l n="3">Race de Caïn, dans la fange</l>
<l n="4">Rampe et meurs misérablement.</l>
<lg type="stanza" subtype="couplet" n="3">
<l n="5">Race d'Abel, ton sacrifice</l>
<l n="6">Flatte le nez du Séraphin!</l>
<lg type="stanza" subtype="couplet" n="4">
<l n="7">Race de Caïn, ton supplice</l>
<l n="8">Aura-t-il jamais une fin?</l>
<lg type="stanza" subtype="couplet" n="5">
<l n="9">Race d'Abel, vois tes semailles</l>
<l n="10">Et ton bétail venir à bien;</l>
<lg type="stanza" subtype="couplet" n="6">
<l n="11">Race de Caïn, tes entrailles</l>
<l n="12">Hurlent la faim comme un vieux chien.</l>
<lg type="stanza" subtype="couplet" n="7">
<l n="13">Race d'Abel, chauffe ton ventre</l>
<l n="14">À ton foyer patriarcal;</l>
<lg type="stanza" subtype="couplet" n="8">
<l n="15">Race de Caïn, dans ton antre</l>
<l n="16">Tremble de froid, pauvre chacal!</l>
<lg type="stanza" subtype="couplet" n="9">
<l n="17">Race d'Abel, <app>
<lem wit="#U1857">sans peur</lem>
<rdg wit="#FDM1861 #FDM1868">aime et</rdg>
</app> pullule<app>
<lem wit="#U1857">:</lem>
<rdg wit="#FDM1861 #FDM1868">!</rdg>
<l n="18"><app>
<lem wit="#U1857">L'argent fait aussi ses</lem>
<rdg wit="#FDM1861 #FDM1868">Ton or fait aussi des</rdg>
</app> petits<app>
<lem wit="U1857 ">;</lem>
<rdg wit="#FDM1861 #FDM1868">.</rdg>
<lg type="stanza" subtype="couplet" n="10">
<l n="19">Race de Caïn, <app>
<lem wit="#U1857">ton</lem>
<rdg wit="#FDM1861 #FDM1868"/>
</app>coeur <app>
<lem wit="#U1857"/>
<rdg wit="#FDM1861 #FDM1868">qui</rdg>
</app> brûle<app>
<lem wit="#U1857">;</lem>
<rdg wit="#FDM1861 #FDM1868">,</rdg>
<l n="20"><app>
<lem wit="#U1857">Eteins ces cruels</lem>
<rdg wit="#FDM1861 #FDM1868">Prends garde à ces grands</rdg>
</app> appétits.</l>
<lg type="stanza" subtype="couplet" n="11">
<l n="21">Race d'Abel, tu croîs et broutes</l>
<l n="22">Comme les punaises des bois!</l>
<lg type="stanza" subtype="couplet" n="12">
<l n="23">Race de Caïn, sur les routes</l>
<l n="24">Traîne ta famille aux abois.</l>
<!-- The second heading, II, would appear here -->
<lg type="stanza" subtype="couplet" n="13">
<l n="25"><app>
<lem wit="#U1857">—</lem>
<rdg wit="#FDM1861 #FDM1868"/>
</app>Ah! race d'Abel, ta charogne</l>
<l n="26">Engraissera le sol fumant!</l>
<lg type="stanza" subtype="couplet" n="14">
<l n="27">Race de Caïn, ta besogne</l>
<l n="28">N'est pas faite suffisamment;</l>
<lg type="stanza" subtype="couplet" n="15">
<l n="29">Race d'Abel, voici ta honte:</l>
<l n="30">Le fer est vaincu par l'épieu!</l>
<lg type="stanza" subtype="couplet" n="16">
<l n="31">Race de Caïn, au ciel monte,</l>
<l n="32">Et sur la terre jette Dieu!</l>
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